The ranking was made according to the values you shared in the community section. Proeptos
The ranking was made according to the values you shared in the community section.
I really want some of these sets fr...but nice shorts ❤loved it. Keep up the good work man! 💯 geetachopra
I really want some of these sets fr...but nice shorts ❤loved it. Keep up the good work man! 💯
Bro, you’re just naming the rarest ones Mobilegamermvsd
Bro, you’re just naming the rarest ones
Willow is more then reef Lol also btw I love your videos EthanMartinez-dryy
Willow is more then reef Lol also btw I love your videos
Top 4 I like it and top 2 cuz I like reef to😮😮 Famliyyy
Top 4 I like it and top 2 cuz I like reef to😮😮
I first got my red sniper dragon fire today but i got scammed:( vichithra
I first got my red sniper dragon fire today but i got scammed:(
Bro show the kill effect ...Then it is more cool MalikSufiyan
Bro show the kill effect ...Then it is more cool
I walked with an void crossbow for 2 thousand games😎 Maks_maksbetov
I walked with an void crossbow for 2 thousand games😎
i traded my strife a while ago for reef, my red one. I’m so dumb. CDjokerr
i traded my strife a while ago for reef, my red one. I’m so dumb.
Strife 2nd and reef 4th I think df still 5th and frostbite 3rd and willow 1st Potatoboi
Strife 2nd and reef 4th I think df still 5th and frostbite 3rd and willow 1st
willow and strife ain't dropping u know lavenderlouinsky
willow and strife ain't dropping u know
This entire video is wrong in every single way possible 😅 rupinderlidder
This entire video is wrong in every single way possible 😅