Atlantis The Palm - Leap of Faith Waterslide | Speed Slide Onride POV

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Die Wasserrutsche "Leap of Faith" im Atlantis The Palm, Dubai. Diese legendäre, 18 Meter hohe Freefall-Rutsche führt mitten durch ein Haifischbecken, ähnlich dem Tower of Power im Siam Park. Nachdem man einen kurzen Blick auf die Meerestiere erhaschen konnte, landet man im großen Auslaufbecken.

Eine fast baugleiche Rutsche befindet sich auch im Atlantis Aquaventure Paradise Island auf den Bahamas.
The Leap of Faith water slide at Atlantis The Palm, Dubai (Jumeirah). This legendary 60-ft high speed slide goes straight through a shark tank! After a glimpse at the surrounding sharks, riders plunge into the big exit pool.

You can find a nearly identical slide at Atlantis Aquaventure Paradise Island (Bahamas).
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I was there during spring break and it was honestly the best I've ever been on. I was always scared of water slides but after I went on this one, I was brace enough to ride every slide. Btw, it's WAY taller in person!


OMG, I just did it a week ago and closed my eyes when I jumped. Now I see how it would look like with open eyes and it was a good idea to close them. I would sh...t my pants had I jumped with open eyes.


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ist das eine etwas andere Kopie von Tower of Power?
