Buffy The Vampire Slayer: The Board Game Review with Jason Peacock

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Jason Peacock takes a look at this co-operative hand management game with variable player powers from Jasco Games!

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I have owned this game several months and we have played it numerous times and enjoyed it. We use a D6 die instead of drawing cards. Maybe you didn't enjoy this game, and that's okay, but it is not broken, and a more professional approach would be to include information that would match the game to its potential audience without making them feel belittled.


'G'iles?, spike?, Sunny-vale?


Ever have that weird experience where someone has an exact opposite experience on a board game? Yeah. Here. We've played a lot since i preordered it. Never had any of the problems or bad experiences you had. Just really strange.


I don't think this review really does the game justice. The game is all about board management and trying to keep evil at bay long enough to win. I will say that the game the couple of times I have played it wasn't as challenging, so I get the reviewers comments that it may not have felt as strategic as it maybe could have been. I also don't recall facing a lot of trade-off type decisions, but I think that can be addressed by increasing the difficulty of the game.

I also think the reviewers style was disrespectful. The overview talked loosely about mechanics, but not in a very organized way. It would have been better to follow to start with the objective of the game and then demonstrate a turn order. Haphazardly setting the board and cards ups makes the review look messy and detracts from the visuals of the game. Also, misspeaking the names of characters and the location comes off as unprofessional, even if an accident.

Finally, your ending thoughts are quite unprofessional. You even state that you prefer to say a game wasn't for you or what have you. To flat out state that this game "sucks" in place of that is disrespectful to fans of the game and the designer. The game might need improvements, the IP may not interest you as much as others, and their may be flaws, but this game doesn't "suck." I think the combination of your review style and "ho-hum" approach to talking about the game detracts from your message particularly in light of some of the errors you made with pronunciation. In the future, stick to a rating system or take your original concept of stating that a game doesn't work for you and why.

Also - note - I saw you reply to another poster about a hardcore fan not like the game - which is a fair point, but there may be other hardcore fans out there that love the game or possibly folks like you, less adept at the canon, that might also enjoy it. I would try to present a more well-rounded review in the future.

One final note - for Buffy fans, I would check out Buffy Legendary. I picked it up at the same time as this Buffy game and did enjoy it more.


Actually enjoyed this review. Kind of sad that it was a dragged out review that said it 'sucked' in the end. Should have just left it as 'it's not for me'. All the credentials went out the window for me after that slam. But thanks for the awareness of the game!


Take game 1, add theme B.
In some games it works, if the theme and gameplay is weaved well together. In some games though it doesn't works. A shame if that happens.


I have the game and have yet to play it but the reviewer lacked a lot of energy so people just need to get it to the table. It also seemed like he did a solo run and judging from his delivery he would rather do things other than board games. He seemed forced to do a review. Comparing it to chutes and ladders was my first clue. I've read the rules and its fairly far from a kids game and not sure I've ever heard any game review compare to a childs classic even if he did pair it with adult. Bummer.


Yeah the game was pretty disappointing. Like a kid version of Eldritch horror.
