Live Stream #169: Your Local Ski Resort Cannot Be The Real Mount Sinai

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Welcome to the Ancient Egypt and the Bible live stream. In these live streams, I will take your questions on ancient Egypt and the Bible.

Our live stream Q&A sessions generally run for three to four hours. And as always, superchats are given priority when it comes to answering questions. However, I always try to answer a few non-superchat questions. If you are posting a question in the comments that is not a superchat, please begin the question with a Q: so I can see that it a question being directed towards me. I would also request that you not repeat your questions, so I can better see which questions I have already answered.

It is important to note that these live streams are a live show, without notes or prior preparation. I don’t normally get the questions in advance, so I don’t even know which questions I am going to receive and nobody screens the questions. So I don’t necessarily promise that any question will flesh our every last detail or reference all the literature on the subject, nor do I necessary hold to that the answers are even necessarily correct. I do make mistakes at times and even sometimes change my opinions when I receive new data that points to the contrary. My answers are intended to address the direct inquiry and are not a substitute for a sound Biblical commentary.

At the request of some of my viewers, I have also set up a crypto currency wallet. Monero XMR: 46RXpVRn5QtK25gU1naVa72tWa1nGdfGwK8npLaAZKwKQp9i8qbe1CDS5cjVcNX4Ug47Uh5Q8kid3eDV5za9b4saQ5sEWf5

Bitcoin BTC: bc1qn4hykytwr4kh8c2z9w05mqcq040h9vgtwl0pt5

Please also consider purchasing my book, "The Ark of the Covenant in its Egyptian Context: An Illustrated Journey." Available now through most major book retailers.

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Sorry, I was super tired and fell asleep before the stream started. I'll try to be active for the next one. Thanks to Momma for sponsoring my question! And I missed all of you too!!


Hey, thanks for answering my question on Open Theism and Calvinism! I apologize for it being so broad lol. You're response did a lot to calm my anxiety over the debate. I had gotten so entangled in the weeds and briars that the debate ceased being edifying and interesting and became cancerous to my spiritually. I had become chronically online in that topic and the vitriol from both sides had not helped at all. You helped give me that refreshing simple perspective that brought me back down to earth. Once again, thanks a bunch!


1:52:00 I could have helped that scammer « Yes, Saint Luke’s father cut it off but then in the next book of the Bible he has another one. » - « I can’t remember that verse but it rings a bell. »


Fun fact: Mount Hermon, the mountain where the Sons of God (Watchers/Titans) landed on earth (Mount Hermon), is now a ski/snowboarding resort


Hi, since you were talking about Text Criticism, Holy Koolaid really threw me off guard with this one. Have you read Origen against Celsus ? Is there a time when Celsus says « Christians change their scriptures as drunkards to fit their doctrine ? » Do you know what the details of that is ?


I have a question - might be for a shorter video - think I need a book with maps and other historical information around the bible. Would like one with the right way through the desert and other correct information. Why not something from
