What if Gandalf Took the Ring? | Tolkien Theory

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"Gandalf as Ring-lord would have been far worse than Sauron" - JRR Tolkien. Today, using my usual weekly level of research, I've created a plausible scenario that could to Gandalf taking the One Ring and replacing the Dark Lord. There's some safe bets in here, in addition to some longshots, but it's all in good fun! Let me know in the comments what you think would happen if the Grey wizard claimed the ring for himself!

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Gandalf, Aragorn, & Samwise - Donato Giancola
Gandalf in Moria - Donato Giancola
Gandalf Pensive - Donato Giancola
Gandalf and Aragorn - Reacool
Gandalf and Theoden - Tolman Cotton
Gandalf the Grey - Matt DeMino
Gandalf before Denethor - Alan Lee
Theoden - Harlis Suardana
Aragorn - Ian Fee
Gandalf Attacks Dol Guldur - John Howe
King Theoden and Wormtongue - Greg and Tim Hildebrandt
Looking into the Stone - Kuliszu
Rivendell - Zak Seymour
Rohirrim - Gellihana Art
Nazgul - Rui Goncalves
The Hermit - bnolin
The King of the Golden Hall - Ullakko
The Riders of Rohan - Ted Nasmith
Nazgul Rider - William Nunez
Orthanc - Alan Lee
The Ringwraiths - Anato Finnstark
Nazgul on Weathertop - Anato Finnstark
The Nine - Anato Finnstark
Boromir Arrives to Rivendell - Joshua Cairos
The Council of Elrond - Alan Lee
Frodo and Gandalf in Bag End - Raul Vitale
Gandalf and Frodo Examine the Ring - Donato Giancola
Gandalf and Theoden - Kacik Rohanskiej
Gandalf and Saruman - Angelo Montanini
Gandalf in Minas Tirith - Anke Eissman
Nazgul - Allrich Art
Saruman and the Palantir - Greg and Tim Hildebrandt
Saruman - AIMaNeGrA
Saruman's Staff - Alexandr Elichev
Bilbo and Gandalf - Tim Kirk
Wrath of Galadriel - Zyrexthez
Bag End - Wictorian Art
Minas Tirith: Hall of Kings - Hayo Koekkoek
The Shire - Liam Tart
Minas Tirith - Ludovic Bourgeois
Dol Guldur - Michael Merc
Orthanc in the Second Age - Ted Nasmith
Barad-dur - Steve Firchow
The Shire, A View of Hobbiton - Ted Nasmith
An Enemy Revealed - Laurence Andrew Page
Cthumang Darth Vader Gandalf & Sauron - Joujeen
Denethor Son of Ecthelion - Joshua Cairos
Gandalf and Dumbledore - Rodolfo Gurreiro

Check out these resources for this and more info about Smaug, the Dragons of the North, and the War of Dwarves and Dragon:
The Lord of the Rings
Unfinished Tales
The Encyclopedia of Arda
Tolkien Gateway

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Let us be thankful that the one ring of power did not fall into the hands of a Took. For this outcome would lead to the creation of something far more vile and sinister... Third breakfast...


I love how Boromir just pointlessly travels around the world for the entire story.


Boromir really did nothing but ride his horse to and back from rivendale only to become king. What a champ. Total hero.


The idea of Gandalf turning Middle Earth into some kind of dystopian police state under the watchful eyes of his nazgul enforcers is both fascinating and terrifying. And yeah, Gandalf being like "Well, have it your way..." and just straight-up incinerating Denethor _is_ pretty amusing. 🤣 And Boromir spending the whole time just wandering all over the countryside, always missing whatever's going on, only to finally arrive home and be like "What'd I miss?" and have Gandalf make him King of Gondor? I am _dying._ 😂😂😂😂


Imagine if in an alternate universe this is cannon, and someone made a video about a theory with Gandalf not accepting the ring from Frodo, but instead sendt him off to Mordor with his gardner. Just imagine the like-dislike ratio on that video.


I would absolutely watch this version of the story, specially the part where Sean Bean is not killed and wanders endlessly only to be named king.


The interesting thing about this theory is that if it had happened, Sauron wouldn't have been surprised at all. Dismayed, yes, but not surprised. Something like this is exactly what Sauron expected to happen if his most powerful enemies like Gandalf got hold of the ring. Sauron couldn't even conceive that someone would willingly try to destroy the ring until the very moment that Frodo put on the ring in the chamber above Mount Doom. He always assumed that anyone who got the ring would use its power for themselves.


How to become the King of Gondor:
1. Travel aimlessly to avoid war.
2. Return to Gondor when war is over.
3. Wait for your coronation.


Boromir: *arrives in Rivendell after travelling for a good 4 months*
Finally, now what is this urgent matter that I was called here for?
Elrond: some guys are travelling to minas tirith, you should meet them there
Boromir: Are you f*cking kidding me


I imagine he would become a ghost-like being and they would call him...

Gandalf the Wight


This was interesting. Now I want to know how Galdriel, Glorfindel and Elrond would deal with Gandalf as the new Ring Master. They'd realise and be worried and/or kicking themselves.

I can also feel all the Valar facepalming at this ending. "You had ONE job, Olórin!!"


I like your alternate version a lot. But: I think Aragorn would have been suspicious from the start. I mean he is a hardened, worldly-wise man who barely trusts himself (he is the one instantly realising what's up with Boromir in the original Fellowship after all).

As soon as Saruman was dead he would have made plans.


And then he returned to Mordor and ordered Mt. Doom filled with pipe weed. The smoke was so great, it enveloped Middle Earth, and all were giddy and slightly peckish. And there was peace.


Gandalf: *takes the ring*
Sauron: "why do I hear boss music?"


I like how you kept things in line with Gandalf's main idealism: Gandalf (and Tolkien) acknowledge that strong and powerful people can do great good, but equally may do great evil even if they desire to do good. Meanwhile, the meek and timid may also do great good, but rarely seek to do great evil.
Gandalf was always meant to be a supporting character. His power was bringing out strength in others, which is one of (if not the most) powerful gifts of all.


I would have loved it if Boromir saw through Gandalf's sweet offering and the "King" label. Perhaps he smiles and gets close to Gandlaf, maybe even embraces him. Then he runs Gandalf through with his sword, whispering in his ear: "Gondor has no king, Gondor needs no king."


A Dark Lord is never late, neither is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.


Balrog: I like this version much better.


Imagine he took Frodo with him, knowing full well that the ring would corrupt him, and being determined to hand over the ring back to Frodo when Sauron was defeated, as a last resort if he couldn't destroy it himself, and in hope he would have retained his deep compassion for Frodo (and that killing or imprisoning or ignoring Frodo would eat at his conscience if there still was some left).
