Improving Strain Measurement Quality with Signal Conditioning

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Did you know that proper signal conditioning is critical in getting an accurate measurement of any signal. It is the first step of computerized data acquisition.
Signal Conditioning Systems: High-performance, microprocessor controlled signal conditioning amplifiers are used for strain gage ( and other sensors) data acquisition.

Advanced features include automatic zero, balance and calibration, computer monitoring and display of excitation and output, operator warnings for out of limit conditions, and digital data storage for transient and waveform capture. Graphical user interface software is available for Windows and LabVIEW.

I/O modules configure the 6100 to your specific needs. Pacific offers a broad selection of modules providing a high degree of flexibility, accuracy and performance. Series 6100 I/O Modules condition, amplify, filter and output high level signals to external data acquisition systems. Modules are selected according to functional and performance requirements for your application.

Signal Conditioning I/O Modules

Signal Conditioning Systems:

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¿Sabes que un adecuado acondicionamiento de la señal es crítico para obtener una medición precisa de cualquier señal? Es el primer paso de la adquisición de datos informatizada. Pacific Instruments ofrece una amplia selección de módulos que proporcionan un alto grado de flexibilidad, precisión y rendimiento. Los módulos de entrada/salida (I/O) de la serie 6100 acondicionan, amplifican, filtran y emiten señales de alto nivel a sistemas externos de adquisición de datos.
