The S.N.A.A.P. Technique: How To Make An Unforgettable Impression In 60 Seconds | Lisa Nichols

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Every person you strike a conversation with is a potential friend, investor, business partner, future better half, client, or customer. And when you only have a minute to impress, every word you say counts in how you’ll be remembered.

This single technique has helped Lisa…

- Raise $4.8 million by pitching her business to investors
- Bring amazing talents on board for her team
- And to even transform lives by speaking her bold truth

This video will show you how the S.N.A.A.P. technique can bring the same results for you!

#inspiration #lisanichols #communication
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Drop us a comment below if you enjoyed this video and can now make the PERFECT pitch. Where can you try putting the S.N.A.P.P technique into practice this week?
Thank you for liking this video and be sure to share this video and technique with someone you feel NEEDS to learn it. ❤


I'll never forget the day that I've watched this when i was homeless. My back was against the ground looking up at the night sky. I said to myself whiles listening to this about 20x. I said to myself that I'm not homeless I'm just sleeping under the stars for a moment in time. Then I regained my mind to create a better ways of living it wasn't easy. But now my business is up and running even better during this pandemic.


Hi, I just found out about this technique this morning at a local meetup. The technique seems interesting and after watching this 4 times I thought I would give this SNAAP technique a shot. I don't know if I got this right after watching this 4 times but here it goes.

"I'm a web developer and as a result of my services my clients receive more leads, and increased exposure. I am looking for small to medium sized businesses who are looking turn their visitors into customers. Who do you know?"


i had to watch this 4 times I can not believe how articulate I became after practicing the snapp technique


As a result of the all natural sanitary napkins that I sell, women have seen improvements in their mood, cramping, odor, pain and confidence. As a result of the pads I sell, men have a clearer understanding of what women go through each and every month. As a result of the pads I sell, individuals are displaying more confidence and improved health. I'm looking for individuals who want to help a young lady be safer, drier, and more confident in her skin. Who do you know?


Be clear, concise, powerful, quick, will be wise.
1. Elevate the path of connection.
2. Increase the value of your contacts.
Replace the "Elevator pitch" with S.N.A.A.P.: Super - Networking - At - Accelerated - Pace.
Talk about your results vs the process.
Don't make your client guess, always end with a question


This video couldn't have come at a better time....I'm attending my first 60 sec networking event in two weeks. This gives me the chance to work on what I'm going to say and rather than feel fear.... I feel excited!!


Thank you so much Lisa Nichols and Mindvalleyfor this super valuable content.
Here's my S.N.A.A.P. (first time ever!)

It’s my mission to help 40+ busy moms create and manifest their ideal “me time” without feeling guilty,
so they can move through their days with more ease, grace and flow, while having fun along the way.

As a result of working with me, they not only thrive as a woman; feeling energized and alive,
having a stronger sense of Self Confidence and higher Self Esteem, daring to set healthy boundaries
in their relationships with other people. They also truly enjoy being a mom again, who love to spend
q time with their kids and feel more deeply connected to them. Their relationships with their spouses
improve significantly, they grow closer to one another, which has a positive impact on their overall family life.

I feel so happy, blessed and thankful to help these moms thrive and blossom, determined to leave behind
a thriving family legacy for future generations.

Who do you know, would love to create this for themselves?


For 15 years I had a voice from within telling me that I was meant for a purpose, I would always step back coz of the wall ahead of me (emotional, financial wall), but now I have taken the courage to break the wall and move ahead. Your first sentence touch me from within and made me realise that I'm on the right path encouraging me to go ahead. I will follow what you have conveyed thru this video. Thankyou very much.


I empower youth by teaching life skills through a program. My vision is to create something similar to Mindvalley but for the youth of our world. Right now, I do this by having my toddler son repeat power statements, and I do this through physical education by teaching children about their mind, body and soul through specific action steps


I really felt her authenticity in every word and it made me wanto learn this and improve myself in speaking with & to other ppl on a regular basis. Very Powerful Indeed!!
💙✌🌟 #Blessings


When I play piano, my listeners come to life and feel in love with life! I am so passionate about bringing beautiful music to this world and inspire as many people as I can. I am looking for the right agent who would help me do that. Who do you know?

(... um, wow that felt terrifying lolll)
Thanks, Lisa and Mindvalley for your incredible content 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


For some reason, my wifi really failed me. YouTube dropped the video quality to 360p and buffered every 20 seconds, and if I'm being honest, it really started to frustrate me. But I kept watching because I could sense that this woman had something important and timely to say. I'm going to start using the S.N.A.A.P. technique to let all my potential customers know the result I'm shooting for. Thank you Lisa, for your encouragement and instructional words of wisdom.


This is so Amazing I'm going to share now. Every time I here Lisa Nichols speak I feel so energized and empowered.


My poetry opens the ears of the deaf, awakens the mind of the listeners. It is music to the listeners soul and a pill to the pangs of the melancholic. It entices every soul, no one can ignore it. It is very powerful. Who wants to hear it?


I love to paint and my paintings add life to the homes of people who have them. They are the cup of motivation in the morning and a soothing glass of peace at night. They add joy to homes and motivation at work places. That's my S.N.A.A.P. and i am grateful to be able to have this effect on people's life.😊😊


Man....I learned soooo much on speaking from this woman!! She elevated my life


Thank you so much Lisa Nichols! You just created a shift in my perception of communication!
So this is my pitch:
"As a result of the classes I provide, elderly people will participate in an exercise that is tailored to their individual capacity of movement, enabling them to feel empowered, appreciated, inspired, and energized. They feel determined and educated on the power of creating a sense of physical wellbeing for themselves. I am looking for facilities that are interested in booking my services. Who do you know?"


I am future doctor and I want that every patient whom I treat they will live happily long life and they remain healthy for their entire life and after taking treatment they will become more stronger and stronger day by day than before...!
This my 'S. N. A. P. ...!


THANK YOU for bringing LIFE into my living! This segment is brilliant of course. Since March 5th of 2018, when I first was ready to "hear" you, my life has CHANGED and I have grown up towards being the me that I knew was inside me somewhere. My friends and business associates see a major difference in me because it shows up in this new refreshing life I am leading today. YOU have been the catalyst to my real life, the one I was created to pursue and to lead. HUGE HUG and Lots of Love to you!! Tim
