Audiobook: Matilda by Roald Dahl

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Hi, everyone!
Discover the story of, "Matilda'' by Roald Dahl.
Chapter 1: The Reader of Books - 0:04
Chapter 2: Mr. Wormwood the Car Dealer - 15:13
Chapter 3: The Hat and the Superglue - 24:20
Chapter 4: The Ghost - 30:41
Chapter 5: Arithmetic - 40:33
Chapter 6: The Platinum-Blond Man - 49:15
Chapter 7: Miss Honey - 1:00:48
Chapter 8: Miss Trunchbull - 1:20:09
Chapter 9: The Parents - 1:30:16
Chapter 10: Throwing the Hammer - 1:43:01
Chapter 11: Bruce Bogtrotter and the Cake - 2:00:53
Chapter 12: Lavender - 2:19:52
Chapter 13: The Weekly Test - 2:28:07
Chapter 14: The First Miracle - 2:50:47
Chapter 15: The Second Miracle - 3:04:08
Chapter 16: Miss Honey's Cottage - 3:12:52
Chapter 17: Miss Honey's Story - 3:31:18
Chapter 18: The Names - 3:48:50
Chapter 19: The Practice - 3:53:08
Chapter 20: The Third Miracle - 3:57:43
Chapter 21: A New Home - 4:09:20
I also included some vocabulary from the story---
1. Blister: a small bubble on the skin
2. Revolting: disgusting
3. Twaddle: foolish speech
4. Doting: fond of someone
5. Lyrical: in an imaginative way
6. Delve: reach inside
7. Grub: larva of an insect
8. Scab: rough protective crust on a cut
9. Half-witted: stupid
10. Gormless: clumsy
11. Toddle: move with short unsteady steps
12. Stunned: so shocked
13. Formidable: inspiring fear
14. Seldom: not often
15. Twit: foolish person
16. Rattling: making a series of sharp knocking sounds
17. Diddled: cheat
18. Tamper: interfere with
19. Mileage: a number of miles traveled
20. Resented: feel bitterness
21. Skulking: move stealthily
22. Chastened: have a restraining effect on
23. Ghastly: causing great horror
24. Tense: stretched tight or rigid
25. Seized: take hold of
26. Quaking: shake
27. Asinine: extremely stupid
28. Appalling: causing shock
29. Goggling: look with wide eyes
30. Vigorous: full of energy
31. Strode: walk with long steps
32. Quivering: trembling
33. Horrendous: horrifying
34. Lavatory: a bathroom
35. Diluted: weakened by the addition of water
36. Wailed: give a cry of pain
37. Tangible: perceptible by touch
38. Tyrannical: exercising power in a cruel way
39. Mild: not severe
40. Solemn: formal
41. Prodigy: an unusual thing
42. Epicure: a person who takes particular pleasure in food
43. Understatement: less important than it actually is.
44. Dainty: delicately small
45. Limerick: a humorous verse
46. Broader: having an ample distance
47. Sympathetic: expressing sympathy
48. Sinewy: resembling sinews
49. Obstinate: very difficult to change
50. Breeches: short trousers
51. Scowling: frown in an angry way
52. Flushing: becoming red and hot due to strong emotion
53. Stink-bomb: a small bomb
54. Barmy: crazy
56. Browbeaten: intimidate someone
57. Brute: a savagely violent person
58. Piffle: nonsense
59. Bosomy: having large breasts
60. Craggy: rugged and rough-textured
61. Daft: foolish
62. Spellbound: hold the complete attention of someone
63. Blemish: a small mark
64. Blancmange: a gelatinous dessert
65. Parabola: a curve
66. Sauntered: walk in a slow manner
67. Wary: showing caution
68. Brigand: a member of a gang that ambushes people
69. Rustler: a person who rounds up sheep
70. Bemused: bewildered
71. Perseverance: persistence in doing something
72. Chirruped: make repeated short high-pitched sounds
73. Gruesome: causing repulsion
74. Quicksilver: the liquid metal mercury
75. Satchel: a bag
76. Longing: a yearning desire
77. Thrashed: beat someone or something
78. Bellowed: emit a deep loud roar
79. Hesitation: the action of pausing
80. Squirming: twist the body
81. Squealed: make a long, high-pitched cry
82. Wrench: a sudden violent twist
83. Bane: a cause of great distress
84. Fury: wild or violent anger
85. Carbuncle: red, swollen, and painful cluster of boils
Tags: Matilda, Roald Dahl, Yce Sy, Audiobook, Miss Honey, Miss Trunchbull, Wormwood, Matilda Wormwood, Books, Reader, Booklover, Reading, miss honey matilda, trunchbull, roald dahl, Audiobooks, Read aloud, matilda 1996, matilda roald dahl, matilda full movie, Audio book
Discover the story of, "Matilda'' by Roald Dahl.
Chapter 1: The Reader of Books - 0:04
Chapter 2: Mr. Wormwood the Car Dealer - 15:13
Chapter 3: The Hat and the Superglue - 24:20
Chapter 4: The Ghost - 30:41
Chapter 5: Arithmetic - 40:33
Chapter 6: The Platinum-Blond Man - 49:15
Chapter 7: Miss Honey - 1:00:48
Chapter 8: Miss Trunchbull - 1:20:09
Chapter 9: The Parents - 1:30:16
Chapter 10: Throwing the Hammer - 1:43:01
Chapter 11: Bruce Bogtrotter and the Cake - 2:00:53
Chapter 12: Lavender - 2:19:52
Chapter 13: The Weekly Test - 2:28:07
Chapter 14: The First Miracle - 2:50:47
Chapter 15: The Second Miracle - 3:04:08
Chapter 16: Miss Honey's Cottage - 3:12:52
Chapter 17: Miss Honey's Story - 3:31:18
Chapter 18: The Names - 3:48:50
Chapter 19: The Practice - 3:53:08
Chapter 20: The Third Miracle - 3:57:43
Chapter 21: A New Home - 4:09:20
I also included some vocabulary from the story---
1. Blister: a small bubble on the skin
2. Revolting: disgusting
3. Twaddle: foolish speech
4. Doting: fond of someone
5. Lyrical: in an imaginative way
6. Delve: reach inside
7. Grub: larva of an insect
8. Scab: rough protective crust on a cut
9. Half-witted: stupid
10. Gormless: clumsy
11. Toddle: move with short unsteady steps
12. Stunned: so shocked
13. Formidable: inspiring fear
14. Seldom: not often
15. Twit: foolish person
16. Rattling: making a series of sharp knocking sounds
17. Diddled: cheat
18. Tamper: interfere with
19. Mileage: a number of miles traveled
20. Resented: feel bitterness
21. Skulking: move stealthily
22. Chastened: have a restraining effect on
23. Ghastly: causing great horror
24. Tense: stretched tight or rigid
25. Seized: take hold of
26. Quaking: shake
27. Asinine: extremely stupid
28. Appalling: causing shock
29. Goggling: look with wide eyes
30. Vigorous: full of energy
31. Strode: walk with long steps
32. Quivering: trembling
33. Horrendous: horrifying
34. Lavatory: a bathroom
35. Diluted: weakened by the addition of water
36. Wailed: give a cry of pain
37. Tangible: perceptible by touch
38. Tyrannical: exercising power in a cruel way
39. Mild: not severe
40. Solemn: formal
41. Prodigy: an unusual thing
42. Epicure: a person who takes particular pleasure in food
43. Understatement: less important than it actually is.
44. Dainty: delicately small
45. Limerick: a humorous verse
46. Broader: having an ample distance
47. Sympathetic: expressing sympathy
48. Sinewy: resembling sinews
49. Obstinate: very difficult to change
50. Breeches: short trousers
51. Scowling: frown in an angry way
52. Flushing: becoming red and hot due to strong emotion
53. Stink-bomb: a small bomb
54. Barmy: crazy
56. Browbeaten: intimidate someone
57. Brute: a savagely violent person
58. Piffle: nonsense
59. Bosomy: having large breasts
60. Craggy: rugged and rough-textured
61. Daft: foolish
62. Spellbound: hold the complete attention of someone
63. Blemish: a small mark
64. Blancmange: a gelatinous dessert
65. Parabola: a curve
66. Sauntered: walk in a slow manner
67. Wary: showing caution
68. Brigand: a member of a gang that ambushes people
69. Rustler: a person who rounds up sheep
70. Bemused: bewildered
71. Perseverance: persistence in doing something
72. Chirruped: make repeated short high-pitched sounds
73. Gruesome: causing repulsion
74. Quicksilver: the liquid metal mercury
75. Satchel: a bag
76. Longing: a yearning desire
77. Thrashed: beat someone or something
78. Bellowed: emit a deep loud roar
79. Hesitation: the action of pausing
80. Squirming: twist the body
81. Squealed: make a long, high-pitched cry
82. Wrench: a sudden violent twist
83. Bane: a cause of great distress
84. Fury: wild or violent anger
85. Carbuncle: red, swollen, and painful cluster of boils
Tags: Matilda, Roald Dahl, Yce Sy, Audiobook, Miss Honey, Miss Trunchbull, Wormwood, Matilda Wormwood, Books, Reader, Booklover, Reading, miss honey matilda, trunchbull, roald dahl, Audiobooks, Read aloud, matilda 1996, matilda roald dahl, matilda full movie, Audio book