The WEIRD LG DualUp Setup

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I recently purchased two of these monitors. I have them set up side by side. I’ve been using them as my primary screens for work. I must say that it’s an excellent setup. For business (ie Outlook, MS Word, MS Excel etc) it is fantastic. So too reading full page PDFs in portrait mode. I have also used it with Lightroom and it’s pretty cool. Overall, highly recommend this monitor as a primary screen, especially if you are a trader or business professional.


3:13 Important if you plan on buying this monitor and plan to scale down the resolution. This has frustrated me as well with the M1 Macs and monitors that aren't at a minimum 4K. I've tried scaling down a 1440p monitor and the text ends up looking fuzzy like Oliur said. BetterDisplay does help albeit a bit glitchy at times. The other option is to use no scaling but bring the monitor closer to you so it's easier to read the text (although ergonomics could become an issue). Since my 1440p monitor is a secondary screen, not having sharp text isn't a dealbreaker but it's still an annoyance.


Just bought one of these to go along with my 34 inch LG Ultrawide. It is the weirdest monitor I’ve ever used but it is absolutely perfect for needs since I have a lot of vertical work that I do each day. I had the monitor low in terms of positioning and don’t have issues with the height. Good call on the display scaling too.


Using Picture by Picture mode even with just one machine has a couple of nice benefits. Since it acts as two monitors to the OS, you can use separate virtual desktops on both halves of the screen. This can make it really fast to switch between sets of windows by just swiping with your trackpad. Fullscreen apps will also scale to half of the screen so you can put that YT video in fullscreen and show it on e.g the top half while you have something else going on the bottom.


I love when work setups look professional enough without the need to integrate too many devices and "paraphernalia". Thumbs up for minimalism! I recently installed a Protractor Desk from Barcelona Designs in my home office and have noticed how my productivity, inspiration and enthusiasm to work have increased, just by feeling more comfortable in my own environment. I still have many more things to improve, but I'm on the right track. Thanks for the video!


The price point of the monitor seems deliberately aimed at just trying the format and seeing how well it sells without making the cost prohibitive to LG themselves or the customer. That's probably why it's only 60hz. I suspect if i sells well then LG may bring out a v2 with improvements.


the move away from 16:10 displays to 16:9 as the standard for basically everyrthing was a terible loss for actual productivity on computers. glad that alternatives are coming out and giving us our height back.


Using splitscreen with two inputs from the same device helps with window management as it’s easier to just maximise two windows than to fiddle with third-party window management tools like Magnet to achieve the same result.


I want LG to still make a 3:2 aspect monitor. I really enjoy it on my surface laptop, and I would love to have it displayed on a larger screen. I know Huawei makes one, but I would like to see one made with support for a VESA mount. Heck or if they made it part of their line that includes their arm. I think it's cool to see different monitor sizes. Heck I wouldn't mind if they suddenly started making 4:3 monitors with really good ppi or scaling. I would probably buy one. Great video!


I’ve been using two 16:9 monitors vertically joining them in software (on windows i used autohotkey and on Linux is just an xrandr command) for 5 years now. I love tall displays for programming, viewing/writing documents and browsing the web.


My monitor got delivered yesterday and i had the same issue as you (scaling) but I found something that worked a little bit better for me. In Better Display you can set a customer scaling and I've found that 84% is excellent. Its an intermediate between 1440p and its full resolution.

This display is fantastic but you really do have to use Better Display to get it set up properly.


I bought the dual up for one of my workstations / printing RIPS. Perfect for this use scenario


This is perfect for my WFH setup. My company provides me a virtual machine to work on and while It'll reconginze multiple displays it doesn't recognize resolutions for ultra wide. With this monitor I can connect two display inputs without the need of having two monitors.


BetterDisplay is an incredible find... I've owned an LG Ultrawide for about >6 years and never was able to control the volume/brightness natively, this tool enables that out of the box!


One monitor as two displays …. Virtual desk tops! I use a two screen set up now (laptop, and one external monitor). I use about 6 virtual desktops with these two environments. I’ve gone one for production, one for dev environments, one for email and slack one for web stuff. And it goes on and on.

The ability to use this as two separate monitors is what I like most about it. I’m eager to try it as two monitors flipped on their side.

This will give me a long view for my code. And this will let me split the second side vertically to show other things (email and slack or … whatever).


I pre ordered mine, excited and awaiting for it to come. I paid about 530$ which is nice given I live in European country and you have to account the VAT (23%) and any other taxes into the price.


I was thinking of doing a similar setup. Great video, Oliur!

Does it bother you going from the gloss of the XDR to the matte screen of the LG Dual Up?


I'm waiting on mine and looking to forward to seeing if I can use the split screen to show my Apple TV and my work at the same time.


Hello @oliur, you mentioned linking the BetterDisplay settings in video but I don't see them anywhere here.. Mind sharing those?


Good info, I bought this monitor for my home office and have been trying to figure what primary monitor to pair it with. I was thinking 27” but a 32 might be better from the looks of it.
