Esaret 162. Bölüm | Redemption Episode 162

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Redemption airs on Kanal 7 at 19.00 every weekday!
A duel of revenge and love.

On one side, there is Orhun, who is burning with revenge and his arrogance, on the other side, there is Hira, who is ready to take on the role that's been assigned to her even though she is innocent…
Orhun, the heir to the Demirhanlı family, and Hira, whom Orhun thinks killed his twin sister, keep their viewers glued to the screen with a love that is kneaded with vengeance.
As fate drags winds from the dessert to Istanbul; A proud woman and a victim are now on the same path. REDEMPTION has begun.
The story of Orhun, who wants to avenge his sister, and Hira, who is the prisoner of her conscience, will soon air on Channel 7 with Redemption.
Channel: Kanal 7
Production: Karamel Yapım
Directors: Ayhan Özen - Serkan Mut
Mahassine Merabet
Cenk Torun
Hilal Anay
Ali Yağız Durmuş

#esaret #redemption #ecchorights
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ENGLISH (Part 2)
Hira dreaming:
Orhun: Wait… Calm down…
Back to reality:

Hira: I can’t get it out of my mind… Why am I still thinking about that stranger?…
Orhun’s words: Wait!… Hira!…

Butler: Please come in… I will let him know you arrived…
Orhun: Yavuz?… Come with me…
Butler: Do you need any help?…
Orhun: No…
Afife: Why did Yavuz come?… Did they say anything?…
Butler: No, my lady… Do you have any other wish?…
Afife: No, you can leave… … Yavuz’s sudden arrival is not a good sign… And on top of it Orhun entering that room after all this time… I wonder what happened so suddenly… Why did he enter that room today?…
Aslı: If you want, I’ll go and see Orhun…
Afife: I don’t think he wants to talk right now… But if you like…
Aslı: I’ll try my luck… Maybe he wants to talk…

Orhun: Tell me everything you found out…
Yavuz: As you wanted, I searched the name of Rıfat Çardaklı, Orhun Bey…. It is really like you said - he is married to a woman named Firuze…
Orhun remembering:
Hira: Who are you?… What do you want from me?…
Orhun: Didn’t you recognize me?…
Hira: Aren’t you ashamed of following a married woman?…
Orhun: Married?…
Hira: Yes… Leave me alone…
Back to reality:
Yavuz: Orhun Bey, you said you wanted something from me…
Orhun: Open Hira’s grave… I want a DNA comparison with the hair strands on the brush…
Yavuz: Orhun Bey… But for this decision of prosecutor’s office is required…
Orhun: Do what you need to do… It’s a matter of life!…
Aslı: It can’t be… He saw her…
Orhun: You’ll start searching at the hospital… You’ll take statements from everyone… The doctor who did the surgery that day, the nurse… Everyone who was working at the hospital that day… From the cleaners to the nurses…. You got it?…
Yavuz: As you wish, Orhun Bey…
Orhun: If it was really her who I saw in Şile, it means something happened at the hospital…
Yavuz: All right, Orhun Bey… I’m starting straight away…
Orhun: I’ll wait for news from you…
Yavuz: Miss Aslı?…
Aslı: I came to see Orhun…
Yavuz: He’s inside… Have a good evening…
Aslı: Good evening to you too… … Orhun?… I wanted to thank you for bringing my phone… You went all the way to Şile… If I knew, we could have handled it differently… I wouldn’t have sent you all the way there…
Orhun: It’s nothing like that… I handled it, it’s done…
Aslı: Ok, if you say so… I’m going then, I suppose you’ll be working…

Hira: Common, think about something else… Okay, it passed…

Aslı: Hello…
Man: Hello… Welcome… How can I help you?…
Aslı: I was going to ask you about someone…. Rıfat Çardaklı lives somewhere around here…
Man: Rıfat Çardaklı…
Aslı: Yes… Do you know him?…
Man: Actually, I do know people from around here, but… Let me think… Last year a family moved in here… Maybe it’s them, but I’m not sure…
Aslı: You give me the address, I’ll go and ask them…
Man: Of course, it’s very close… Turn to the left from here, then turn right, walk a bit and then you’ll see it in front of you…
Aslı: Okay, thank you very much…
Man: Good bye…

Orhun remembering Yavuz’s words: It is really like you said - he is married to a woman named Firuze…
Afife: You didn’t go to sleep last night…
Orhun: Did something happen?…
Afife: I should be asking you this question… Since you came home last night you’ve been strange… For first time after a long time you entered your old bedroom… Plus Yavuz came to see you on a moment’s notice… And a short while ago I learned from butler that you haven’t slept at all… What is going on, Orhun?…
Orhun: I’m waiting for an important news… I can’t tell you anything before it’s definite…
Afife: Is it anything I should be worrying about?… There’s no problem regarding Nurşah, is there?…
Orhun: No…
Afife: Ok then… But if there’s something that concerns our family closely, I think you’ll come to me and tell me… I hope I’m not wrong…

Aslı: Is this Rıfat Çardaklı… And what if it’s not him?… What if it’s someone else?… I can’t take that risk…
Hira: Come on, take this bite… Who is it, I wonder?… We weren’t expecting anyone… Esin abla?… Esin abla?… Somebody’s at the door…
Esin: You sit down, I’ll have a look… … Who are you looking for?…
Aslı: Who are you in relation to Rıfat Cardaklı?…
Esin: I’m his sister…
Aslı: Well then, is Hira Demirhanlı here?…
Esin: I think you came to a wrong place… I don’t know anyone by this name…
Aslı: Leave from here right now…
Esin: I don’t understand?… What are you saying?… Where shall I go?…
Aslı: I don’t know if it’s her or not, but if it’s really her, you need to go from here right now…
Esin: What are you trying to say?… Who are you?…
Aslı: The only thing you need to know - Orhun saw her… If it is really Hira Demirhanlı, you have to leave here straight away… Immediately… Do you understand?…

Yavuz: Orhun Bey, I brought you the DNA test results… I also did the other research you requested…
Paper saying: It was determined that the DNA profiles of the hair sample taken from the comb and the bone and tooth samples taken from Hira Demirhanlı’s grave did not match each other…
Orhun: But this… How is that possible?…

Esin: Get up quickly…
Hira: What happened, Esin abla?… Who came?…
Esin: Don’t talk too much and do what I say… Pack your things now…
Hira: Why are we packing?…
Esin: Don’t ask!… Come on, hurry up… Pack Rıfat’s things as well…
Hira: Why?…
Esin: Because we are leaving from here…

Orhun: This… How could this happen?…
Yavuz: I met everyone from the hospital one by one as you wished… Lastly I spoke to two officers who were working at the morgue that day and questioned them… They both confessed… After you saw Ms. Hira and left, they didn’t stay at work and left the place empty… And based on what they said, when they returned, they realized Ms. Hira wasn’t there… They panicked and replaced her with the body of an unknown woman…
Orhun: Hira… It is you… You are alive…


ENGLISH (Part 1)
Orhun: Since you haven’t returned to me, then there’s no road for me to walk…
Back to reality:
Orhun: This… This can’t be…. Is that really you?….

Nurse: No, there’s no problem… I’m checking… We’ll continue with this treatment…. No, that was the doctor’s order… Wait, I’m on my way…

Esin: Don’t look at me like this!… I couldn’t take her to the hospital… Her wound is not serious, she’ll recover… Be quiet!… I was drunk, don’t you understand?… This time they would put me to prison… Who would be looking after you then?… What will happen if I go to prison?… We have no other choice… But don’t worry, nothing will happen to her…

Man 1: Here’s the label…
Man 2: What will you do with the label?… She isn’t here…
Man 1: She’s here…
Man 2: What are you doing?… This is an unknown woman… Nobody claimed her for days…
Man 1: It’s good nobody did… Otherwise we wouldn’t be able to get away with it… This noble family would ruin our apprenticeship… This woman will be buried as Hira Demirhanlı… We have no other choice…
Man 2: Are you crazy?… This body hasn’t been washed yet… ???
Man 1: If necessary, ???…. We have to try every way…
Man 2: It’s too dangerous… Really dangerous…
Man 1: Fine… Then go and appear before Orhun Demirhanlı… Tell him his wife’s body disappeared while we were skipping work… Look, don’t tell anything to anyone… I’ll handle everything… I will do whatever it takes… Do you understand me?…

Esin: I found out from the patient ID bracelet on her arm who she was… Pronounced dead, they took her to the morgue… They even held a funeral for her… You are saying how did it happen, right?… The body got up and walked… When the body disappeared, the morgue staff replaced it with the body of an unknown woman… Idiots… While covering their own mistake they made my job easier… Ok ok, like I said, everything is fine… It’s over, the topic is closed… Do you know what is our greatest luck?… The girl doesn’t remember anything… Her memory is completely gone… She woke up few times… I asked her few questions, but she looked at me blankly… If it continues like this, our job will be very easy… She will believe whatever we tell her… But still, I can’t leave it to a chance… I’ll do whatever needs to be done… She won’t remember the accident, nor who she was before it… For the good of all of us… For her good as well… That girl has to stay here… She’ll have a good life here with us, don’t worry… For that reason I’ll tell her she is your wife… I know you are scared… You are worried she’ll recover and regain her memory… But don’t be, I prepared for everything… I learned it from my friend doctor… There’s a medicine… When you give it to her, she won’t remember her past… From now on she’ll only know her new life… Don’t object!… What will happen when everything comes out and I’ll go to jail?… Who will look after you?… We have talked about it… That treacherous wife of yours left you after your accident, but look… Now this girl will take her place… From now on her name is… Firuze?…
Hira: Where am I?…
Esin: You had us worried, Firuze…
Hira: What happened to me?… Where am I?…
Orhun: You are alive… Hira… Hira…
Hira: Hira??…
Orhun: Yes… Yes, you are Hira…
Hira: You are wrong… My name is Firuze…
Orhun: Are you all right?… Wait here… Let me bring you water… … Hira!… Where are you going?… Wait!… Hold on!… Hira!…
Hira: Let go of me!… Leave me be!…
Orhun: Wait… Calm down… I won’t do anything to you… Didn’t you recognize me?…

Aslı: No, it wasn’t her… She can’t be alive… She died…
Musa: Flour, pasta, onion, potatoes… Miss Aslı, you had an accident… Get well soon!…
Aslı: Thank you…
Musa: Didn’t you drop your phone there?… I was going to get it, but then Orhun Bey went there to get it…
Aslı: Orhun… Did he go to Şile?…
Musa: Yes, yes… To the place of the accident…

Hira: Who are you?… What do you want from me?…
Orhun: I don’t want anything… Why are you acting like this?…
Hira: Aren’t you ashamed of following a married woman?…
Orhun: Married?…
Hira: Yes… Leave me alone… … …. My Lord, help me… Who is this man?… Is he one of the enemies, I wonder?… Why is he after me?… He said Hira… … … The phone!…
Esin: Where are you?… I called you so many times!… Why don’t you answer?…
Hira: Well, there was a work on the road… The taxi driver took me another way… And also…
Esin: And what?… What happened?… I’m talking to you, common, tell me what happened…
Hira: And also, because the driver had to take another way, I didn’t have enough money… I had to get off earlier and had to walk…
Esin: Okay… Did you lock the door?…
Hira: Yes…
Esin: I’ll be back early in the morning… Don’t you dare forget to take your medicine…
Hira: Okay… Medicine… Who was this man?… Why did he look at me like he knew me?…

Afife: Look, dear Aslı…. There is such a place… Here, this place can’t accommodate more than 1500 people, but the view is wonderful… A wedding overlooking the sea will suit you very well…
Aslı thinking to herself: Why did Orhun go back there?… Or.. Did he see her and that’s why he returned?…
Aslı out loud: He still hasn’t come…
Afife: Orhun?… He’s on his way… He’ll be here soon… I know you want to wait for marriage, but you worry for nothing… I will talk to Orhun at the first opportunity…
Aslı: As it suits/pleases you…
Aslı: Orhun?… Welcome!…
Afife: Welcome, son!…
Aslı: You didn’t have to tire yourself by going there… Musa could go and bring it…
Butler: Good evening, Orhun Bey!…
Afife: It got cold, don’t drink it… Let them bring you a fresh one…
Aslı: No need, thank you…
Afife: Did any unpleasantness happen between you and Orhun?… His attitude was different…
Butler: Mrs. Afife… Orhun Bey… His room… I mean, his old room… He entered there…

Orhun remembering:
- Orhun: There’s so much to talk about… A lot of things we don’t know about each other… A part of me says to leave it to time, to learn them by living… The other part is very impatient…
Hira: We can do it as Q&A…
Orhun: What kind of wedding do you want?…
Hira: I don’t know… I never dreamt of the wedding… You?…
Orhun: I… On the soil where my grandfather grew up… In Caucasia… I would like to make you a Circassian wedding…
Hira: It would be very beautiful…
- Hira: How is the Circassian wedding?…
Orhun: There are too many customs and too many rules to follow…
Hira: What rules, for example?…
Orhun: For example… I will come on a horse to take you…
Hira: On a horse?…
- Hira: For example, I would like to have a vase, too… A vase into which I could put flowers… If there is a vase in the house, if there are flowers in it, there is peace in that house… There is love… There is a real life there…
Back to reality:
Orhun: How can such thing be?… Was it really you?… Or… Was it someone else who looked just like your twin?… But… How can a person be similar to such extent?… Your face… Your voice… Your looks… This won’t do… I can’t wait like this… I need to be sure as soon as possible if it was or wasn’t you…


Que episodio tan lleno de emociones!!! La mente nos puede engañar... pero el corazón jamas!!!! La mirada de Orhun expresa felicidad, interrogantes, desesperación, AMOR!!!! Y LA DE hira asombró, miedo, pero a la vez incertidumbre porq su corazón le grita que en la mirada de ese hombre hay algo más!!! Triste pero a la vez bellisimo!! Esperemos a mañana que nos depara el mundo de Esaret!!! ❤😊


Aún no supero que Orhun cerrara la habitación y solo él tenga la llave 🥺 es como su forma de tener los recuerdo de Hira con él y sin que nadie más los toque😢. Amo cuando Orhun llama a Yavuz, se siente que viene un gran momento cuando él aparece 😅


O reencontro de Orhum e Hira, apesar dela não se lembrar dele, as trocas de olhares já indica que há um sentimento guardado lá no fundo e isto aflorara brevemente.
Esperamos que isto aconteça logo.


Im glad that it did not take 50 episodes for Orhun to know that Hira is alive 😂 & yes the happiness on his face is priceless 😊 can't wait for tomorrow episode 😀


Quanta negligência do hospital e dessa mulher que atropelou a Hira. A sorte de Hira e de Orhun tem que mudar. Orhun vai virar um leão quando descobrir todos esses eventos tristes.


Por favor que ya regrese la novela con Hira y Orum juntos.... así no tiene sentido verla😢😢😢😢😢


Orhun was breathing the exact same way in the morgue as he does on the beach when he caresses her face. The attention to detail on this show is amazing.


A carinha de felicidade de Orhun foi de encher o coração da gente de esperança! E Hira ainda sente calor e falta de ar ao ver seu amado esposo. Lindos ainda. cara à Cara!!! Perfeitos!


One thing I suggest the esaret director that we are waiting for their beautiful moments .romance please bring it back all the story...


Resumo para o português
Capítulo 162
Orhum encontra Hira desacordada e fica incrédulo, vem lembranças da " morte" dela em sua mente😢, Hira acorda e sai correndo no hospital, é atropelada e acorda na casa da mulher que a atropelou😮, memórias de Hira.
Orhum fala para Hira: Vc esta viva❤, ela fica sem entender pq perdeu a memória, Hira diz que ele está enganado, que ele a confundiu com outra pessoa e que seu nome é Firenze. Ele pede pra ela aguardar q vai buscar água pra ela pois percebe que ela n esta bem, Hira foge, ele vai atrás dela gritando: Onde vc está indo, ela continua correndo e logo é alcançada por Orhum, a mesma pega uma pedra, ele aproxima-se lentamente, e pega no braço dela, fala pra ela se acalmar, que ela é esposa dele, Orhum pergunta se ela não lembra😢( silêncio) eles se encaram. Na mansão a 🐍 hóspede já sabe que Hira está viva, ela tem um breve diálogo com Musla, enquanto isso Orhum tenta convencer Hira que eles são casados, ela não acredita e foge novamente, ele vai atrás e ver a casa onde ela mora. Hira liga para a mulher que a mantém na casa e ela lhe aconselha a tomar remédios 😢. Ao chegar na mansão, Orhum encontra sua mãe e a 🐍 hóspede na sala, ele entrega o celular a 🐍 hóspede e sem dá muita atenção 😅 vai pro quarto que compartilhava com Hira, no trajeto encontra o mordomo que já corre pra fofocar a Afife o que acabou de ver. Orhum mergulha nas lembranças com Hira❤. Logo em seguida Yavuz chega e é conduzido ao escritório, logo se encontra com Orhum que lhe pede com urgência um DNA pra ver se a moça que ele viu é realmente Hira, pra isso lhe cede uma escova contendo fios de cabelo da mesma. A 🐍 hóspede está ouvindo atrás da porta, e é surpreendida por Yavuz, descabriada 😅😅😅 lhe dá boa tarde, e entra no escritório de Orhum, ela antes de entrar escutou toda conversa inclusive quando Orhum fala pra Yavuz que a mulher se diz chamar Firenze. Já no escritório a 🐍 hóspede lhe agradece por consertar seu telefone, tenta puxar conversa, mas é ignorada😅😅😅. Assim sai, sem conseguir conversar. Orhum é Hira tem flasbacks . Afife entra no escritório e questiona pq Orhum entrou em seu antigo quarto, diz que ele está estranho, e se há algo sobre a família ela gostaria de saber, Orhum diz que está aguardando importantes notícias, que no momento não tinha o que dizer, Afife se mostra preocupada.
A 🐍 hóspede aparece na casa e que Hira está, bate na porta, mas Hira está cuidado de um rapaz cadeirante, assim a senhora que a mantém presa sai, e fala com a 🐍 hóspede que diz saber que aquela moça é Hira 😮e que seu marido ja sabe, a mulher tenta negar, mas muito pressionada, pela 🐍 hóspede diz a Hira que eles precisam ir embora imediatamente.
Na mansão Yavuz entrega o teste de DNA a Orhum, que se emociona ao saber que Hira esteve tão próxima e viva esse tempo todo, Yavuz explica que os médicos qd retornaram ao quarto não encontraram Hira, e por medo colocaram outro corpo no lugar dela e entregaram a família para sepultar, finaliza com Orhum dizendo Hira está viva❤❤❤❤❤
Espero que gostem!


How happy Orhun was to know that Hira was still alive ❤


Y resulta que Afife NO estaba al tanto de lo sucedido con Hira!!! Todo fue fortuito y jugó a su favor!!! Y la Asli que sí la vio fue la que quiso hacer su jugada!! Pero Orhún, Orhún el fuerte, rudo, y enamorado hasta los molares está luchando!!!
Fascinado con estos dos primeros capítulos!!! Harika!!!


What a surprise that was!!! 90% of fans along with me suspected Afife as the organizer of Hira's fake death without second thoughts and another 10% suspected Perihan, but they both turned out to be innocent and it was all due to the irresponsibity of the hospital and a drunk doctor who was afraid to go to jail for a small accident. I was also thinking that she was put in the morgue alive on purpose, but did she really die and got resurrected? 😱😱😱😱


Morre uma Eda, e brota outra no lugar.
Tudo por status e interesses.
Hira não, foi amor desde o início, mesmo sofrendo injustiças cometidas por Ohrum. O amor é sempre será mais forte, do que qualquer maldade.
Esse casal, é como uma corda de aço, nem Afife nem ninguém vai romper o amor dos dois.
Ainda veremos esse amor florescer.❤🎉❤


Hello guys I am from Pakistan .And I am big fan of Turkish drama series.i watched many series.but this is my favourite.because the story is really amazing..and they both actors are amazing Cenk Torun play a tremendous role of orhun.really suits him..with beautiful Moroccan girl...


Are they finally writing Orhun as the smart man that he's supposed to be? I love that he didn't tell Afife anything when she went into his office.


Harika! Episode 162 was amazing! loved it.
Orhun kept everything that belong to Hira and the bedroom covered to keep it as before. It was heartbreaking.Orhun's loss is so deep.
The beach scene and the street scene were such an intense and powerful moment. There were both capitivated by each other.
Hira (Feruze) scared and trying to understand the situation and Orhun atonished and trying to see if she is real.


Hira estaba hipnotizada mirando a Orhun...que se le olvidó que tenia una piedra en la mano...y Orhun igualmente hipnotizado sin poder dejar de mirar a su adorada Hira!!!! amor en estado puro 💕 ❤ 😍
