Load-Bearing Walls + Roof Rafters Finished | Cabin Build Off Grid

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Previously, we completed overhang on the dormer roof, closed up the south side of the house with house wrap and began building on top of the concrete block safe room. All the floor joists, rim joist and subfloor are now complete and we have quickly moved on to building the walls for both of the boys bedrooms.  We've hit a streak of nice weather allowing us to tackle different goals around the farm but with rain in the forecast we need to hustle to get the north roof on and seal up the walls. 
Grab one while they last: *Limited supplies- family made*

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*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases*

We are a couple who are building our own home from the ground up in the mountains of West Virginia. After living near the city our entire lives we finally decided to sell it all, pack up our 3 kids and live in an RV on our 73 acres while building our own debt free, off-grid house and learning to live a more self-reliant life.
Our house build is documented entirely on our main channel "Wild Wonderful Off-Grid" and the buiness/work related side of our life can be found on our secondary channel "Josh and Erin- The After Show". Here you will see us renovating our Cafe, opening/operating the Cafe with goods from our farm, building/furnishing/running our short term rentals, finding/operating our other real estate investments and more.
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No matter how long you make these episodes, they're never long enough. I always want to see more of the work and just how well you are progressing with it. You're doing a damn fine job and when it's all said and done, you'll be able to stand back and be proud of what you've created for your entire family! Semper Fi!


I wish I could put it in words the amount of respect and love etc etc in Josh and Erin. Truly a super couple


There is not one female on youtube that compares to what Erin does working side by side with her husband building their home. She is amazing.


Love seeing each member of the family doing their part. The boys have really grown up. And Ellie is so independent now. Beautiful family - working together.


Hardest working couple on YouTube, hands down! ❤️


I like to give a shout to the boys hard work for getting all the wood split up for the winter, I grow up on a gram and remember those long days hard at work. Now retired and wish I could still work like that.


I'vebeen following you for six or seven years now. You were still working on the frame of the main house when I found you. Now you have the main house, the AirBnB, the cafe, the candle making shop, the farm, and the addition! You guys are such an inspiration in so many ways!


For a concrete gal, you're no a bad roofer m'lady. Great to see the boys doing those chores so expertly.


I think the one thing I love the most about your show is how well you communicate together ! I've helped people with projects and good communication is the key between safety and success a job well done, and the opposite . You are a great team ! 👏🏼


Erin has great muscle tone, but her real strength is crazy.And I love watching you guys and how well you work together, like a well oiled machine. Love you guys.


I’m not sure if you know how much you all inspire and teach everyone what is possible. My favorite pass time is to watch this unfold from day one! There’s not a better show on than this one!


Mic is picking up the spacial sounds of the birds!! So great! Y'all are surrounded by birds! The best workplace ever!


Those boys sure work hard around the homestead, splitting ask that wood, and Ellie makes sure to take care of all the animals. Such amazing kids, wish all kids were like them, not setting in the house playing games and on their cell phones all the time. I get my grand kids outside as much as I can when I have them, I told them when I was growing up we didn’t have gaming systems, and cell phones. We had the mountains, tree swings and creeks to play in and had more fun doing all that stuff than sitting in the house doing nothing.


It's so great to see the boys working so hard too, preparing more firewood while their parents work on the house. They are not lazy due to the stellar example of a work ethic set by their parents. So much good communication, your family is not only a family it is a tight team!


The boys are going to have spectacular views from their windows. Erin is very impressive with her physical work capabilities.


Number one YouTube couple in my world - motivating - educational inspiration and beautiful family


Both of you are the hardest working couple on utube and i really look forward every weekend to watching your vids . Your boys are growing so fast and definitely are not afraid to do there share of helping the work load .♥️♥️♥️


Josh and Erin, we hope you both know that your videos are what we look forward to every weekend.😂😂😂😂😂


I love watching the house come together!!
I thought…. How proud your kids must be!!!
They can tell everyone how hard their parents worked to build their home from scratch with love!!


I’ve enjoyed your creativity and your relationships, both with one another and with your kids. You guys are one of the most genuine examples of doing family and content creation right. Thanks for being awesome.
I know I’m not the only person watching these and praying that you all stay safe and healthy. God bless, from South Texas.
