Is It Safe to Let Your Cat Go Outside? | Cat Care

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Are you wondering if you should take your cat outside? That's a great question. Taking your cat outside can be a really great form of environmental enrichment and keep your cat occupied and wear him out a little bit. However, you want to make sure that you do it safely. As you can imagine, cats that are outside are at a high risk of injury and death from toxins, other cats, larger animals such as dogs, and getting hit by cars, or just getting injured as they traipse around high areas. So if you are going to go out with your cat, you want to make sure that he's safe, but you also need to make sure that the environment is safe. Remember, cats can do a lot of environmental damage when left to their own devices.

They'll kill off songbirds relatively quickly, and for many people this is an unacceptable part of having cats outside. So if you are going to take your cat outside, the best thing you can do is make that you're doing it in a controlled way. One way to do that is to create a little cat fenced-in area. Remember, you're going to need a top on that as well, because they can climb right over. Or, you can teach your cat to walk on a leash. There are many different leash and halter set-ups that you can find at the pet shop and online. I like this one, it's called the "come with me kitty" and it has a little bit of a bungee effect to it, so that it doesn't get as strained against the cat as other flat-leash objects do. If you decide you want to use a halter though, it's really important to teach your cat to be comfortable with one. And the way you start, is by just pairing the appearance of the halter with tasty food treats or games that your cat enjoys.

Now Cheech here, she's just stressed out regardless of the halter, so I know she's not going to take a treat from me right now, but if she were more calm, I would pick up the halter and give her a treat. And do that 3 or 4 times. As soon as I'd done that, every time she looks at the halter, I would give her a treat. And so on, until she will voluntarily put her head in the halter on her own for a reward. Then you're at the point where you can actually take your cat outside and walk around. If you want to go the easier route, you can always put your cat in a little cat carrier, or in a cat stroller. But some cats don't like confinement, so if you decide to do that, you're going to have to train them in a similar way. But if you do this, you can take your cat outside safely both for the cat and for the environment.
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My cat waits to cross the road and he looks both sides. I trust him all the time.


We're living on a very busy street right now, I and my neighbors have cats. Letting theirs out, three have died from being run over by vehicles. A new cat almost ran away on them. Alive pets are better than dead ones, so my two boys aren't going out.


that cat is like I want to get out of here lol


that cat is obviously scared arghh I hate this


Many people talk about how their cats died after going outside, but that might be because it’s safer to let your cat outside step-by-step, and not immediately. I have a little garden in the middle of my house, which is a great starting spot for a new cat, if you have a little garden like that.

If you don’t, I recommend not letting your cat outside without supervision until it pretty much knows the area.

If your cat died, even though you did it step-by-step, I understand why you wanna keep your cats inside, and I’m sorry for your loss, but it’s unhealthy for cats to stay inside forever, even if it’s safer. Of course, do what you want, it’s your choice and your cat. This is just advice from someone, who has had cats since birth.

Have a nice day!


That poor cat! It's so scared! Why didn't she stop the filming and ask for a cat who was more comfortable on camera/with her/in general? This poor cat! It's hard to take her seriously when she keeps putting this cat through a clearly stressful experience!


I only let my cats out in my garden it's cat proof and only supervised


I love letting my cat outside, just the fact that it could die scares me...

Next day it comes back


I found a easier way. Just open the danm door and let it have fun. My cat doesn't even go in the street. She just goes too my neighbors houses


I let my cat out all the time. He loves it.
Tip one:
Give them a collar so they don't get Cat-napped by other people.

We have trained him to go out by himself without any help, and he loves it so much.

Though, we do live in the English countryside, which is different to in America.


A cat is not suppossed to live its whole life in a house! Let the cats outside it is their nature to be outside and do what ever she wants! If it's not possible for you because of several facts than don't get a cat!! It is simple not good for them to stay in a house their whole life End of story....


Outdoor cats are the norm in my country. I‘m from a small village in Germany and I was shocked when I heard that there are actually people who don’t let their cats go outside. They’re literally suppressing natural behavior of cats… hunting, climbing, digging, smelling and „socializing“ with other cats around the neighborhood is natural behavior of any cat and can not be lived out when the cat is held only indoors. Our cat can go outside whenever she wants, she doesn’t wear a collar or anything (she’s chipped and neutered obviously), sometimes she’s outside for a few hours, sometimes for a whole day or at night time. I don’t worry about her at all. She always returns home, she’s 8 years old now living her best life.


My cat Dale got out and he got hit by a car. I miss him so much.


A cat will be fine outside. They’re exceptional animals who are very aware of their enviroment. But you shouldn’t let a cat outside If it isn’t spayed or neutered, cause that means unwanted litters and more cats in need of a home.


Lol my neighbor has an outdoor fenced in area for his cats and he calls it the "catio" (cat patio) 😂


My cat that I had for 7 years was an outdoors cat. She sadly passed away last week from my garage door. I miss her everyday and night. I miss patting her whenever I had a bad day at school or anything 😭😭


Cats are meant to be for the outdoors, however it truly depends on where you live. If you live in the country with a lot of land, sure a cat should go outside. They are very smart animals and will enjoy their time. But if you live in a coldesac or on a busy street, don't let it go outside unless you are emotionally prepared for it not returning. I'm not saying they're any less smarter than the country cats, but a lot more dangers are present in the city/urban environment


i see to many outside injured cats come into my clinic to let out my little baby out. Abcessess, FIV, hit by cars, maulings can happen any where. And a lot of people who buy cats dont microchip, desex or vaccinate their animals so they just add to the massive population of stray cats and spread disease while they are at it 


My cat died today by a car, he was 2 years old. And the cat I had before died of a car too, he was 1 year old...


dat tail between the legs
