Input approach to determining comparative advantage | AP Macroeconomics | Khan Academy

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In this video, we take a slightly different approach to determining comparative advantage because we are given data in a slightly different way. Rather than knowing how much of two goods can be produced in a day, we know how much of a resources (in this case labor) is needed to produce one unit of a good.

AP Macroeconomics on Khan Academy: Welcome to Economics! In this lesson we'll define Economic and introduce some of the fundamental tools and perspectives economists use to understand the world around us!

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i don't understand why this video is soo underrated !!!


can i know why are we assuming 8 hours?


for these questions can you always assume that there are 8 worker hours in a day?


Getting the opportunity cost has NOTHING to do with the amount of hours worked if all workers work the same hours


Thx for showing me this I like math so thx for showing this to me 😀😀😀😀


So you mean if the question is given in terms of input covert it into output and then create the opportunity cost table?
Don’t you have a direct way of getting opportunity cost from the input table itself?
