WITU Talking Trout (ep. 28) the Stream Bank Protection Program and Public Fishing Easements

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We're joined by Paul Cunningham of the Wisconsin DNR to talk about the Stream Bank Protection Program and the public fishing easements it creates. If you've ever seen the Private Lands Leased for Public Fishing signs - this program will give you an in depth view of how this is working for landowners and anglers.
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A quote from page 29 in the book, Disconnected Rivers by Ellen Wohl, "Humans try to treat rivers as canals, and diversity and variability are unwelcome challenges. But the variability of a natural river creates a diversity of habitats that support an assortment of aquatic organisms in the channel and riverside organisms in the floodplain. Many of these organisms are adapted to or require the disturbances associated with a natural river." I hope and pray that the Wisconsin DNR sits back and reflects on how and why Mother Nature uses the power of floods to create habitats for the endangered female bumblebee, amphibians, riparian birds and streamside birds, small mammals, snakes, etc. in the streamside environment. The Wisconsin DNR should be restoring the riparian trees, Eastern Cottonwood Trees, Black Willow Trees, Water Elm Trees, etc. for the nesting sites of the endangered and threatened riparian birds, tree frogs, mammals, insects, etc. The cooling effects of the riparian trees along the streams is a benefit to the complete watershed in these days of global warming. Wisconsin DNR and TUDARE please try to understand Mother Nature's master plan and please no more quarry rock canals in the Driftless Area.
