Adley Crawls For The First Time!!

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Last day at SXSW and then I finally get to go home... but not before spending all day in airports...
Best Day Ever 112
Use this link if you want me to use your music in my vlogs!!
Snapchat: @Shonduras
Beme: @Shonduras
Best Day Ever 112
Use this link if you want me to use your music in my vlogs!!
Snapchat: @Shonduras
Beme: @Shonduras
Adley Crawls For The First Time!!
NiKO LEARNS TO CRAWL - new Family Night routine with baby brother 🐢
NIKO LEARNS TO WALK!! and a SECRET Backyard Tunnel Fort!!!!
NAVEY LEARNS how to CRAWL!!!! Baby Birds, Morning Parade, Park Games, and some Swimming for the 4th
Adley's First Airplane Ride
Baby Trapped Inside Airplane for 6 Hours!!
Mom PUSHED her in!! Adley learns to dive in backyard swimming pool! #Shorts
SPiDER ADLEY 🕷 Dad finds a spider girl at The Spacestation with CRAZY eyes! #Shorts
ADLEY turns into A BABY!! Adley JUMPS off STAiRS, Morning MiSTAKES, & Magic Cereal! #shorts
BACK to SCHOOL!! Adley's Starts 1st Grade and Niko's First Day of Preschool! #Shorts
ADLEY turns into A BABY!! @SpacestationAnimation Cartoon Adley Morning Routine #shorts #aforadley
I Think She Likes It...
Doggy Door For Babies
My Daughter Crawls For First Time (Emotional)
NiKO LEARNS TO FLOAT!! Swimming with kids, a Surprise for Mom, and Adley hits 1,000,000!
NAVEY takes her FiRST STEPS!! Learning to walk! Adley & Niko play at pirate island! new family m...
ADLEYs 1st BiRTHDAY!! Adley chooses her first Build A Bear and a fun family bday party with cake
DON'T GET SOAKED!! Adley gets soggy socks playing in the rain at pirate island #Shorts
Navey’s First Bath!! swimming inside our house! Adley is a Villain! Family & Spacestation updat...
SLIDE to SLED (Toddler Daredevil)
ADLEY LEARNS TO RIDE A BIKE!! What we do Before Bedtime with the Family, and SPAGHETTI 🍝
Baby Brother's FIRST WORD!! does Niko say MOM or DAD or APPLE?
Kid Continuously Wins Claw Game
TiNY ADLEY!! @SpacestationAnimation Adley eats puffs for breakfast & transforms into a BABY! #sh...