Live as What You Are: Pure Awareness, Empty of Ego - Shunyamurti Classic Teaching

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How do we change the destiny of humanity? In this classic teaching, recorded in December 2012, Shunyamurti reminds us that the essence of the cosmos is consciousness not matter, and that we must stop running away from this Truth and realize the nondual Reality: we are the One Self, but we have been conditioned to believe otherwise. To get out of this trap, we must un-educate ourselves from the patterns of thoughts and implanted conditionings and recognize the freedom that Truth brings while the portal to change is open.

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[To All Who Listen to Shunyamurti’s Teachings: Thank you all for your serious consideration of these ideas, which are intended to help you live a more coherent, peaceful, creative, compassionate, and productive life, and to be of service to the welfare of our world. We understand that our approach to existential concerns is not for everyone. We honor your right to disagree with these ideas and to stop listening if you do not like them. We gladly post comments with disagreements, if they are stated in a positive and mature manner, that allows civilized discourse about your own contrary ideas, and which may spark further useful and profound thought about the important issues that the teachings raise. If there are sincere questions about the teachings, or misunderstandings that can be clarified, Shunyamurti is always ready and willing to respond with helpful elaborations and even to cite texts and other authors whose writings may be of assistance to serious seekers. But comments that are simply angry and insulting, immature and unreasonable, will be removed because they undermine the educational and inspirational purpose of this project. Those who have questions that are more personal should write us in a private email and one of the teachers in our wisdom school will respond in the same way, or if the question is a very subtle or difficult one and requires a response from Shunyamurti, we will forward it to him on your behalf, and when he can, he will respond personally. By the way, we want to clarify that these teachings are new, they are not simply a repetition of old traditional teachings, but integrate current thought in the sciences, psychology, cultural studies, and philosophy. Shunyamurti speaks from his own realizations and deep clinical experience as a healer.]

#satsang #spirituality #awakening #advaita #satyoga
Рекомендации по теме

In my 74 years, no one has been able to bring me to meditate except for Shunyamurti and may I say how truly grateful I am for that🙏


It's a beautiful ride for those who can recognize we are born with everything we need. Be as little children and see the magic of being.


We need a class on how to educate the child outside the system


It pains and strains so much to reach the one, the one that is peaceful in its total and oneness. But you have been there and you have experienced it and you know it will come back again, again and again... until all is one and one is peaceful with all.


Pleasure has it's limit whereas happiness don't 🎩


His words touch my heart as it often does . gratitude 🙏.


May your days be blessed, and your path be guided. Thank you for your encouraging messages. It has been a difficult but blessed time. I am happy to be alive and to be present. This is a miraculous place to be.


One time, a thing occurred to me
What's real and what's for sale
Blew a kiss and tried to take it home

It isn't you, isn't me
Search for things that you can't see
Going blind out of reach
Somewhere in the vasoline

Two times, and it has rendered me
Punch drunk and without bail
Think I'd be safer all alone
Flies in the vasoline we are
Sometimes, it blows my mind
Keep getting stuck here all the time

It isn't you, isn't me
Search for things that you can't see
Going blind out of reach
Somewhere in the vasoline

You'll see the look
And you'll see the lies <- 5:17
You'll eat the lies
And you will

Flies in the vasoline we are
Sometimes, it blows my mind
Keep getting stuck here all the time

It isn't you, isn't me
Search for things that you can't see
Going blind out of reach
Somewhere in the vasoline

By Stone Temple Pilots


This answers my question concerning the word Evolution. evolving has led us to believe that we are LESS THAN... something greater. and have to EARN our way towards something better.
Consciousness is working in tandem with Energy, co creating "matter" only to find out that matter is an illusion, there is nothing evolving, there is only Consciousness playing and changing form, and each form is only a dream, a vision, that disappears in the mist.


All that exists is states of the One Essence. If you were not that Essence, you could not perceive. Because to perceive, One must become the perception. Therefore the Essence is Consciousness, it's logically deduced!

Which is why I love Shunyamurti! 🙏


Truly Beautiful Teachings
Thank You Shunyamurti
Namaste 🙏


Cool hair
& beard!
I have the printed version of your Tao.
We are homesteading in Kentucky and the book just sits right with Grace, whenever & wherever I am inspired to sing along in my head as I read the beautiful poems.
Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude


This man, Being, human expression of The One Self, is pure gold. We are very lucky to have him, especially in these times. I've been to the top of the mountain, (and thrust back down, violently, a few times). This man is one of the all time best


I don't know where I would be today without these teachings. Eternally thankful.


Thank you always for your Divine inspiration x


Beautiful beyond beautiful. Thank you so much, beyond thank you. 🙏🏽


Thank you Shunya 🙏, you make my hartchakra glow like a sun 🌟💖


Thank you for always explaining it so deeply.
I refuse to let the ego mind to take me for a ride all my life.
Your teachings have really helped me let go alot.
I appreciate this knowledge and teaching as it's helping me Transcend each day.


I would love to attend one of your retreats. Your words really resonate with me.


Why does the world want us at such a low vibration state? Why can't it promote all the good qualities so we all can excel & ascend?
