Diane Davis' Story: Ovarian Cancer Survivor

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In January 2017, Diane's gynecologic oncologist, Dr. Christopher Darus, discovered a softball size tumor in her ovary that had metastasized into the surrounding tissues and into her bowels. She had Stage IIC ovarian cancer. Dr. Darus removed her ovaries and 18 inches of her sigmoid colon because of tumor involvement and immediately started Diane on a standard chemotherapy regiment.

Dr. Darus began searching for clinical trials and sent her tumor biopsy to Caris for molecular testing to see if there was anything they were missing that only molecular profiling would show.

Caris’ molecular profiling confirmed an MSI-H finding, but it also revealed BRCA2, which was a surprising discovery, and another biomarker target they could exploit for future therapies. It opened up new treatment options for Diane that would not have been known before.

Diane had an immediate and remarkable response to immunotherapy with symptoms diminishing and feelings of discomfort retreating. She started the immunotherapy in June 2017 and in August, three months later, her tumor had disappeared and the cancer had shrunk considerably in her lymph nodes.

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So glad you survived cancer! I also am a Ovarian cancer survivor. It was caught early so only had to do 3 rounds of chemo. ❤


What an amazing story. There are so many more potential survivors of cancer with more genetic profiling. I cannot understand why full characterization of a tumor is not part of standard of care. I am so happy for Diane, with whom I identify so strongly. I also have two grandsons, a Brittany, and our family has been touched by ovarian cancer with the more typical outcome. To Diane - if you see this, I wish you many more years with your family. Enjoy every day. Your story is inspiring.


I'm so glad you took the time and energy to do this


"The right drug for the right patient in the right time" Let`s do this Dr. / Good luck for so many years to come Diane!!!! 🌼


Diane I wish you continued health and happiness


Diane always have hope. I had an ovarian tumor the size of a football. The cancer never spread outside the tumor, and the tumor wasn’t wrapped around anything. They did a debulking and removed my appendix. I had no chemo or radiation and was home in two weeks. I said this healing prayer over and over. Thy name is my healing, O My God, and remembrance of the is my Remedy. When they brought me to my room there sat a beautiful bottle of lotion and across the top it said “Remedy “. Their is a long healing prayer by Baha’u’llah and it is the most powerful prayer for healing. It’s called “The Long Healing Prayer “ by Baha’u’llah. I wish you all the best. From one friend to another.


I have a question: what is the difference between genetic profile by cotton swab mouth lining and genetic profile by tumor tissue? Are they the same?
