Trump Vs Harris Debate Analysis: Policies, Values, and Manipulation | Tom Bilyeu Reacts

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Welcome to Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu. In this compelling episode, Tom is joined by his Sr. Producer Andrew St Juste to dissect the intricacies of the 2024 presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Together, they explore the critical importance of understanding the core beliefs and values of political candidates, and Tom critiques Trump’s reliance on gut reactions while questioning Harris's changing positions.

Through insightful conversations, the episode delves into the significant influence of money in politics, the impact of endorsements, and concerns about the democratic process, particularly in how RFK has been treated by the Democratic Party. Drawing parallels to cultural and economic issues, we investigate how innovation, economic policies, and the pursuit of excellence shape societal progress.

Tom also offers a candid analysis of Trump's evolving political strategy, comparing his current restrained demeanor to the once-dominant Anderson Silva, whose fall from grace serves as an apt metaphor. The discussion moves beyond the debate itself to cover deeper topics such as the necessity of free speech, the manipulation within politics, and the broader implications of national debt and global geopolitical tensions.

Join us for a thought-provoking session that challenges the status quo and urges listeners to look beyond simplistic political narratives to understand the assumptions behind policies. Let’s dive in.

00:00 Kamala’s claims debunked; political gamesmanship evident, exhausting.

05:24 DNC ruthlessly controls narrative, keeping challengers out.

07:38 Trump is unpredictable, emotional, critiques political corruption.

11:14 People need simple shortcuts and talking points.

14:31 Ignoring history can lead to bad consequences.

19:00 Villainizing excellence leads to societal instability, inequality.

21:35 Know goals, predict outcomes, time-bound experiments, evaluate early.

24:52 Governments and people must check each other.

26:55 Examine base assumptions driving policies and beliefs.

31:56 Intense staring exercise with profound impact.

35:59 Human history debt jubilee leads to bloodshed.

37:51 Tense global conflicts, Russia-Ukraine most concerning.

42:03 Trump relies on gut reactions over prepared beliefs.

44:09 Democrats undemocratically blocked RFK; elites manipulate.

46:38 Trump’s remarks sound weird; hurt credibility.

political beliefs, candidate values, Donald Trump critique, Kamala Harris positions, money in politics, Democratic process concerns, RFK exclusion, 2024 presidential debate, policy debates, economic policy discussions, Trump's credibility, economic optimism, manipulation in politics, free speech importance, political endorsements, debate winner, inflation, economic policies, national debt, Kamala Harris debate performance, independent media influence, Trump rally attendance, Anderson Silva metaphor, job creation, anti-capitalism sentiments, innovation promotion, Japan economic stagnation, U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio, economic deregulation, regulatory policies.
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This had almost zero discussion of the actual debate and just Tom talking about his own views.


More Open Public Debates = Better Democracy (having only one debate on an election year doesn't come close to cutting it).


People heard she wants to give people $50k to start a small businesses... but, that's not what she said! She said a $50k tax break to start a small business. It's not the same as giving someone $50k to start a small business unless they are making a high enough 6 figure income to be paying $50k in taxes.


In an election about IMMIGRATION, he responded to a question about IMMIGRATION with an answer on CROWD SIZES. The moderators didnt make him do that, Kamala did….


Another option to pay for things we need is to stop the unnecessary wars and paying for illegal immigrants.


Trump has the right to ask for the 2nd debate to be on FOX since he already went on ABC... and if Kamala refuses it will just show how unfair and weak she is and she is definitely not the candidate for all of America


How could you watch that debate and miss the point. Candidate #1 has no self-control, misanthropic beliefs, and a lack of morals. Candidate #2, I don't know, has some policies you disagree with? It's just mind numbing to listen to this sane washing of Trump.


Kamala $25k home down payment assistance. The problem is not the down payment. The problem is the price of houses. Her plan will make home affordability worse. Then, the solution will be to throw more money at the problem. Wash, rinse, repeat.


Has kamala made your life any better the last 4 years?


I'm a democrat and I won't vote for Harris. My party manipulated the situation so that we would not have a choice of candidate and in so doing, subverted the process. Harris is just a continuation of the Biden/Obama/Clinton policies that have not served us well. And so far, I'm against every new policy she has touted. In addition, they do not address the issues with the policies that they have implemented that are having deleterious effect. I've never supported Trump but that may change this year. It's about our country and our citizens, not the party affiliation.


35:07 No matter what, people should never have equal outcomes if they don’t put in the same work. I’ve seen my father squander life on heroine and there is no world where someone whom squandered their life should get the same outcomes as someone whom served the community towards progress.

Has my father helped by giving actual good ideas to old friends and made my hometown flourish because they executed on those good ideas? Yes, do I believe he deserves equal outcome as them when they toiled on their business and he only squandered his life on drugs? Absolutely not. We can never allow garbage conduct to yield same results as hard work.


@TomBilyeu that thing you sense is missing from Trump - maybe it's ethics? Or morals? He has never shown any sign of having either.


There is a reason why Kamala did not do interviews for a long period. She had to be coached on what her believes should be. There is a clear disconnect of her believes (values) and her stance (policies)


Its not just Kamala said something 4 years ago opposite of what she says now... she held those views for 20 years and didnt change until Joe got pushed out.


Why are you making up hypothetical things Kamala Harris could say when she's never said anything like that.


It’s not equal outcomes we want - it’s equal access to success


After nine years I told my boss that I had concepts of plans...I was fired!!!


That's a long way to say: "Vote for Trump even if you don't like his manners".




OK I have to say something.

I am from Springfield (I have left thank God) and have family and friends still there. Furthermore, I was there recently for a extended visit. I can absolutely confirm that geese are being snatched from Snyder Park (a local park on the west side of town). My sister and cousins have seen this themselves. As for the cats and dogs, they haven't seen that themselves but I can confirm as can they that there are way less strays than usual. So the media collectively gaslighting this area about this very real phenomenon isn't helpful and is precisely the sort of thing that pushes them to Trump. Many dislike him and disagree with him but he actually will acknowledge the reality they're living in unlike everyone else. Do not take this as a endorsement of Trump as it isn't. I am equally turned off by both candidates. I am just saying that perhaps maybe, people should actually talk to people on the ground. Not the elected officials who would look bad if it got out these things were happening but the actual residents.
