aes gcm example

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certainly! aes (advanced encryption standard) in gcm (galois/counter mode) is a widely used encryption algorithm that provides both confidentiality and data integrity. it is often used in secure communications, file encryption, and data protection.
overview of aes-gcm
- **aes**: a symmetric encryption algorithm that uses the same key for encryption and decryption.
- **gcm**: a mode of operation that provides authenticated encryption. it combines the operations of encryption and integrity checking in a single step.
- **key features**:
- **confidentiality**: ensures that the data cannot be read by unauthorized parties.
- **integrity**: ensures that the data has not been tampered with.
- **performance**: gcm is efficient and suitable for high-speed applications.
components of aes-gcm
1. **key**: a secret key used for both encryption and decryption.
2. **nonce (iv)**: a unique value for each encryption operation to ensure that the same plaintext encrypts to different ciphertexts.
3. **plaintext**: the original data you want to encrypt.
4. **ciphertext**: the encrypted data.
5. **authentication tag**: a tag generated to verify the integrity of the ciphertext and additional authenticated data (aad).
python example using `cryptography` library
this example demonstrates how to encrypt and decrypt data using aes-gcm in python. ensure you have the `cryptography` library installed. you can install it using pip:
explanation of the code
1. **key generation**: a random 256-bit key is generated. you should securely store this key for later use.
2. **nonce generation**: a random nonce (iv) is generated for each encryption operation.
3. **encryption**:
- a `cipher` object is created with the aes algorithm and gcm mode.
- the plaintext is encrypted, and an authentication tag is generated.
4. **decryption**:
- the ciphertext, nonce, and tag are used to create a new `cipher` object.
- the ciphertext is decrypted, and the integrity of the data is verifi ...
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overview of aes-gcm
- **aes**: a symmetric encryption algorithm that uses the same key for encryption and decryption.
- **gcm**: a mode of operation that provides authenticated encryption. it combines the operations of encryption and integrity checking in a single step.
- **key features**:
- **confidentiality**: ensures that the data cannot be read by unauthorized parties.
- **integrity**: ensures that the data has not been tampered with.
- **performance**: gcm is efficient and suitable for high-speed applications.
components of aes-gcm
1. **key**: a secret key used for both encryption and decryption.
2. **nonce (iv)**: a unique value for each encryption operation to ensure that the same plaintext encrypts to different ciphertexts.
3. **plaintext**: the original data you want to encrypt.
4. **ciphertext**: the encrypted data.
5. **authentication tag**: a tag generated to verify the integrity of the ciphertext and additional authenticated data (aad).
python example using `cryptography` library
this example demonstrates how to encrypt and decrypt data using aes-gcm in python. ensure you have the `cryptography` library installed. you can install it using pip:
explanation of the code
1. **key generation**: a random 256-bit key is generated. you should securely store this key for later use.
2. **nonce generation**: a random nonce (iv) is generated for each encryption operation.
3. **encryption**:
- a `cipher` object is created with the aes algorithm and gcm mode.
- the plaintext is encrypted, and an authentication tag is generated.
4. **decryption**:
- the ciphertext, nonce, and tag are used to create a new `cipher` object.
- the ciphertext is decrypted, and the integrity of the data is verifi ...
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