Michelson-Morley Experiment and Null Result

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Thank you sir. I am from India and your lecture helps a lot


Nice lectures....thank u sir for ur good lectures on our topics


Sir this is theoritical explained👍, but plz explain the experienment in derivative form also..!


i miss some lecture of relativity theory in college so i found video from you tube that is very clear of this top by more simple language of whole talk about this topis that is nice all of lecture best of luck for more video


It only proves we are not spinning! The earth is not spinning.


am sorry to ask, was there not an experiment were some guys received a nobel price in the 80s or so?


what does the null result earth is or not...


sir it is too small and big figure is not present then will this be right


The assumption is that the ether is an absolute reference frame and that something like the sun was what it was fixed to or the center. This assumption already precludes the possibility that the earth is the center or tether. If earth center than it is possible that the ether rotates around it which would likely give the same results of the experiment.

Later on, once Einstein made general relativity (adding in an ether known as space time), he argues, as a thought experiment, for a geocentric universe.


Wow osm explanation and fine note sir.can u plz give me the total note of special theory of relatively in PDF....plz sir...




"invisible media"? "comparisons between car speeds"? Light speed is constant = c. "Recapitulating, we may say that according to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an ether. According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable; for in such space there not only would be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of existence for standards of space and time (measuring-rods and clocks), nor therefore any space-time intervals in the physical sense. But this ether may not be thought of as endowed with the quality characteristic of ponderable media, as consisting of parts which may be tracked through time. The idea of motion may not be applied to it."


earth velocity around the sun is 30 kilometers per second


(1) Google Demjanov's twin media (air & carbondisulphide) MMX done in Obninsk on 22 June 1970 which showed an aetherwind of 140 km/s min & 480 km/s max during a day (this was the horizontal projection of the background aetherwind which is approx 500 km/s south to north blowing approx 20 deg off Earth's spin-axis). This genius 1st order MMX was 1000 times as sensitive & accurate as the oldendays 2nd order MMXs.
(2) The MMXs were never null.
(3) The correct calibration needed to allow for length contraction caused by the aetherwind.
(4) The correct calibration needed to allow for the Fresnel Drag of light by the air. Prof Reg Cahill explains.
(5) Firstly a linear ever-growing fringe-shift that got larger with each rotation. All MMXs that employ vertical fringes will detect this signal. This includes laser MMXs. Horizontal fringes do not suffer from this effect. Because at least one mirror has to be turned a little (horizontally) to give the desired fringes then this results in a difference in a beam's horizontal radius from the axis of rotation. Mirrors approaching the axis in effect eat waves/fringes, & mirrors going away from the axis in effect vomit waves/fringes, the eating equaling the vomiting, but in Michelson's & Miller's MMXs the non-symmetry of the beams resulted in non-equal eating/vomiting, resulting in a signal that was periodic in a full turn. The desired sought-for MMX signal (fringe shift) being periodic in a half turn. University MMXs will detect this signal if the MMX is rotated lots of times, because this signal is ever-growing, 100 rotations will give 100 times the signal that is gotten from 1 rotation. Stopping or slowing the rotation has no effect on this signal, ie it doesnt reduce this signal, the size of the signal depends only on the number of rotations, it is ever-growing. Michelson & Miller deducted this signal from their raw readings, to do so they assumed that it was linear, which it is, or, it should be, but their MMX was top-heavy & suffered from a changing lean (it floated in a mercury filled trough), plus their MMX had a sloppy pin (ie axis of rotation), hence their LEGFS was not always very linear (but that is another interesting story in its own right).
(6) Secondly a spurious signal that was periodic in a full turn. This was because their mirrors were at two levels, hence some of their light beams had to angle up & later down. This then introduced a spurious signal (fringe shift) due to angle contraction of the mirrors in their apparatus, which changed the effective lengths of the angled beams. I call such angle contraction Esclangon angle contraction, as Esclangon is i think the first person to bring it to the attention of science (but he didnt mention that it must also happen in an MMX). EAC is due to Lorentzian Length Contraction of solids (which should be called FitzGerald LC as FitzGerald was the first to predict it) which is due to any change in the aetherwind blowing throo a solid (which changes the size/shape of solids)(because solids are held together by electric forces)(these forces being affected by the wind).


Suppose we make the following postulates
1. There is no ether.
2. Speed of light in vacuum is c relative to the source of light.
3. Speed of light in vacuum is NOT independent of frame of reference. Rather it obeys Galilean relativity.

Then also we expect null result from Michelson Morley experiment.


В интерпретации эксперимента Майкельсона-Морли допущена принципиальная ошибка.
На самом деле интерферометр демонстрирует сдвиг фаз лучей, которые, после того, как солнечный луч от Солнца достиг самого первого расщепляющего луч зеркала(полупрозра-чной отражающей стеклянной пластины) НЕ имеют УЖЕ БОЛЬШЕ НИКАКОГО ОТНОШЕНИЯ к ВНЕШНЕМУ по отношению к ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬ- НОЙ УСТАНОВКЕ Солнечному лучу, СКОРОСТЬ КОТОРОГО ИМЕННО мы хотим измерить. Действительно, после падения на САМЫЙ ПЕРВЫЙ конструктивный элемент установки - - расщепляющее зеркало, исходящие от этого зеркала лучи являются ВТОРИЧНЫМ излучением этого самого зеркала, , являющегося конструктивным элементом установки, НЕПОДВИЖНЫМ относительно остальных конструктивных элементов. Итак, интерферометр демонстрирует В ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЬНОС- ТИ сдвиг фаз между лучами, КОТОРЫЕ ВСЕ являются ИСПУЩЕННЫМИ конструктивными элементами установки, НЕПОДВИЖНЫМИ друг относительно друга, и которые ВСЕ являются вторичными по отношению к изначальному Солнечном лучу, то есть УТРАТИВШИМИ ВСЯКОЕ ОТНОШЕНИЕ К НЕМУ с момента падения этого самого Солнечного луча на самый первый конструктивный элемент установки.


So Einstein basically argued against it without an experiment using the scientific method to prove it?

Relativity is a theory tale.

And how come gravity did not like his hair?


Or there is an Aether but 99.9% of the theories are wrong because they are particle based. Pressure mediation of Aether modalities takes away all of this “relativity” crap and that’s exactly what relativity is and why the MME is null. For example the rate of induction, the hysteresis of the Aether is what we call the speed of light. Which isn’t traveling at all it’s manifest. The Aether isn’t just the medium for light. It’s the medium for absolutely everything and I don’t think most Aether theories of last couple hundred years understand that because most things are about the Luminferious Aether.


Rezultatul nul al experimentului M-M se explica simplu prin cuplajul densitatii masice a fotonului cu campul densitatii masice emanat din substanta pamantului. De la descifrarea sensului fizic al constantei de actiune, rezulta ca fotonul (lumina) are volum, densitate, masa, presiune, impuls si energie cinetica. De la identitatea dimensionala masa-sarcina rezulta ca densitatea masei este data de patratul inductiei magnetice de la nivelul semiundelor nucleonilor si fotonilor. Densitatea masei gigantica, de la nivelul nucleonilor se dilueaza in volumul substantei, in volumul corpurilor, pana la valorile masurate in laborator si date in tabele Densitatea masei nu se anuleaza la suprafata pamantului, ci emana in spatiu cu atenuare exponentiala. Existenta campului densitatii emanat din masa pamantului, face sa functioneze principiul relativitatii, care nu permite determinarea starii de miscare a unui sistem, prin experimente efectuate in interiorul sistemului.
The null result of the M-M experiment is simply explained by the coupling of the mass density of the photon with the mass density field emanating from the earth's substance. From deciphering the physical meaning of the constant of action, it follows that the photon (light) has volume, density, mass, pressure, momentum and kinetic energy. From the mass-charge dimensional identity it results that the mass density is given by the square of the magnetic induction at the level of the half-waves of nucleons and photons. The density of the gigantic mass, from the nucleons, is diluted in the volume of the substance, in the volume of the bodies, to the values measured in the laboratory and given in the table. The density of the mass does not cancel out at the surface of the earth, but emanates in space with exponential attenuation. The existence of the density field emanating from the mass of the earth, makes the principle of relativity work, which does not allow the determination of the state of motion of a system, through experiments performed inside the system.


''Early scientists believed that the ether was fixed relative to the Sun. If this was true, then the speed of the Earth in orbit (30, 000 m/s) around the Sun could produce a change in the speed of light in the ether''.
