BEST ULTIMATE MEGA TRIVIA QUIZ GAME | #14 | 100 General knowledge Questions and answers

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How many can you answer correctly? Here's another mega quiz! 100 Questions, mixed general knowledge trivia quiz.

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83/100 bad score I think Phobos and Deimos were the sons of Aries, great quiz thanks again Ben 👍👍😁


Excellent quiz, you found several that I didn't know! Top notch


My score was awful this time, but I knew the answers to some of the questions - and I have no idea why I knew the answer! When it’s red, it’s a ruby and also rice is a grain. This was a really good quiz, Ben!🌸


Managed to get 89/100 plus add the bonuses, #19 bonus Phobos and Deimos were the sons of Ares and Aphrodite (the Greek gods of war and love, respectively), and #22 bonus red sapphires are called rubies. In the end, it's all corundum....
Thanks for the quizzes. Gives me something to pass the time and keep my mind sharp. I was playing some "Brain Games" online until recently when the site decided to discontinue the online versions... bummer.
Been playing some other YouTube quiz channels, but I prefer yours!


Tough one. Was perfect through 40 and then slipped. 96/100. Sapphire can’t be red it would be a ruby. The names are sons of Greek gods. I knew rice was the translation but it’s not a vegetable rather a grain. No harm. Love your quizzes they help me learn more about the world.


Thank you for your Best Mega Quiz. 👍👍
Bonus. Red Sapphires are known as Rubies


Great quiz! Still can't answer German Questions = Torte or one other! Grrr But got U-boat. Happy dance ensued. lol Rice is a grain. Sorry but true. Ares sons. Red makes rubies. Enjoyed as always. Thank you.


90/100 Thanks for the quiz, unfortunately I did not hear what the bonus quizzes were! 🤔😛😇🤗🤗


I actually according to the answers, missed 7, is not a vegetable, it is a grain, so I eliminated that immediately and made a guess of one of the actual vegetables so I am giving my score as 94/99. I love your quizzes, Ben. Thank you for all you do for us.


This was a toughie. It was a challenge. I got 89/100/Thanks a lot 😄👍


G-wagons - LMAO. very good m8. got me creased up.


It is "A capella", not just capella. 75/100.


Hoi, great quiz!!! We have to have a word: 1. singing unaccompanied by an instrument is "A Cappella"... not Cappella... Cappella is a chapel... hence, in the chapel... not just chapel on its own... and, 'ang on a bit, The Messiah by Handel is an Oratorio not an Opera... Hallelujia... ecc. ;)) From the person who guessed that yeast was a bacterium ;)) cheers!!!


The beagle is considered the cutest type of dog. Haha. Why wasn't that a choice? And yes, a red sapphire is a ruby.


Good fun. btw The Messiah (by Handel_ is not an opera but an oratorio.


86/99 as rice is not a vegetable... as commented earlier. Dam. thought Polka was polish. Learned some new facts though, fun!


Thank you for the quiz, not a great result this time(76). Looking forward to redeeming myself. Cheers Michael


72/100 A couple I knew but took me too long to remember, but I got a couple of complete guesses too so I guess it balances out! Excellent quiz, keep it up mate.


90/100. This was an excellent quiz and I have to admit that several of my correct answers were guesses/process of elimination. One small correction for you: the Messiah is not an opera. It's an oratorio.


81/100. Excellent questions. I like my score but I feel like I was playing against George Santos at times. Good job sir.
