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I guarantee if the server said when she ordered “Just a heads up, it’s a spicy dish” she would have rolled her eyes and done the “OBVIOUSLY” sneer. You can’t win with these jerks


At my last food service job, we called screaming in the walk-in, "talking to the turkey."


THE MOST infuriating customer behavior is eating it all then they want to complain. They don't complain when you check on them, they don't complain when you're there with fresh cocktails, they only complain when it is ALL GONE. I don't even tell a manager anymore, I just laugh and say, "Oh?! Did it take every last bite to confirm how bad it was?" and just sweep the plate away. Sometimes I even offer them the opportunity to eat an entire slice of cheesecake before complaining about it as well.


On the opposite end of the spectrum, I used to work at Pei Wei. Some guy came in to order something and asked if a certain dish was spicy. I always disliked this question, because that's such a relative thing, you know? So I said that I, personally, didn't find the dish to be very spicy. So he ordered it with extra chili flakes, extra sambal, super duper spicy whatever. I ring it in and tell the cook to go nuts. The guy gets his food, I give him another side of sambal, and then forget about him. And then, like, two hours later, I'm in the middle of a rush, taking orders, expediting food, trying to do four things at once, and this guy comes back. He gets back in line and waits for his turn to tell me something. He gets to the front and asks if I remember his order. I recognize him from earlier, but no chance in hell I remember his order. He seems incredulous when I tell him so. He has to jog my memory a bit, but then I recall that he's the guy who ordered his food extra spicy. It turns out that he stood in a long line, got to the front to play twenty questions with me until I remembered his order, and wasted the time of him, me, and everyone standing in line behind him to tell me that he had been to China and that the über spicy dish we made for him was so mild it was suitable only for the children in China to eat, amd they would laugh at what we thought was spicy. Bitch, this isn't authentic Chinese cuisine, this is a Pei Wei in an airport, we serve "Asian" "Food" designed for the pallets of American citizens.


"Let me just go scream in the walk-in first". Literally what I want to do every second of the day 🤣🤣


Some people really don't believe people behave this way....they really do 😂


Stop. This was a literal complaint we had at my kitchen the other day! 😂
My other favorite was someone ordering a lettuce wrapped burger and then getting mad because they didnt want lettuce...


There is an Indian restaurant in the UK that has a sign that says people can't have a refund if they order something that they think is too spicy.


If I had a nickel for every time a member of the clean plate club wanted to send back an empty plate for a full refund, I'd have a hefty tip.


Enjoyed 2 sushi rolls today.
As server took my empty plate, she asked how it was.

Joked it was terrible & I wanted to send it back.

Without missing a beat, she grinned back & said the empty plate suggested I enjoyed it. 😂


I swear I have sat at the table next to this Karen, complaining about the dish she ordered being spicy, even though it says spicy on the menu. And wanting to send it back when she’s already eaten it. Sometimes I don’t know how you guys cope. Then I remember there’s shirt wine! 🍷


I had a customer BIG MAD there were mushrooms in his cream of mushroom soup really asked us to pick them out!


I live in New Mexico and Red and Green Chile is a staple here. I was at a restaurant one day and an obvious tourist ordered Green Chile Enchiladas. The waitress warned him it was hot and he was a complete jerk acting like he didn’t know what he was ordering. When it came all of in the surrounding tables were just waiting for his first bite. I thought his head was going to explode his face turned so red. When the waitress was waling back to the table he started to tell her off and a guy at one of the tables told him he better be real careful what he said because all of us had heard her tell him it was hot and saw him act like and a-hole. Everyone just nodded our heads and kind of laughed. He put his head down and ate the rice, beans and tortilla that came with the enchiladas. Some people are so rude sometimes and some people are so amazing sometimes.


Server: But, your plate's empty. You ate the whole thing.
Customer: I'm Sending. It. Back.
Server: **hands her a bucket** Restrooms that way.


" let me go scream in the walk in first" lmao😂😅


You know, I'm afraid that people who've never worked in a restaurant will think these are made up, but friends, let me assure you, this happens every single day, all over the US.


I work at Subway, and someone decided to order a Spicy Italian. They came back an hour later complaining that it was spicy.

What makes it worse is that the sub in question is pepperoni and salami, so it isn't that spicy either. I can't handle hot Cheetos and I can eat those subs.


When I managed at a family friendly sit down chain for a few years I had a similar situation. It was the slowish time between lunch and dinner so I went by this particular lady's table a few times. She commented more than once how good her burger with guacamole, bacon and swiss cheese was. She even mopped up the plate with her fries. The server was trying to get side work and silver done so I dropped the check off for them. When I did that the woman at the table said I really think I shouldn't have to pay for this. It was awfully greasy (also an empty plate). I just looked at her and asked her what she thought she would get with fries and a burger with bacon, guac and cheese on top of ground beef. I'm not taking anything off. The plate literally looked like she licked it clean. She definitely didn't like that burger 🙄


Wow, it's almost like it was exactly what it said it would be. Who would have thought.


Screaming in the that takes me LMMFAO 😅
