ArcGIS File Types and Data Management

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This episode of Lightning GIS covers the file types and extensions used by ArcMAP and ArcGIS Pro for saving map project files. It also looks under the hood of ArcGIS to explain how these files point to data sources but do not store those same GIS data. If you have ever wondered why your GIS project table-of-contents are full of broken links and red exclamation marks, then this is the video for you!
Table of Contents:
00:00 - Intro
00:08 - Video Overview
01:09 - File Managers
01:47 - File Explorer vs. ArcCatalog
02:40 - ArcGIS File Extensions and Types
05:05 - Pointing Project Files to GIS Datasets
07:29 - Summary
Table of Contents:
00:00 - Intro
00:08 - Video Overview
01:09 - File Managers
01:47 - File Explorer vs. ArcCatalog
02:40 - ArcGIS File Extensions and Types
05:05 - Pointing Project Files to GIS Datasets
07:29 - Summary
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