Sacrifice a Pawn in 10 Popular Openings to CRUSH Everyone
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Learn 3 Ways To Improve Your Chess Results
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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares a single chess trick that will allow you to win games easily and quickly. The trick is to sacrifice a pawn, dragging your opponents off the track, and then finishing them with a killer blow.
You will learn to use this pawn sacrifice trick in 10 popular openings including the Sicilian Defense, Italian Game, Queen's Gambit, Scandinavian Defense, and more.
After watching this video lesson, you will learn that good things come to those who BAIT; yes, you have to bait your opponents by sacrificing your pawns and then crush them!
► Chapters
00:00 Chess TRICK To Win Fast Against Everyone
00:24 1) Alekhine Defense: Sacrificing 2 pawns
01:39 2) Bishop's Opening / Bishop's Gambit
03:05 3) Scandinavian Defense to Tennison Gambit
04:21 4) Sicilian Defense, Smith-Morra Gambit
05:51 5) Queen's Gambit Declined: Albin Countergambit
07:58 6) Dutch Defense: Janzen-Korchnoi Gambit
08:59 7) Benko Gambit
09:51 8) Italian Game: Two Knights Defense, Fritz Variation
11:19 9) Philidor Defense
13:59 10) Sicilian Defense: Portsmouth Gambit
#IgorNation #ChessSacrifice #ChessTricks #ChessTraps #OpeningTraps #ChessTraps
Take Your Chess Skills To The Next Level With High-Quality Courses
In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares a single chess trick that will allow you to win games easily and quickly. The trick is to sacrifice a pawn, dragging your opponents off the track, and then finishing them with a killer blow.
You will learn to use this pawn sacrifice trick in 10 popular openings including the Sicilian Defense, Italian Game, Queen's Gambit, Scandinavian Defense, and more.
After watching this video lesson, you will learn that good things come to those who BAIT; yes, you have to bait your opponents by sacrificing your pawns and then crush them!
► Chapters
00:00 Chess TRICK To Win Fast Against Everyone
00:24 1) Alekhine Defense: Sacrificing 2 pawns
01:39 2) Bishop's Opening / Bishop's Gambit
03:05 3) Scandinavian Defense to Tennison Gambit
04:21 4) Sicilian Defense, Smith-Morra Gambit
05:51 5) Queen's Gambit Declined: Albin Countergambit
07:58 6) Dutch Defense: Janzen-Korchnoi Gambit
08:59 7) Benko Gambit
09:51 8) Italian Game: Two Knights Defense, Fritz Variation
11:19 9) Philidor Defense
13:59 10) Sicilian Defense: Portsmouth Gambit
#IgorNation #ChessSacrifice #ChessTricks #ChessTraps #OpeningTraps #ChessTraps