Tomb Raider Definitive Edition: PS4 vs. Xbox One Comparison

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I know it doesn't make any sense, but her face looks more beautiful in XOne than in PS4 to me.


The differance between 60 frames and 30 is so much more noticable when its slowed down.


I love how the PS4 Version has a better"smooth" frame rate while being slowed down as oppose to the XO version.


Im done lol you cant take xbox fanboys seriously, i just watched the pc (ultimate settings) vs xbox one version and they had the nerve to say xbox one version was better lmfao


Actually the only way to do a "fair" comparison is to have both systems. This was one of the first games I got on both systems, but only had PS4 until back in Nov. I did a comparison with both, and they have added a few details on Xbox One (patch, update) when they freed up the esdram. She has caked mud on her face and arms. A few other fine small details. But overall, the realism is much more clear and crisp on PS4. So it still wins. Very dark on Xbox One as well, plays more like the 360 version with better resolutions, textures and framerates. The original is/was still a gorgeous game. PS4 takes it here though. Even after a year. Hell this is more detailed and looks better in many places than Ryse or The Order. Especially in world environments.


Now do a comparison: Xbox-One vs PowerPoint presentation.


PS4 FTW look at Digital Foundry analysis below 

Graphical Quality
To begin with, let's address the differences between the two versions of the Definitive Edition on offer. PlayStation 4 users get a comfortably delivered 1080p presentation backed up with a post-process FXAA solution that has minimal impact on texture quality, sporting decent coverage across the scene, bar some shimmer around more finely detailed objects. Meanwhile the situation is more interesting on the Xbox One: the anti-aliasing solution remains unchanged, but we see the inclusion of what looks like a variable resolution framebuffer in some scenes, while some cut-scenes are rendered at a locked 900p, explaining the additional blur in some of our Xbox One screenshots. Curiously, the drop in resolution doesn't seem to occur during gameplay - it's only reserved for select cinematics - suggesting that keeping performance consistent during these sequences was a priority for Xbox One developer United Front Games.

For the most part the main graphical bells and whistles are lavished equally across both consoles, although intriguingly there are a few areas that do see Xbox One cutbacks. As demonstrated in our head-to-head video below (and in our vast Tomb Raider comparison gallery), alpha-based effects in certain areas give the appearance of rendering at half resolution - though other examples do look much cleaner. We also see a lower-quality depth of field in cut-scenes, and reduced levels of anisotropic filtering on artwork during gameplay. Curiously, there are also a few lower-resolution textures in places on Xbox One, but this seems to be down to a bug (perhaps on level of detail transitions) as opposed to a conscious downgrade.


PS4 fans, Xbox fans its a game console to enjoy and play the games you enjoy. Although I never liked the ps3 but I did enjoy ps1, ps2, and I also enjoy the ps4 I never backed away from the console that had the games I enjoy the most on which was the Xbox sure it may not look as stunning but that doesn't mean its a bad system. I mainly play Xbox for the exclusives and Xbox live but with the ps4 out I can see myself enjoying PlayStation again maybe not as much as the Xbox one but still. So basically what I'm saying is enjoy the system that you enjoy playing the most but don't make it seem like a Presidential Debate. Take care everyone and get out there and game on. _l..l


1:15 i like more this face..than the last Tomb raider for PS3/X360.


1:27 - 1:29 proof better graphics in Xbox one . Better textures and here face looks a bit prettier lolz it is sharper on the ps4 sometimes, but nothing is really notice. And don't call me biased, I covered the indicators of which is the Xbox one and the ps4 so that I don't show bias. The Xbox one is better imo


They confirmed the PS4 version has the better higher quality effects & frame rate. There is no competition sadly, the PS4 won easily, but it still looks good on XB1.


They look pretty much the same except for slightly better colors on Xbox One and higher FPS on PS4.


Her emotional scenes look off in the definitive edition. I like her face changes except for her always looking a bit too angry in scenes where she should have puppy eyes.


Just look at 2:13. Look at the the texture of Sam's jacket. It looks better––more detailed––on the PS4.


You take away the labels, mix up the videos. I doubt anybody could tell which console is better.

they both look the

oh well the one on the left is ps4 and its 60fps....

ohhhh....then the ps4 looks

Basic fanboy logic.


I've noticed PS4 struggles with the TressFX hair. I wonder why? The FPS is definitely noticeable though.


Cex are selling the XB1 version for 8euro and the PS4 version for 30euro.  Guess which one I bought?  It's good having all the consoles.


I quite honestly can't see a difference.. I mean there are times that the XBO looks better and the PS4 looks foggy and vice versa but overall it just all looks the same to me. 


Free with xbox live gold! Good thing some of us have both ps4 and xboxone :)


The FPS is the major differnce here, textures look identical.
