King Charles Takes Coronation Oath

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King Charles takes the Coronation Oath inside Westminster Abbey, as the Archbishop of Canterbury asks three questions and the monarch pledges to serve the people.
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Happy Coronation Day to His Majesty King Charles the III & Queen Camilla on the 6th May 2023. In the old year ago.


“In just a little while,
he who is coming will come
and will not delay.”


He is about to become the head of the Anglican church and he doesn't know the proceedings of the ceremony...
I guess that, this man is so accustomed to the freemasory proceedings... this is almost a foreigner act for him.


shame the English Constitution has been completely ignored.


May I ask why the year 2023 is on the side of the Bible? Is it customary to have the year stamped on when one is sworn in? Just curious.


Amen to Justice & Peace ... I wish him the best of help & success to fulfill his duties .


"I Charles, do solemnly - trickery is at hand folks!!!


This is the best part of the whole coronation. Credit where its due


They changed the oath... this is terrible.


Part 4
The King kisses the Bible. The Archbishop says

Your Majesty, are you willing to make, subscribe, and declare to the statutory Accession Declaration Oath?

The King replies

I am willing.

I Charles do solemnly and sincerely in the presence of God profess, testify, and declare that I am a faithful Protestant, and that I will, according to the true intent of the enactments which secure the Protestant succession to the Throne, uphold and maintain the said enactments to the best of my powers according to law.


Part 5

The King signs copies of the Oaths, presented by the Lord Chamberlain, whilst the choir sings

Prevent us, O Lord, in all our doings with thy most gracious favour, and further us with thy continual help; that in all our works begun, continued, and ended in thee, we may glorify thy holy name, and finally by thy mercy obtain everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

William Byrd (c 1540–1623) The Book of Common Prayer 1549

The King kneels before the Altar and says

God of compassion and mercy whose Son was sent not to be served but to serve, give grace that I may find in thy service perfect freedom and in that freedom knowledge of thy truth. Grant that I may be a blessing to all thy children, of every faith and belief, that together we may discover the ways of gentleness and be led into the paths of peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The King returns to the Chair of Estate and sits.


Good morning Go Save The King Of UK Up Peace And Solidarity Up Up 🇬🇧🇬🇧🐎🐎💕💕🇸🇳🇸🇳🙏🙏⛱️


We still live in the same eras and practicing in a new age of technology


The notion that a church body should be tied to a mere political leader is reprehensible. It is an affront to the purity and immaculate nature of the religion, because politics inevitably leaders to corruption, deceit, and sleaziness


Where are the free people? We are all being crushed under legal public laws as a legal restraint to make us conform to the will of another. Free is defined to be under no legal restraint. So where are the free people?


I always thought he was a better fit as Camilla's tampon.


I have a replica of this bible its my daily reader and preyer bible


Below is the full text of the Oath that King Charles took during the ceremony:

Part 1

The Right Reverend Dr Iain Greenshields, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, receives the Bible from the Dean of Westminster and presents it to The King, saying

Sir, to keep you ever mindful of the law and the Gospel of God as the Rule for the whole life and government of Christian Princes, receive this Book, the most valuable thing that this world affords. Here is Wisdom; this is the royal Law; these are the lively Oracles of God.


Part 3

The King kneels at the Chair of Estate. The Archbishop says

Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel? Will you to the utmost of your power maintain in the United Kingdom the Protestant Reformed Religion established by law? Will you maintain and preserve inviolably the settlement of the Church of England, and the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government thereof, as by law established in England?

And will you preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of England, and to the Churches there committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges as by law do or shall appertain to them or any of them?

The King replies

All this I promise to do.

The King places his hand on the Bible and says

The things which I have here before promised, I will perform and keep. So help me God.


Repent and trust in Jesus. We all deserve Hell for our sins, such as lying lusting coveting and more. We can't save ourselves, but Jesus can save us. He died on the cross to save us for our sins and rose from the grave defeating death and Hell. You must put your faith in him only. He is the only way to Heaven. Repent and trust in Jesus.
Romans 6:23
John 3:16❤😊
