Forrest Fenn - I Have Fallen and Hurt Myself

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Forrest Fenn racks up another statistic. I thought I had broken my ankle, it hurt so much. I didn't fall on the hike though. I fell off the highway. How embarrassing.

~ Aric Hall

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Last year I was tired and decided to cross a small dry wash rather than go down where it was shallower. The material at the top was soft, the angle of the walls weren't very steep, what could possibly go wrong? Got about halfway down and the surface got hard as concrete and had small rocks, it was like stepping on marbles. Body slammed the wall and slid to the bottom. 25 or 30 years ago I would have got up, shook it off and went on. I laid there a minute assessing the damage. Yep, shoulder hurt. Called wife on the two way and told her to meet me back at the truck. Conversation went something like, Honey I think I hurt myself. No, there's no blood or bones sticking out, but I need to find a hospital. She was scared to death driving a ton, dual rear wheel truck through a twisty mountain road in the dark. Not wanting to die on the way to the hospital in a truck wreck I had her pull over and drove with my good arm. Heck, the hospital was only an hour and a half away, what's a little pain? Xrays showed nothing broke. A year later the shoulder still bothers me, but it works. Forrest, you owe me. Seriously Eric, be careful. Hunt with someone, many places have no cell service and are far from a hospital. Get two way radios if you're going to be separated from your partner. Thanks for the videos and good luck.


Don't get discouraged, keep searching.


Stay safe Eric! Take care of yourself.


OH WOW... your going back again....your in it to win it!!!


Stay safe! Nice to see someone not blaming FF lol.
