8 Craziest Abandoned Vehicles Discovered!

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Us captain: "ah so thats where my aircraft carrier was sitting"


5:20 this is so incorrect! Td;lr: People left because the salinity of the lake has become so high, the fish have nearly all died. The sand is made of literal fish bones. So a lake resort town that smells of constant rotten egg and rotting fish, has toxic dust being tossed up each year the lake recedes more, and has rates far above average of respiratory and other conditions with no jobs sound fun? Not really.

Full version: In 1900, the Governor decided to send water to the Salton Sink from the Colorado River to allow farming. Worked and became the Salton Basin, but five years later the canals slowed up with silt so cuts into the river were done to increase water flow. Good idea, until spring floods broke a canal and then for two years the river poured into the soon named Salton Sea.

It should've dried up but farmers used too much water from the river and let it fill the Salton Sea. The area was then a resort destination.

Problem was the Salton Sea had no outlet and by the 70s, scientists were like "ummm your town is screweddd" The farm runoff going through the desert leeched ancient salt deposits into the water, and that water went into the sea. Then evaporation just left more salt remaining and growing over time because there was no outlet to remove the actual salt.

People first left because in the 1970s a series of heavy tropical storms caused the Sea to rise and flood the surrounding towns. Also, same decade, Hurricane Kathleen came and decided to screw people too. Tourism rapidly declined so yes, people did move away. But the tourism declined because the place began to stink of dead fish.

By the 1990s, the shores were littered with dead fish, due to the high salinity causing mass die offs. And it kept getting worse. Algae blooms happened often, storms churned up the lake and caused botulism among the dying tilapia, the birds ate them... 4 months saw 14, 000 birds die from eating the fish.

And then as the final kicker, around 2000 California began to send the water to more coastal cities for a profit, so the sea dried up more and more. Toxic dust from years of runoff containing pesticides, factory emissions, etc kept getting exposed as dust and have. The place soon had some of the worst air quality in the country. Stuff was finally being done about it by the mid 2010s, but only because that dust was affecting Los Angeles folk and the like.


Knight Rider Historians have located the trailer too. They are in the process of restoring both.


no night Rider historians now has the semi from Knight Rider and the trailer so its in cable hands now being fully restored


As a California archaeologist, the deserts were my workplaces.


“Also a Bugatti Veyron!” *shows a Chiron*


The Night Rider truck you mention as a GMC and then show a Kenworth, which is what it actually is
. You call an RV park a trailer park, you call travel trailers motor homes, and classic sports cars you call gas guzzlers.
Do you know what anything is called ?


The Dubai thing is taxes. As tax evasion is hella prison, no chances, so they escape and leave the cars.


The night rider historians found the trailer. And it as like the truck is being restored.


They are restoring the Knight Rider Tractor Truck and are still looking for the trailer!


Me sees the thumbnail me:
How did that aircraft carrier got In there


The mcbarge has been known about for years!?!?!?! It's also been purchased by a private owner and their currently working on something for it. Terrible clickbate thumbnail as


There was one in treasure island Clearwater to


T-33 shooting a picture of a C-130..you lost me there


I wonder how many strikes for click bait you need to shut a channel down. And since I was hoping for that info on that thumbnail, it appears I was scammed by this channel.


The knight rider truck is not a gmc but is a Kenworth w 900


The Knight Rider trailer has been found


There's all most nothing left of the project at Lake Parrisha .


The story of Project Habbakuk does not mention a few other facts. The first is that Patricia Lake is smack in the middle of one of Canada's oldest National Parks, and carrying away any "salvage, " or pretty much anything else, is frowned upon by the Park Rangers, who are well aware of the site's draw for relic hunters. Patricia Lake was chosen because it was a) isolated, b) well up the side of a mountain, c) close to a major sawmill town only a few miles from the park gates (all the timber and sawdust they needed), and d) because the closest major city had a University with a superb University Engineering faculty, Civil and Mechanical. Many students who had completed their 2nd year found that they'd "volunteered" to work on Habbakuk, as well as Radar and atomics. My undergrad engineering supervisor was one of those young lads, and he filled in the story. The original idea for Habbakuk had been to simply level off an iceberg and put an airstrip on it. But icebergs roll over - not so great. The advantages of Pyekrete were that it made quite good armour against machnie gun, cannon fire, torpedos and ship's guns (some, at least). It was also strcturally strong. So, the idea was to create this "airfield" on an artificial ice island about 1/2 a mile long. Not all of the engines you mentioned were for propulsion; many were used to drive refrigeration equipment that pumped chilled fluid through the "frame" of the ship (in hoses) and so kept things from melting. There were a number of other "experimental units" that operated in remote areas of those National Parks - one of them has miles of signs warning people of unexploded mortar bombs and other dangersous stuff.


Wait...hey guys, you know modern warship? If you know, there's a new mod that's gonna rela
