Caring for Climate Business Forum COP21 - Integrating Climate in the Investment Chain From...

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Held over two days, the third annual Caring for Climate Business Forum at COP21/CMP11 provided a multi-stakeholder platform for dialogue and action among business, investors, civil society, the UN and Government officials. The first day of the Forum consisted of plenary and thematic sessions on the topics of carbon pricing, science-based target setting, responsible policy engagement, adaptation and finance. Sessions were organized by the UN Global Compact, UNEP and UNEP Finance Initiative, UNFCCC secretariat and in collaboration with Caring for Climate strategic partners, which include Global Compact Network France, CDP, The Climate Group, Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), United Nations Foundation and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

The first day of the Forum included four parallel break-out sessions for dialogue among business, investors, civil society, the UN and Government representatives. The Integrating Climate in the Investment Chain: From Why to How break-out session was led by UNEP-FI and co-led by PRI, UNF, CDSB. The facilitator was Mr. David Pitt-Watson, co-chair of UNEP-FI. The speakers in the panel are as follows:
• Mr. Nathan Fabian, Director of Policy and Research, PRI
• Ms. Alice Garton, Lawyer, Client Earth
• Ms. Caroline Hill, Head of Sustainability, Land Securities
• Ms. Zsófia Kerecsen, DG Justice, European Commission
• Ms. Daniela Saltzman, Director, Generation Investment Management
• Ms. Willemijn Verdegaal, Advisor, Responsible Investment and Governance
• Ms. Helena Vines-Fiestas, Head of Sustainability Research, BNP Paribas Asset Management
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