Arkansas Crossroads

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Here is my process for putting a quilt together and getting it ready to quilt. There's also a close up look at the pattern Arkansas Crossroads, how the pattern is done and what fabrics I used to make the most visual impact.
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Condolancing to you and yours many of us have lost people around us and so many of us have had to push back that gut wrenching feeling of helpless panick as to what is going to happen next.... But watching shows like yours and having sewing and crochet as an outlet truly brings a touch of sanity back as you lock out the world Thankyou again 🌍🇦🇺👍☕️


You just put a smile on my face hun, but I wish I could give you a hug. Taking time to grieve is as important as laughter I know. I use to deflect pain and sorrow into laughter, so I wouldn't have to deal with any of it. Well I've shut myself in on my property for almost 13 years. When my father passed I kinda sorta cracked up a bit when my dog passed after losing my dad mom and brother I didn't grieve and it took a toll on my heart. God bless and keep you and your family safe, and may he bless you beyond measure. Your a very kind person in less than 2 minutes I seen that.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I love your work and your positive attitude! This has certainly been a tough time for everyone. Stay safe. Thank you for what you do and who you are! *hugs*


Dale - the little mouse is definitely the best part of this video only second to you racing on your new machine. Thank you!!!


Thank you for taking time to make others laugh during these difficult times. I love watching your YouTube videos as I learn something and get stress relief laughing with you


Sending you and John the biggest and gentlest of hugs from Birmingham, UK. You bring such joy to me every time I watch your videos.I am so very sorry to hear about your friend. Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge, I have learnt so much from you. Lots of love 💖💖


Hi Dale, I'm do sorry to hear about the loss of your friend and send you and John my condolences and hugs. Thank you for your lovely generous spirit in sharing your work, thoughts and knowledge. With much love from Dublin, Ireland ☘🌈🌈❤❤


Your quilt is beautiful and is actually bringing me some peace by watching your video. Thank you.


I am so excited about these videos, love seeing other people’s thought processes. Thank you for taking time to do them.
Stay strong and safe and we will get through it. Xxx🇬🇧


You will be just fine. IF you are in good health, don't worry. I'm past 70, but in good health and I haven't changed my life at all. And my little sewing student LOVED the quilt pattern I bought at Road to CA in Jan. It was SO much fun to meet you in person


I absolutely love you and your videos! You always bring a smile to my face. You’re funny and talented. The Arkansas quilt is so perfect in those colors. Happy Birthday to you, and somehow we will all make it through this. Please keep making your videos, and throw the baton in now and then, and even your mice. Be safe! By the way, you’re the same age as my son.


3 vids in and you had me with this quilt. Beautiful.


Thank you, Dale, for being unabashedly YOU. We adore you. ❤ I love every aspect of your informative AND entertaining videos!


This quilt looks great! Thanks for showing your process.


Your laughter is absolutely contagious! Thank you!!!


That is a great quilt Dale. I really like your fabric line. Sorry for your loss.


Another great video with lots of good things in it. You are right in that with what you have told us about this pattern we should be able to do it ourselves but never underestimate people's desire for spoon feeding of colours, directions, measurements. On other teachers' sites I continually see people requesting the most basic info. This looks fabulous in your fabrics. Sorry for your loss, these are extremely trying times, glad you two have each other.


You are completely wonderful! Subscribed and following!!! Love from Great Southern Land!


Sorry to hear about your friend that passed away. Man your very lucky you have a loving partner who keeps you sane well relatively sane😉. It's a beautiful quilt. Looking modern Scottish might be good for a kilt. Stay safe both of you. Regards Paul from London UK


Your explanation was really good how to make the design, I really like the color scheme, looks great. You always help give me a smile when you are cheerful. I know losing friends never gets any easier, i'm 51 most of my friends have passed away that I grew up with. Have John join in on a video or two even if it's just something to share from a projects you have done together, something funny, anything to help make the day easier .
