Mainframe REXX Intro - Mainframe REXX Tutorial - Part 1

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Rexx (Restructured Extended Executor) is an interpreted programming language developed at IBM by Mike Cowlishaw. It is a structured, high-level programming language designed for ease of learning and reading.Its goal is to make scripting as easy, fast, reliable, and error-free as possible. REXX is Structured, high-level programming language and defined as Restructured Extended executor language.

Mainframe REXX Intro - Mainframe REXX Tutorial - Part 1, Here in this REXX video you will learn about introduction to Mainframe REXX.

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Just a quick mention.... Rexx was created in 1974 by Mike, it was ANSI certified in 1996. As a former mainframe developer, I have had to use REXX and CLIST as far back as 1984 .


REXX is far, far more than an automation language. Despite the good intentions of this tutorial and the fact that it is a decent introduction, to imply that it is "mainly used for automation" is completely wrong, does a huge disservice to the viewers, and, perhaps, to the language. You can do many more things, more concisely in REXX than in any other programming language. REXX is easy learn and intuitive to use. It can be used instead of JCL, CLISTs and COBOL with one language and in the same modules. Under z/OS and z/VM, it productively interfaces with almost all facilities and does so in ways that are unproductive or impossible in other languages. I would suggest that you ask someone with more expertise to review your material for advice before publishing it. While I have been using and lecturing about REXX for more than 30 years I am still discovering things that I never expected to be able to do.


Volume is very less, struggling for hearing


Thanks kumar for sharing knowledge, could u plz let me know which boooks should i refer to get more details.


Hey Kumar !!

This was a very good but short review.  I need more !!  Your voice level on this one is good though so I am happy with that. !!  More !  More ! More !   I like it !!


i have a requirement in rexx to display the db2 table data on rexx pannel. As of now i can able to create the db2 connection with rexx and able to throw static number of rows from db2 query to pannel, but i need to make it dynamic. can you provide me the direction how to make the dynamic pannel!


Hello sir,

I have recently placed in TOP it firms and got mainframe operations project I am looking forward for developer role in mainframe

Can you please guide me from where should I start which language I should learn first


Kumar, Still Volume needs to be increased for this.


Hello Kumar

I wanted to thank you very much for this REXX tutorials- I have been trying to understand better REXX and CLIST and was wondering if, like CLIST, can I develop in REXX an user interface that allows for ad hoc JCL submission of load and extract series of jobs customized for different environment?
Again, thank you for sharing your knowledge


It wud have been better if u demonstrated the example in mainframe


hai Kumar i want to learn more things in rexx like creating utilities can you help
