10 fascinating Cult of Skaro facts

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The Cult of Skaro have a lot of history, and in this video we are going to explore some interesting facts about the Cult of Skaro - both in-universe and behind-the-scenes. In this video, we are going to take a look at ten interesting facts about the Cult of Skaro.

This video acts as a pseudo-remake of some of my earlier work, combing several shorter videos into an omnibus.

All footage is the property of the BBC. Music by Jason Graves, Jun Senoue, Yoko Shimomura and Frank Klepacki.
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Big Finish Audio Story featuring the Cult would be great. The Time Strategist has name dropped them and one of their 'weapons' appears in Victory of the Doctor.

Would love to see these four scheming pepperpots at the height of their power. 🦑


The voice fact blows my mind because I did not realise this until now mental.


I hope there’s a character more akin to the Dalek Time Strategist, one that gives a false sense of reasonableness and could theoretically hold their own against the Doctor without minions


I honestly find the idea of the Cult of Skaro to be utterly fascinating! And while I do think "Journey's End" as an episode was very packing with so many characters not contributing anything to the story bar Donna Noble, I am at least glad that they brought Caan back to close off this little trilogy of Dalek stories. Who knows. Given the other video you did about Daleks potentially being given the regeneration energy and emergency temporal shifting off Skaro in "The Witch's Familiar", maybe one story sooner or later, we can have a story of Caan being resurrected and seen as some kind of demon figure to the Daleks. Dare I say "The Wrath Of Caan"? 😜


Some more facts missed by the video:

- Dalek Thay is severely lactose intolerant. Fortunately for him, he has never ingested any dairy product.
- Only two Cult of Skaro members have been to a Bruce Springsteen concert. They are NOT the members you would think.
- Before being absorbed and hybridised with Dalek Sec, Mr Diagoras is seen to put on a pair of gloves. However, after becoming the human-Dalek hybrid, the gloves have vanished, despite the creature being otherwise fully dressed in Diagoras' clothes. This was thought by many to be a continuity error, but this is untrue. During his transformation, due to the vast amount of calories needed to complete the process, combined with high levels of stress, Dalek Sec ingested the gloves. This would have greatly upset Diagoras because they were brand new, but he has been unable to comment.
- Dalek Jast supports Spurs.
- Dalek Caan has lost a fight with the same cassowary twice, both times before losing his sanity, neither time on Earth.


Man I learn something new all the time from this channel! Thanks for this! 🐙👍🏻


Fact five now makes sense of why the B&M range had Metaltron Dalek and Dalek Sec together for the History of the Daleks sets.


Great video. Apologies for saying this again, but of all the members of the Cult of Skaro, Dalek Caan is my favourite.


The cult where also used to portray the children of davros Dalek faction against the paradigm daleks in the live/immersive part of the dr who experience


Great video. I honestly love all these lore and fact videos. It’s really fun and some of these facts I didn’t actually know.
Although another reason it is harder to distinguish the members of the cult is actually the inconsistency with Thay and Jasts voices.
From Doomsday we Know that Jast has the highest pitched voice, sounding like a foot soldier who glorifies the Dalek Cause. Thay has the deep but croaky pitched voice, often questioning orders and doubting his instructions, unusual for a Dalek.
However, in Evolution of the Daleks this becomes inconsistent. In certain scenes Thay and Jasts voices seem to switch. Making it even harder to identify them 😅.
I love these Daleks and honestly wish we had more stories with them. Hopefully big finish will delve into their story in the Time War a bit more as they have been Mentioned/referenced before. Xx


The way in which the props in Manhatten are made to wobble their eyestalks like jaws when they speak is just ridiculous.


Do you think we'll see another group of "smart/ clever" Daleks in the RTD 2 era?


Notice that half of Sec's tentacles weren't animated when he revealed himself, and especially after he's uhh eaten. The arms are just dead still. Budget limitations, I tell ya. But man, did that scene still give me the shakes as a kid.


1:25 Isn't that Caan and Jast? I remember Thay stayed in the lab with Sec rather than chase the Doctor and friends through the sewers.


I'd totally bring back the Cult of Skaro and maybe introduce Dalek Rabe as the fifth member.


hey for some reason ur video freezes between 6:08 and 6:10 other then that great video and i had my suspicions as a kid that sec was some sort of group leader, i always thought the caan, jast, thay were just normal drones


How would you feel about Disney money being used to go back and fix these continuity errors with CGI? Assuming it was done well alongside a remaster or something.
Like George Lucas liked to do or Disney+ sometimes does.
Even if it's just daleks getting unique and consistent ID tags and casing details.


Regarding that last fact, are those details still canon.
