DAY 83: Surviving On Crocodile Island

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Strick and Fran are off on a 4 months trip living off the land and off the ocean. The new Genesis boat will allow them to explore further than ever before.

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Strick & Fran
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In Kenya, we were always told to be more than 40 ft from the water's edge. Less than that and a Nile Croc could come out of the water and get you, especially if you were not concentrating on what was in the water.


I'm a 62 year old health care worker from Massachusetts USA and you have no idea how much I love your videos please keep them coming Strick and Fran.


Love that you guys fight and break the illusion that everything is perfect and easy all the time. It's real.


It's nice to see that you guys have the same problems as other couples. None of us are perfect and we all make mistakes and get on each others nerves from time to time. I just hope you two always remember the good times more than the bad. 🤙


Your journey is truly EPIC! You & Fran make a great team and it is so exciting and refreshing to watch and enjoy this experience with you! My girlfriend of 16 years loves the episodes and we watch them together! Cheers Mates!!


I worked on Barrow Island for a while an they reckon there that turtles navigate by stars. They used to turn off most of the lights at 8pm an the ones left on were a special colour that didn't interfere with the turtle's.
Awesome episode guys 🙏🤙


I know a lot of people will be mad at you guys, but I absolutely love that y'all stayed and helped how you could. I would have done the same thing come the opportunity, everything deserves a chance at life even at its most vulnerable point.


When I noticed you were doing the cooking I had a feeling and Fran's response also gave me the feeling its going to take a little more than fried fish.😂
It can't always be happiness in paradise. Thanks for the awkward but honest moment.


Hey guys. I really admire your willingness and humility to admit on camera that you both are human and that do have your moments when friction between you happens. You Strick were extremely diplomatic in your explanation, not going into detail, but making a peace offering. I was reminded of two Bible verses. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous. It does not brag, does not get puffed up, does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury. It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. Also, Romans 12:18 If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceable with all men. Good example for all of us!


Well done for helping the lost causes. Nature sucks sometimes. Love you, Fran.


Strick & Fran best duo on YouTube!!


You have no idea how much I love your videos, I'm a 60 year old teacher from Maine, USA. Great videos!!


I don't think YoutTubers sharing there life and passion like you will ever understand how many lives you touch and people you rescue with your content. Im sorry for the Turtles but you have a much greater calling in the way you touch us weekly. If it was not for these type of channels we would of never get to meat such a amazing authentic couple. May you stay blessed and we will continue to watch as we have from the start. Stay safe


Poor little baby turtles! I hope most made it. Blessings and much love always you two! 🙏❤


Those dear little Turtles 🙏 thank you for sharing that with us ! Also thank you for your honesty about having a bad day. I have often marvelled at how you guys get on so beautifully. It’s sweet to see you needing space, cooking peace offerings and coming together again . 🙏


Fran's even adorable when she's pissed!


Thanks for sharing! I have to get some fish to fry now! Looked so yummy!! Safe travels😎🤠


The turtles go toward the light that reflects off of the waves after they hatch, when you introduce as flashlight you literally screw up the the direction they would go. that is why they kept getting confused..


Fran and Strick! Thank you so much for sharing your adventures. You are both beautiful, lovely, caring and compassionate human beings, in so many ways. In your love for each other. Caring about the natural world, never taking more than you need to survive, returning the smaller fish back to their habitat to build up stronger stocks. I am honoured to be able to follow along with you! Much ❤ and happy and safe adventures.


Surviving on Crocodile Island for 83 days? Now that's what I call an adventure! Watching your journey unfold on this remote island was both thrilling and inspiring. From foraging for food to building shelter and navigating the rugged terrain, every day brought new challenges and triumphs. And the landscapes you captured? Absolutely breathtaking! It's incredible to see the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Thanks for sharing your incredible survival story with us – it's a reminder of the indomitable will to thrive, even in the most unforgiving of environments. 🏝🌿🔥
