Dr. Francis Collins: 'I don’t see a conflict' between science and faith

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In this web exclusive, Dr. Francis Collins, the retiring director of the National Institutes of Health, talks with correspondent Rita Braver about juxtaposing scientific rigor with religion, and says that, while science is good at answering questions that start with "How?," faith is sometimes better at answering questions that begin with "Why?"

Don't miss Braver's interview with Dr. Collins on "CBS Sunday Morning" December 19.
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I regard our Creator as the Supreme Scientist, and don't feel that science and religion contradict each other at all. When there appear to be discrepancies, it's because our understanding of things is light-years behind God's knowledge. Scientists are discovering things all the time that make us rethink something we thought to be true. We need to be less arrogant, and develop the humility that will allow us to seek truth and understanding more effectively. I really look forward to one day learning how the entire universe works! I'm sure it will be more mind-blowing than the craziest sci-fi theories.


Some people in the comments think that faith in a Creator and real science cannot coexist . I myself believe in a Creator and that evolution is real. You don't have to choose one side or the other in life. Use science to discover the physical and faith for the spiritual. Don't go overboard with the religious opinions and keep double checking your science so that you do your best to find the facts. Use the brain that the Creator gave you.


I value Francis Collins as a man of science and faith. He taught me that science and religion can coexist and you can have both. Now, I have seen videos where people criticize his arguments and such and I see what people mean and say. But despite that I like him! I value him! I see no problem with science and religion. You can be a scientist and be religious, the right to religious freedom should be for everyone. As long as their beliefs don't interfere with their work. I see science as away of understanding God's creation.


I am not a believer, but it sounds like this man has a levelheaded approach to the science/religion thing. 🌍


I am a former agnostic. A near death experience brought me back to the believing world. All I struggle with now is which religion to follow. Honestly, the only two I am interested in are Christianity and Buddhism. I hope God will guide me to the appropriate faith before I die.


God bless you sir! Your a breathe of fresh air & such a blessing to my heart. It touched my soul to just witness your faith. I see righteousness and truth. I feel totally blessed to hear your story. Would love to hear you testify more about your experiences with your journey in life. Merry Christmas & the most Blessed of New Years to you & your family. #MadeMyDay


Thoughtfully and well-stated. (His singing is a separate matter.)


As a pretty solid agnostic, I gotta say, off course they can coexist. Science will never answer the "why" and honestly will never answer the "how" as I believe that there are limits to what we will learn in the natural world. that said, religion cannot help directly with practical matters.


He doesn't see a conflict between science and faith because he doesn't understand science.

Like his question of 'why am I here' Well faith gives a nonsense answer that doesn't match what science says.
Science proves that we are the natural produce of natural processes.
Science also answers morality, what it, why its useful, and why we are 'drawn' to it.
Science can also answer why you are touched beauty and music.
No one should need faith for those things. And in fact the 'answers' that faith have given have never been shown to be right.


Seeing hes estranged from BOTH, i dont see a problem with this


I have trouble seeing how there isn’t a conflict because science is about believing only what can be proven and faith is about believing in something even when you can’t see the proof right in front of you


Merry Christmas everyone! God bless us!


The "conflict" between science and faith comes when morality is pressured by worldly temptations and power. Collins understands this as he led the coverup of the origins of SARS/CoV2 in early 2020 and also agreed with the NIH deciding patents on the human genome (Collins headed the Human Genome Project) was ok, even though GOD authored the genome.


I cannot believe this man of science just said you need religion to understand morality


The bigger problem comes when people use personal "beliefs" or "bigotries" and claim that their religion commands them to follow them. It's really an excuse to be less than human. And they use that argument to try and get around the law. And then you have all these religions that use control as their main guideline. Do this. Don't do that. It can be useful for somethings and complete nonsense on others. If faith creates something positive then great but if it creates something negative then not great.


La filosofía es la que comienza con las dudas y las preguntas que este tipo plantea.


The GD vs. Science debate is a Fallacy. There is no competition where one crowds out or subjugates the other. Science looks at the known (occasionally unknown) Universe and uses tools and techniques to help explain our environment. How is that measured against what people choose to believe?
A belief system isn’t Science, it’s a Choice.
I’ve examined the GD debate from every conceivable angle for over 40 years and here is my profound conclusion:
I don’t need to explain Creation.
I don’t need to explain the purpose of Life- each individual must make their own determination regarding this.

What I have done is use my intellect and 5 senses to perceive, examine and analyze what I’ve encountered in the perceivable Universe and utilizing ALL of these tools, I have NOT found compelling evidence for a Higher Power, Spiritual Force or Designer.
More recently, I’ve come to accept a modified version of agnosticism which openly allows for the potential existence of some force which sensory input and scientific research cannot account for.
We’re primitive creatures and our knowledge extends only so far.
Be Open to Possibly AND Interrogate your belief system because it may be built on a tragically fragile foundation.


It is easy to tell this doctor has a good heart and means well. You can be religious and still have some logic and not go overboard like many wacky Trump Christians.


Science is the study of the Creator's work.


There is no conflict until religion gets in the way.
