The World Rebalancing

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We are in the midst of a great realignment – a series of connected and converging revolutions in technology, economics, ecology, energy, geopolitics and culture that mark the end of one global era and the beginning of another. The world is rebalancing.

The established global order and institutions which have reigned for decades are being challenged — from far away, from below, and from within. And new powers are rising — not just nations, but new kinds of networks, leaders and influencers. The very nature of power itself is evolving.

These revolutions are remaking relationships between individuals; reframing our notions of governance; redrawing the geography of innovation; driving entirely new kinds of business opportunities; introducing new voices into global culture; and unleashing a wave of reactionary counter-forces, all at the same time.

With this “rise of the rest,” success has new street addresses: Mumbai, Shanghai, Sao Paolo and @everywhere. As the compass needle tilts from West to East, North to South, and physical to virtual, what changes? Strategically? Economically? Technologically? Culturally? Geopolitically? Will these changes help or hinder us in tackling our most urgent challenges? PopTech 2011 looks ahead at the new rule sets, opportunities and imperatives that this great rebalancing might bring.
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