Betelgeuse scientists just freaked out over this #shorts #space

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Breaking news from Betelgeuse! Betelgeuse in Orion could go supernova at any time. The system is predicted in 2023 producing a luminous red nova for the first time in 10,000 years!

Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star located in the constellation Orion, known for its size and brightness. It is one of the largest known stars in the galaxy and is approximately 640 light-years away from Earth. Betelgeuse is also known as Alpha Orionis, as it is the brightest star in the Orion constellation and the second-brightest star in the night sky. Betelgeuse is classified as a M-type star, meaning it has a relatively low surface temperature compared to other stars. Its diameter is estimated to be about 1,000 times larger than the Sun, and it has a mass about 20 times greater than the Sun. The star is also known for its irregular variability in brightness, which can fluctuate over periods of several years. In recent years, Betelgeuse has been a topic of interest among astronomers due to its apparent dimming in late 2019 and early 2020, leading to speculation that it might be nearing the end of its life and could potentially explode as a supernova. However, subsequent observations have shown that the star is likely in a period of normal variability and that any supernova event is not expected to occur for several thousand years. Overall, Betelgeuse is a fascinating and important object in astronomy, with its immense size, irregular variability, and potential to one day explode in a spectacular supernova. While SpaceX and Betelgeuse may seem unrelated at first glance, both represent the cutting edge of human exploration and innovation. SpaceX is pushing the boundaries of what is possible in space travel, with the goal of making it more accessible and sustainable. Meanwhile, Betelgeuse represents a tantalizing mystery of the universe, offering scientists the opportunity to study the life cycles of stars and better understand the fundamental workings of the cosmos.

#spacefacts #universe #betelgeuse #supernova
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It was just pulsating, many stars do this around the end of their lifespan.


Just if anyone’s wondering Betelgeuse has already went supernova


The death of a star in space is a beautiful thing to witness. We might never get to see something beautiful as this again. It’s truly a privilege to witness


Pardon my third-grade education but before the star goes supernova it would convert into other elements which would put out a different color light first would they not?


It always gives everyone a shock when we see something like this happen.


Fun fact: Betelgeuse probably already exploded but we dont see it because the way light travels from far since it is 645.2 ly from Earth it will take a long time for us to see it happen same thing if sun exploded we wouldnt know for 8 mins about the Sun exploding.


Question. My thought If the light we see is an individual photon that acts like a wave and we can see the effect of that wave, is not the photons we observe that constitute that wave, already at the point we can actually see it? And if light is equivelant to a specific frequency depending on the color we observe based on that frequency, can light be the visual effect of quantum entanglement ? I.E. spooky action at a distance as described by Einstein. Whereby the entangled particle is equal but opposite to its entangled particle, is it not also already observed no matter the distance or the state between those 2 particles or in this case the wave because it is the effect we perceive and not the actual particle. Would the particle and the wave not be the same no matter the distance?
My thought is, the cause of the effect we observe is happening at the very same instant in time relative to the observer. ..yes, light would take time to reach us, but once it is here, its here already. I contend we are witnessing beetleguise in real time . Why does distance change the frequency we perceive as light. Does every dot in the sky of a particular color necessarily determine its distance or speed . Why cant red or blue shift just be the frequency of light that we see? Would that NOT explain the disparity of our estimated age of the universe that is determined by the same electromagnetic waves that we observe as light regardless of the frequency even if our eyes can not detect those individual photons that make up the wave ?. How do we know for sure that new galaxies are formed over time? Have we ever seen a new galaxie being formed? How can it take light longer to get here if it is already here? We cant travel faster than light because travel denotes distance over time. Light is timeless, its already here. And its there in real time.
Light is what it is, not what it was. Time is only relevant to whoever observes it. Or is affected by it.
Does a rock kniw it is just a single rock? Would it know it is not a single rock if it wrre pulverized into a trillion different rocks? Would each pulverized speck of the whole rock know it was just a piece of the whole? Or would it be just another rock.? Just like Schrodingers cat, it is what it is until it is observed. Its all connected.
Surely this must make sense to someone else besides just me. Problems can only be solved if we ask the right questions. If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you dont understand quantum mechanics. Perhaps that is because to understand anything people must break it down to its most basic component, but we fail to see its all just one component. Nothing in mechanics works if we break it down. Can we make an engine function by using just a cam shaft?? Or just a single lifter? No. We must put all components together to make the whole engine to where it functions as an engine.
Just a thought. 😂😂


This is some seriously good marketing for the new movie..
If the star explodes on the release date of the film, that would be unbelievable.!


And the event happened long ago, before the USA even existed!


The biggest fear of mankind is the unknow 🧐🔍


Funny how light travels in space and it takes thousands or even millions of years depending how far it is from us and to think we want travel space, when we don't even get close of the speed of light, we're not going anywhere soon or not even our future us will so...


for those who still be wondering about betelgeuse, stfu and search it up


From where I am in northeast Tennessee I have a front row seat to Betelgeuse and the Orion nebula. Seems like it's blinking all colors of the spectrum as it bubbles. I believe that it went Supernova already it's just a long drawn out process and due to the mass of the star it's explosion would be in stages happening slowly, like making 1 stage into sub-stages eventually coming into full view. We are recently witnessing light from the origin of the universe so most things at a far enough distance wouldn't be there anymore. Think of it like a massive data delay, like a cut in a scene we didn't know existed til we see it (Or after Imaging). My observations and comparison to what I see and know, there's a lot of radio emissions aimed in our direction from that area in space. Along with being one of the many catalyst for our sun's high emission activity. I also have a app I use to look at the universe and from what I see it's structure looks like Betelgeuse has coronal spikes in all directions away from the center of where Betelgeuse is (hundreds of light years across), where it's prominence looks to me like the structure in the out gassing process of a galaxy just a dialed back magnitude. And it could be the star could be about to collapse itself slaming on it's core, dragging its surrounding materials with it. Michael Bay needs to present when it does go off for sure😅


Betaljeuse from what I understand is something like 642 Lightyears away so wouldn't that mean that if we see it go Supernova it actually already happened 642 years ago? And if it did then would it really have scientists worried and if they really are then should they really be? I guess you would have to consider the distance and the amounts of radiation that could even possibly reach us and at what speed would it even travel? Does all that energy travel at the speed of light or does it act the same way sound does in the way that it moves slower and if so then how long could it take to reach us at this distance? Seems to me like we are waiting for something that can happen in thousands of years that can have an affect or risk on us thousands of years after that may have already happened thousands of years ago


When did this happen? I missed the live!


For us to see it it would have to have exposed 700 years ago


Wat they scared for it ain’t gonna do anything to us


Didn't it go yellow or green inside for a second?


For everybody saying it’s already went super nova. It’s predicted within 100, 000 years and it’s only 700 light years away so doubtful.


It’s just it’s 3rd layer moving around which happens to the sun and all stars
