How I DESIGNED THIS Class D Audio Amplifier

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How to Design and make a DIY Class D Audio Amplifier using a TPA3116D2!

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Nice video! One remark on decoupling capacitors: you recommend having their own via to the ground plane. Note that the via has quite high inductance. If possible, connect the decoupling directly to the ic on the same layer for both voltage and ground. And be really careful with copper pours on the signal layer. Many people just fill the top layer and make many antennas. Only make them where needed as guards and make sure stitching is done right. The high frequencies in modern ICs are not forgiving like they used to be.


Damn man, nice videographics in the end, really good short consise explaining of PCB layout and overall nice video! I hope you get tons of more subscribers.
As a soon to be starting youtuber i aspire to make videos half as good as yours and im happy!


So you started with very limited knowledge of electronics and now did a presentation at the niveau of a senior electrical engineer? Just wow!


Great video! What current specs have you used for output filter coils? Is it based on your supply voltage and expected watts that you will push through the speaker on that channel?


Very good work! I have a question: I see from scheme that you did not use any pre-opamp. Are they do not needed because of bluetooth module? Is the volume adjusted directly by Bluetooth source? Do you insered a gain variable resistor on the board to have a second control?

I'm studying to design a 2.1 board with tpa3255 😃


How about you design yourself a better room sound proofing! The echo is killing me!


nice man, chips make everyone top engineers these days 👍


Wow this is so cool and your website impressive.
I'm sure many would be willing to pay quite a premium, for TPA3116 boards with quality components and real research and design built in.
Understandably the board you've created has many functions specific to the application you had in mind, but hobbyists without your skills would surely appreciate much simpler amp boards, made with the same high quality components and research.
I'm thinking straight forward, no-nonsense single snd dual-TPA3116 stereo boards and a single TPA3116 mono board would cater for millions of DIY amp builders the World over.
Those I'm sure would be massively popular to a wider market of enthusiasts, who are happy to pick and choose what other functionality they build in to their projects.
Just getting what you actually paid for is challenging enough with the Chinese junk. Just this week I received 2 allegedly TPA3116 mono boards, where under the heatsinks of each, lies an unidentified 16 pin chip.


Really great video. I'm working on building my own. Mostly standard configuration but with some minor changes to start, more in the future as this will be my first board. I may have missed it from the video, but what was the power rating and impedance of your speaker choice? Default here is 4 ohm 50W per channel, which is what I'm going to use.


What happened to the resources you wanted to link in the description?


What version of Bluetooth chip did you install? LE Audio starts at Bluetooth 5.2 then you got codecs


I disagree with your definition of "bootstrap capacitors". Maybe you think the real answer is too long winded?
Short: It is basically a replacement for a high(er) voltage supply rail that enables the use of n-type fet's on the high voltage side switcher position.

Longer: It is essentially a very practical way of building a "charge pump dc-dc converter". It is not a feedback signal to increase amplification per se, it's a solution to a problem that appears when chosing the best (most common) type of transistors. P-type fet's are just not as cheap, efficient, sturdy and prolific as n-type fet's, there is an esoteric physics reason to why that is, but explaining that needs text, graphics and a whole different level of video. The bootstrap cap solution can be replaced by additional (low power) voltage rails.


Interesting video. Ran into your channel while researching ho to make/build diy bluetooth speaker. You are the first one that I've seen, ever, to use & take advantage of the touch feature, that seems to be everywhere now. Do you have a link for the touch control board? Thanks & HNY


Do you provide that hand written notes


Hello brother please help me
I have a TPA3255 IC and I want to make a pcb for it
But in the datasheet of the IC has not shown the full diagram to make a Circuit
For example pin number 18 is for reset but there has not shown how to connect to the circuit
Please provide me the full diagram of TPA3255 IC ....


great video, what software did you use for the circuit schematic? I am looking to design my own class D amplifier using the TPA3116 but unable to find the component on the software I am using (multisim).


You have a video of how you got started in acoustics? what’s yours background


When you build class d amps, its easier to shield speaker + amp set with metal wire net instead filter coil especially when the goal just prevent EMI radiation


Cool video but too technical for me😂 I was just r try ting to roll op amps


You could use a microphone for this video
