Can Andrew Gillum Make a Comeback? Can Bernie?

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I feel horrible for his Wife. She’s the real victim.


I think Andrew’s issue is not just the gay thing. I think if he was single we would be having a different conversation. I think it is also the alleged duplicity of him being married. If he was gay or bisexual by himself but a part of it is if he can lie to his wife how can we trust him? I will concede his wife may have known. Being gay or bi in a marriage is whole nother thing.


Greetings from Norway!

Many norwegian political parties do call themselves socialists, and do so proudly!


I really hoped that this pandemic was going to push people toward socialism. The moment people realized "oh I can't make money if I can't go to work because of a mandatory quarantine that the power company doesn't care about, there's no safety net" they just might, MIGHT, think "maybe there should be a safety net" and realized how flawed our society is.


The idea that Bernie Sanders made no attempt to court black voters is simply not true. In fact, he made overtures to us in terms of his campaign staff and in terms of endorsements he sought (including the likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Cornel West, and even Boots Riley), as well as in terms of actual policy proposals and rhetoric while on the campaign trail. He made significant improvements over 2016 where he had a much more class-focused platform. I think his failure to win over older Black voters is down to: 1) the smears from 2016 (that he specifically tried to court racist white working class people at the expense of black people) have persisted in the minds of many voters despite being just as untrue now as they were then; 2) many older Black voters are simply more conservative than we like to talk about; and 3) in the minds of many of those voters Biden = Obama, and there's simply no getting past that.


black gay male here 🖐🏽 When it comes to Gillum, I believe there is no bouncing back unless he takes a huge amount of time. I feel horrible for his wife and kids, who are in the spotlight of this situation, and there is nothing acceptable about this situation, because nobody, no WOMAN specifically, should suffer due to a fault in someone else’s identity.


Also, I love the Black lens you used to perspectivize this topic because, as a Black Southerner, there is a lot about Bernie’s appeal, or lack thereof, that is particular to the mentality a lot of folks have down here. I’m glad your ageism comment remained in the vid bc the whole “Bernie looks too old” thing was VERY real among the older folks I spoke with...which was odd for obvious reasons. Lol


This series is wonderful Kim. I love seeing you talk with others.💓💓💓💓 Thank you.


If we could vote remotely. PEOPLE WOULD VOTE, young people would vote.


What an embarrassing situation. I feel bad for his wife tbh specially if she didn't know of his drug use and sexual behaviours! If she didn't know, then that is really disgusting behaviour considering that he put her in risk of all kinds of STDs/STIs and didn't respect his vows. I hope she devorces him and moves on with her life.
Politics wise I really don't think he will make a comeback.


Kim, in order to have racial justice, I believe that we need complete systemic change. This must impact society economically, environmentally, and in countless aspects of our government. We cannnot achieve justice with devotion to the status quo. Somebody who tells a room full of his donors, “nothing will fundamentally change” is not going to deliver that vision. We cannot not be cynical or narrow minded. We must fight for a much greater tomorrow.


The problem with the primaries is that a lot of young people are Independents and in some states there are close primaries where Independents can’t even vote because of a lack of an Independent nominee. This most likely contributed to the Bernie downfall. And you’re right, Bernie doesn’t appeal to the group of people who overwhelmingly turnout to vote. I’ve seen sone clips of Bernie and some of his supporters who insult the DNC and some of the non-Bernie supporters and that is not the best way to get someone on your side. I have faith that entire Bernie or Biden can beat Trump because a whole lot people believe that Trump couldn’t win and look where we are now.


Could someone inform me about how Biden has done better with campaigning than Bernie? I genuinely want to learn and compare campaign strategies.


I love hearing you speak Kim. I love your insight, push for critical thinking and ability to move conversations forward. I also really appreciate that you bring other voices to the table. Thank you! Love you!


How about this Guillum scandal is a “I cheated on my wife” thing and “I didn’t let her know I was into having sex with men“ thing. I think it’s more about being on the DL cheating on your wife than the “gay thing”. I feel badly for his wife and children.


Bernie should have been an independent. He’s too good for the dnc and honestly maybe America


I'm a gay Floridians and I am disappointed. The lack of judgement, the disregard for his wife and kids, the possible self hate. None of it is boding well. He already had to be near perfect to almost win...all this stain on his character and honesty...hell never win office here again.


That is quite literally the most scandalous story I've ever heard.


Knowing Bidens record, especially his Crime Bill, Anita Hill, segregationist, etc. I can't vote for him.


Do you not believe that healthcare is a human right???
