Vorticity 2 (4K)

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Two years in the making. I made the tough decision last year to save everything I shot that spring and combine it with whatever storms I captured in 2019 and make the best possible time-lapse film I could. It was incredibly difficult to sit on that collection of footage for over a year, but I'm glad I did. When you've done a few of these, at some point you gotta work even harder to top yourself and I did my best to make that happen. Even though I've lost all perspective at this point having watched this a million times during editing, I do feel it has some of the best footage I've ever compiled into one of these films. I had such a high bar set and many, many clips did not make the cut.

My storm chaser friends will recognize some memorable supercell/tornado events like Tescott, Tahoka, McCook, Hoisington, Cope, Imperial, Quinter, and Denver City (my personal favorite). I was lucky to be on those days, even though I did miss a few that I would really have loved to have been able to capture.

None of these clips would come alive without the right music and I searched and searched and searched for months until landing on the right tracks back in May. Luke Atencio has such a gift and two of his songs were blended to create the track for this film. Proud and thankful to be a Musicbed Ambassador. They have collected some of the best artists and musicians anywhere, and it's an honor to be able to use their songs.

I want to thank some people here who helped me along the way. My tour guests from the past two years who came from all over the world and spent their hard-earned money to join me for storm chasing adventures...you all are amazing. Marko Korošec, a friend and epic storm chaser from Slovenia, who helped me with some forecasting last year when I was leading tours by myself and starting to get drained. You saved my butt on a few days.

Brett Wright...who has become a close friend of mine and is one of the best chasers/forecasters I know. Thanks for joining me for the grind of essentially four tours over 38 days this spring. I mean...I never could have done that without you buddy...you have my eternal gratitude. I learned so much.

To all of you watching, who follow me on YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Twitter and those who support me on Patreon...thank you SO MUCH for all of it. You guys are amazing and your support and kind words over the years has been an incredible motivator. I am humbled and honored.

Finally, to my amazing wife Jina and the kiddos...it was really hard being away, especially this past spring. I made it back more than I thought I would, but it was still grueling and difficult. Thank you Jina for everything you do to help make this happen. And for supporting me no matter what. Even encouraging me when I sometimes feel like quitting. As I always say, and is the absolute truth, I never would be where I am without you.

There is also a special "post-credit" dedication someone who has always pulled for me and been in my corner since the beginning of this journey :) We are both huge Marvel fans so he will definitely get a kick out of that!

Okay, rambling is over....hope you enjoy!

Technical Details:

Everything shot with two Canon 5DSRs and various Canon lenses. A couple lightning sequences with the Sony A7R3

All clips available in 8K Resolution

Processed in Lightroom, LR Timelapse, After Effects and Premiere Pro.
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Just....absolutely jaw dropping. Mike....you are a true master of your art form. Please, PLEASE don't ever stop.


I love watching these types of videos. I don't live in an area empty or flat enough to see storms like this. Not disappointed with the smaller chance of tornados though.


Exceptional footage the likes of which is rarely, if ever, seen. A vivid tutorial on storm dynamics.


WOW ! Je n'ai pas les mots...
Quelle chance d'avoir eu des aussi belles structures et lumière (coucher de soleil, etc...).
Je vous souhaite une excellente continuation et amusez vous encore de chassés ces monstres pour notre plaisir et pour le votre.


WOW! This video and the music truly shows the strength, power and beauty of storms!


your timelapses never fail to bring tears to my eyes.
the sheer scale, beauty, horror and grand awesomeness of storms isn't often captured like you capture it. you make me wanna grab a camera and drive out to the plains to see these immense beasts for myself


Stunning and beautiful. A fantastic work of art by Mother Nature, the music composer and Mike's filming. Awesome!


This was incredible! 2:30 mark was just beautiful. So many hours wrapped up in this SHORT 7 minute video you have to watch it more then once!! Bravo to you and keep on filming you have a keen eye for these storms. To your better half at home, THANK YOU for letting him do what he loves. Only good things will come from it!!


This is breathtaking, I'm so grateful for all the work that went into this. The editing is perfect, the music too, and I can't believe how well all this was captured! Like, the flashing clouds with a starry sky in the background, that looks like a particularly tricky one but wow I guess that camera must be really good.


Made my hair stand on end. Impeccably composed - thanks for sharing your talent and hard work with us.


Wow! Amazing stuff again Mike! I had to slow down and rewind at 1:06 for the train. I thought it was a glitch at first. 😂 Love the mix of colors and the sync to the music. Thanks for sharing as always, Mike!


One cannot deny that air is a fluid after watching this video.


Mike, this is so good it is unreal. And the music by Luke Atencio was beautiful too.


I'm sitting inside and looking at stormy weathers while it's a beautiful sunny and warm day outside.


Yeah, I'm gonna need another dozen or so watches to really soak in the incredible majesty.
Amazing work sir!


Thank you for making these storm films, I love and appreciate them more than ever I have, I appreciate them because I moved recently, my old house had an open field where you could watch all the storms and lightning and the sunsets, sadly my new house we are surrounded by trees that block most of the sky. So thank you for giving me a chance to see the big beautiful storms


That is...the most amazing, beautiful, stunning collection of footage in an awesome inspiring
Simply, your BEST work ever.



Your time lapses are amazing! You have a real talent for putting yourself in the perfect spots to capture the structure of these storms without getting rained on or blown away. The color and depth are so aesthetically pleasing. We're all looking forward to more of your work in the future.


Visually STUNNING ! Exceptional film making ! ( For some of us ( me ) this will bring tears to the eyes.... it is SO impactfully beautiful ! )


The shot at 6:43 is probably one of the most spectacular shots I've ever seen in my life.
