Moby - 'My Only Love' (Official Music Video)

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It seems as if we’re confronted with new catastrophes on an almost daily basis, but while we deal with these horrors the climate emergency just gets worse and worse. And without the rainforests our planet will quickly become a scorching, uninhabitable wasteland. The goal of this video was to remind people of the ongoing horrors of climate emergency and deforestation, as well as reminding people that meat and dairy production are the leading causes of deforestation.


Music: 'My Only Love' by Moby
Production: Zombie Studio/BlinkInk
Animation and Visual Effects by: Zombie Studio
Directed by: Paulo Garcia
Executive Creative Director: Daniel Salles
Executive Producer: Natália Gouvea, Josef Byrne
Account Services: Stefanie Dias
Original Script: Paulo Garcia
Script Adaptation: Natalia Mamede
Animation Producer: André Carvalho
CGI Lead: Wallan Oliveira, Claudio Junior, Rafael Segnini
Technical Director: Wallan Oliveira
Technical Supervisor: Isaac Buzzola
Storyboard and Animatic: Saulo Brito and Gabriel São Marcos
Animation Director: Patrick Botton
Lead Modeller: Mauricio Sampaio
Lead Look Development: Claudio Junior
Lead Composition: Leandro Amorim, Isaac Buzzola
Concept Art: Estevão Teuber, Anna Caiado, Feppa Rodrigues.
Live action director: André Lefcadito (Estilingue Films)
Color Grading: Marcio Pasqualino (Psycho n' Look)

'My Only Love' is taken from the new Moby album 'All Visible Objects.'

Moby makes generous regular donations from all music income to animal rights organisations outlined on the below link. The album track list can be found among them.

Over the last 10 years Moby has been donating 100% of the profits from most of his work to animal and human rights charities. His free film music site, mobygratis, his festival Circle V, his restaurant, and his last few albums have all donated 100% of their profits to animal and human rights
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I'm from Brazil, every single day we have news persons who traffic this animals. It's a crime that kill a lot of animals in the transport, very sadly....


Brazil here, supporting animal rights and also nature. Thank you, Moby.


Yes! Moby.
Use your gift.
Help stop the crying of our planet


Sou brasileira e nossa Amazônia, nossos povos indígenas pedem SOCORRO, estão desmatando, queimando, acabando com tudo! #SOS #BRASIL #AMAZONIA 🔥🔥🇧🇷🔥🔥🔥🐒🐆🦉🐍🦎🦋🐝🐢🌳🌱🔥🔥🔥


I'm just crying... I am Brazilian and seeing this made me very emotional because deforestation in the Amazon, the largest rainforest in the world, is the largest in history. Thanks for this job and for sending this message.


Tears filled my eyes. Humans have always been drawn to violence and destruction, I don't know why it's easier for them to hate than to love 😢


“When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money.”


Sou brasileiro e vegetariano, me emocionei com essa animação, a primeira coisa que lembrei foi a Amazônia. Agora estou chorando, pois sei que por muito tempo contribui para essa carnificina, me sinto tão desprezível. Mas vou enxugar minhas lágrimas e chamar o máximo de pessoas possíveis para o veganismo, vamos lutar juntos em prol daqueles que não podem lutar por si próprios ✊.


Посыл очень сильный. Столько лесов горит, их специально поджигают. Животные лишаются своего дома, их популяция падает и все ради прибыли. В этом клипе так надеялась, что мама найдет своё дитя... До слёз


Can't see this without crying. I'm Brazilian and it's so hard to face everything we are going through... Human life, Nature... Anything has any value here anymore... We are completely lost.


Finally an artists who starts addressing the real problems of our world! Well done, great song!


This is what artists should be using their platform for. Thank you Moby. One day we can only hope enough are informed to make better choices 💙💙💙


The work of this author does not need translation and unites continents.


No tengo nada más, que agradecerle a Dios, por darle ese gran talento a Moby, gracias por el esfuerzo de tan increíbles canciones.❤️
Estaba a punto de escribir un gran mensaje para que todos cuidemos nuestro 🌎, pero, ya hay demasiados mensajes, tal vez, el problema no está en los mensajes, si no, en las personas.
Nosotros somos el problema.
*Excepto los que hacen un cambio, ellos si son humanos con un gran corazón, y no, seres inhumanos.*

Que Dios los bendiga a todos. ❤️
Espero que cuando todos reaccionemos, y accionemos, no sea muy tarde.


Heartbreaking but people need to take on board the devastating effects of animal abuse 😭💓


Прекрасный трек. Moby очередной раз восхитил. А видеоряд просто душераздирающий. Эмоции невозможно сдержать, я рыдала и не могла остановиться. Это, как проехаться бульдозером по оголенным нервам. Вот она реальность, в которой мы живём. И ведь такое происходит повсеместно, только в других своих проявлениях. Не понимаю, почему вокруг столько жестокости и несправедливости.


I am crying, this is real. Deforestation, animal trafficking and brown and black activists murdered for raising their voices. Please let's educate ourselves and try eating less meat, don't buy anything with Palm oil and buy local. I personally believe that if we all make small changes we can make a big difference. I know veganism isn't for everyone but please give it a chance.


Moby is really a spiritual feeler, his music is so deep and full of love for this earth. Right on the spot this video is for 2020!! He comes at the right time, so much emotions, so much love for this beautiful earth and the animals and nature that are suffering. Thank you moby for your music. Its really typical moby and only moby can touch our souls with this electronical sounds! Its like when you hear it its an old friend that comes back again and never changes in touching us. His sound is unique and the feelings he can express and come through his music in our hearts <3


Did I need to see this crushing & heartbreaking video this morning? Yes. Everybody should see this frankly.


Infelizmente, uma realidade cada vez mais presente no estado de Rondônia e toda Amazônia..tragico
