Do THIS with every song you write | Hit Song Architect S1E3

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Holistic Songwriting is the most relevant resource for modern Songwriters/Producers on the net.

Friedemann Findeisen is an award-winning songwriter and the author of the bestselling book "The Addiction Formula". As a musical profiler, he coaches some of the biggest producers in Germany.
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another point that can be learned here:
START with that structure formula.
as soon as it works, you may still change the song at a later stage.
make it more complicated later, not vice versa.


Learn the rules like a pro so you can break them like an artist.
-Pablo Picasso


Yo, I just wanted to come back and leave an updated comment. Since watching this *just 10 days ago* I have recorded drafts of *FIVE finished songs* and I'm halfway through a sixth one. That's more than I usually finish in a damn YEAR! Nearly a finished song every two days!

Are the songs great? HELL no. I would barely share these with anyone. But... BUT... there are some killer IDEAS in them - a hook and chorus here, a couple verses there, a bridge and a pre-chorus in another one... and I am *learning* soooo much by making these. And just getting over my ANXIETIES about finishing songs.

Another source that has helped me write is the book "Write Better Lyrics" by Pat Pattinson, because I was having trouble writing words to my music. But the main thing is THIS VIDEO. I created an ultra-basic template exactly as described and picked a keyboard/synth plugin, got the 4 tracks set up (Keyboard, Vocal, Bass, and Drums with a basic drumbeat for each section)

Then I just started writing and recording. I have this folder now called "Fast Shitty Songwriting" that takes all the PRESSURE off, since I *admit* the songs will mostly be crap, I just write and LEARN over and over again! I can tell I'm improving, though!

It's helped me focus on good form and structure, not creating polished tracks, more like really focusing on the BASICS and ESSENTIALS of songwriting, which I always felt like I did NOT understand. Now, with each song I finish, it all makes more and more

Just wanted to really thank you again man, it's making a major difference in my creative life. Love your videos


When your ten favorite songs consist of tool, pink floyd, and rush: *Sweats nervously*


“Don’t make something bigger, make what comes before it smaller” when I first learned this from your book it blew my mind. So simple and so powerful. It works amazingly well


Many people believe that "limiting" your ideas is wrong, but I believe is a clever idea to stop procrastinating and know the posible end result since the beginning 👏👏👏


For someone who has had some experience with writing songs for rock bands back in early 00's. I believe some people didn't get what this video means. He didn't say you can't do anything other than this. He said this is one of the 300 ways he picked it up from studies he conducted and is the most common one. Now from there.... Some free awesome tips to makes your life easier and start getting somewhere.

Creativity does play a key role in everything in Art. After all music is art. But it doesn't come from no where. One needs practice in order to achieve perfection and start making your own rules and understand some patterns. This is a simple way. And I have to say that if anyone knows a little bit about (or anything in life) music writing you would understand how far you can stretch simple ideas and transform into master pieces.

Hopefully this makes sense to some folks down this comment section.

Great video and thank you. Hopefully I'll see more material like this coming out.

By the way rock is also pop music. ;)


I love how straight forward this guy is. 0% bullshit and no wasting time
some give this man a trophy


As a metalhead, I'd say a lot of heavy metal hits are written this way. It's a pretty basic and easy to understand formula but trying to write a song even with this basic structure is difficult. Thank you for this guideline.


I'm just starting out in music and this was great! I tried to go straight into creating "unique" music for fear that I would end up creating art from a template. But now I realise that you can't exactly paint if you don't even know how a brush, acrylics or a canvas works i.e. you need to develop the basics in creating music before going off to becoming Beethoven... thank youuuu


THANK YOU. I kept making small pieces of songs and had no idea how to arrange them into a full fledged song, this kickstarted something really satisfying!!!


“Yes, it is, this is not a quiz show”😂😂


It’s sad seeing all these comments going “im never gonna do this - it limits my creativity”... literally structure is what makes music possible to follow and understand. Composers have been using form and structure for centuries. Nowadays you see less variation on the content and maybe less of a stray from the structure as you may have seen before, but structure really does help and by no means limits creativity.


I recently composed a piece for my GSCE music qualification, and I’m glad to see that it pretty much follows this form.


this 5 minutes video has more information and rather important information than much longer ones on the same topic, mind blown, heart won!!


Holistic Songwriting - "Here's how a pop song is written"
Comments - "bUt THaT's NoT hOW yOU mAkE prOG rOCk!"


This is the channel I needed! I've been desperate to try and find someone who can answer my questions that seemed no one can answer and you're the guy! I've much more in this single video compared to the hundreds I've seen.

Definitely subscribing and I'll be purchasing your book!


music is art, its okay even use this formula.


I hate when people say “MuSiC CoMes FRom tHE hEArT!” Which is not wrong, but man I need structure! It’s like having a bedroom without walls or a roof... this is the video I needed to see!


I don’t know you, and this is a first time watching a music construction tutorial video, but sir, that blurry golden YouTube button in the background ? You fully deserve it.

Legendary content, thanks.
