Manual Resisted Hamstring Curls And Ankle Rehab Exercises

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In this video, we will demonstrate manual resisted hamstring curls and ankle rehab exercises using Kbands Ballistic Bands. These simple drills will increase your range of motion and balance in your lower body, particularly, the hamstrings, which in turn reduces the occurrence of sports injuries. The ankle workouts are useful as a preventive measure as well as in quick rehabilitation of injured ankles.

To begin the workout, the athletes can choose the right band according to their strength level from our range of Kbands Ballistic Bands. For this particular exercise, we will work with a black band at a fast pace and move quickly for 30 seconds, first with the left leg and then the right leg before taking a quick break. The trick to getting the most out of this workout is to focus on short reps with high intensity sets. Finish 4-6 sets before moving onto any other workout. Also, the athletes are suggested to wrap up the speed workout before starting the manual resisted hamstring curls. As we move on to the next drill, the athletes can seek assistance of a partner to manually pull the band down and resist the hamstring curl movement of the athlete. The key is to avoid too much resistance; just enough is required to maintain the hips flat on the floor. Finish about 8-10 reps on the left leg, and then the right leg, and proceed for a two minute break before starting back with the left leg. After finishing 3 sets, bring both the feet together for the next drill. Since we have pulled the feet together, we will try to notch the pace up a bit and resist on the way out.

Ankle Rehab Exercises

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