Unraveling Society: Breakdown of Marriage & Family

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The family is the building block of society. "As the family goes, so goes the nation, and so goes the whole world in which we live."

In his 1963 encyclical letter entitled “Pacem in terris”, Pope St. John XXIII wrote:
The family, founded upon marriage freely contracted, one and indissoluble, must be regarded as the natural, primary cell of human society. The interests of the family, therefore, must be taken very specially into consideration in social and economic affairs, as well as in the spheres of faith and morals. For all of these have to do with strengthening the family and assisting it in the fulfilment of its mission.
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Thank you Ken for speaking out ❤ Love your videos !


Absolutely 💯 correct! I pray the Divine Mercy on a daily basis. Lord have mercy on us!


St Faustina..please intercede for us as we ask for God's Divine Mercy...please pray for is and for our families 🙏 Amen


Yes, you are right 100 % Ken!
God bless!


Amen. God bless you and your family for speaking truth. ✝️🙏🏼🕊️


The family is the smallest and most important unit in society and not the individual as too many secular conservatives believe.


If in doubt look at the state of Society since so many marriages have failed. Seek the Lord while He can still be found


Hail Holy Queen Mother of Mercy, Hail our sweetness, our Hope and our Life. Before Thee we stand sinful and sorrowful, poor banished children of Eve. Mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, O Most Gracious Advocate Thyn eyes of Mercy toward us, and show unto us the Blessed Fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus
O Clement, O Loving, O Sweet Virgin Mary, pray for us O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Elohim Jesus Christ Crucified, our Lord, Saviour and Redemptor. Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death, O Most Blessed Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God, our Lady of Perpetual Succour and Undoer of Knots. Amen✝️🕊️

Lord Elohim Jesus, You fill us with The Joy of Your Saving Presence and You give us the Hope of Everlasting Life with The Father in Heaven. Show us The Father that we may Grow in the Knowledge of Your Great Love and Truth. Amen 🕊️

Your Ascension Mission Beloved Elohim Jesus Christ: 'First take the beam out thine own eye and then thou shalt see clearly enough, to the mote out of thy brother's eye.'

Pope Clement's XI Universal Prayer - Need to Do, Striving for Sanctity and Eternal Life, as 'Citizens-in-Training' for Heaven! #PopeClementXI
My Lord God, I Believe in You, Strengthen my Faith. All my Hopes are In You, Secure Them. I Love You. Teach me to Love You Daily More and More. I am Deeply Sorry for I Have Offended You. My Lord God, Increase my Sorrow. I Adore You - The Author of my First Beginning. I Aspire after You - my Last End. I Give You Thanks and Glory - my Constant Benefactor, I Call upon You - my Sovereign Protector. My Lord God, be Pleased to Conduct me By Your Wisdom, Restrain me By The Thought Of Your Justice, Comfort me By Your Mercy, Defend me By Your Power. To You, I Desire to Consecrate All my Thoughts, Words, Deeds, and Suffering. Henceforth, May I Think of You, Speak of You, Refer All my Actions to Your Greater Glory, and Suffer Willingly Whatever You Shall Appoint. My Lord God, I Desire that In All Things, Your Will Be Done, Because It Is Your Will. I Desire that All Things Be Done in The Manner That You Will Them. Grant that I May Always Esteem Whatsoever Is Pleasing to You, Despise what You Abhor, Avoid what You Forbid, and Do What You Command. I Beg of You, to Enlighten my Understanding, Inflame my Will, Purify my Body, and to Sanctify my Soul. My Lord God, Give me Strength to Atone for my Sins, to Overcome my Temptations, to Subdue my Passions, and to Acquire the Virtues Proper to my State of Life. Fill my Heart With Tender Affection for Your Goodness, Hatred of my Faults, Love Of my Neighbor, and Contempt Of The World. May Your Grace Help me to Be Obedient to my Superiors, Kind and Courteous to my Inferiors, Faithful to my Friends, and Charitable to my Enemies. Assist me to Overcome, Sensuality by Self-sacrifice, Avarice by Almsdeeds, Anger by Meekness, and Carelessness by Devotion. My God, Make me Prudent in my Undertakings, Courageous in Danger, Patient in Trials, and Humble in Success. Grant that I may be Ever Attentive at my Prayers, Temperate at my Meals, Diligent in my Work, and Faithful in my Good Resolutions. Let my Conscience be Ever Upright and Pure, my Behavior Modest, my Conversation Kind, and my Actions Edifying. Assist me to; Continually Strive to Overcome the Evil Inclinations of my Nature, Cooperate With Your Grace, Keep Your Commandments, and to Work Out my Salvation. My Lord God, make me Realize; The Nothingness of This World, The Greatness of Heaven, The Shortness of Time, and The Length of Eternity. Grant that I may; Prepare for Death, Fear Your Judgment, I may Escape Hell and in the end, Obtain Heaven. Through Christ our Lord. Amen🕊️

🕊️#Beloved #Brothers, #Sisters, #Kin, #Братья в #Иисусe #Христе, #Сестры в распятом #Иисусе #Христе # # #GoodWill ##Blessed Lent
Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.
Oh Jesus, sometimes You feel far away.
Sometimes You feel close enough

to put your hand on my shoulder.

Show me how and give me the grace

to give you everything this Lent.

Please help me to do my best,

and by leadership or by example,

to help my family and friends do their best.

Because I love you

and I want to love you more.

Teach me that your grace

is the only wealth I need.

Please, dear Jesus,

you healed so many people

during your time on earth

and during the ensuing centuries,

through the intercession

of your Immaculate Mother,  

all the saints, all the angels,

and all the relatives in heaven

of all Mary Foundation benefactors,

please give me the courage

to allow my Cross to carry me,

and to convert and heal me

and everyone I love

in mind, body, and soul.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


Lenten Quotations

"Fasting is better than prayer and almsgiving is better than both."
- Saint Clement I

"Some demons can only be driven out through prayer and fasting."

- Jesus

"We also boast in our afflictions, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance proven character, and proven character hope—and hope does not disappoint us, because God's love has been poured into our hearts."
- Saint Paul, Romans 5:16

"It is only by sacrificing and suffering, offered as penance, that you will be able, by the grace of God, to convert sinners."
- Saint John Vianney

"I have done my part. May Christ teach you to do yours."
- Saint Francis of Assisi, final words on his deathbed

"My Lord has suffered as much for me."
- Savonarola, final words on his deathbed

"I am neither ashamed to live on account of my behavior, nor am I afraid to die, because I have so good a master."
- Saint Ambrose, final words on his deathbed

"Jesus! Jesus!"
- Saint Joan of Arc, final words at her death

"Father, into your hands I commend my spirit."
- Jesus' final words on the Holy Cross

We, Dust, Sinners All

Onward to prayer, fasting, and almsgivingIesu dulcis memoria
Hymns Group - Jesus, the very thought of Thee

[Prayer] [Video] [Musicsheet]

Iesu, dulcis memória,
dans vera cordis gáudia:
sed super mel et ómnia
eius dulcis præséntia.
Nil cánitur suávius,
nil audítur iucúndius,
nil cogitátur dúlcius,
quam Iesus Dei Fílius.
Iesu, spes pæniténtibus,
quam pius es peténtibus!
quam bonus te quæréntibus!
sed quid inveniéntibus?
Nec lingua valet dícere,
nec líttera exprímere:
expértus potest crédere,
quid sit Iesum dilígere.
Sis, Iesu, nostrum gáudium,
qui es futúrum prǽmium:
sit nostra in te glória,
per cuncta semper sǽcula.

[Prayer] [Video] [Musicsheet]
[Prayer] [Video] [Musicsheet]
[Prayer] [Video] [Musicsheet] . Kyrie Eleison 🕊️
#Christe #Eleison 🕊️
#Kyrie Eleison 🕊️
Christe Eleison 🕊️
Kyrie Eleison 🕊️
Christe Eleison 🕊️ *Surrender Prayer*

God, my Father, I thank you for all that you are, and all that you do for me through your son Jesus Christ. I praise you for my life, for your mercy and for your Eucharist. In Jesus’ name, Father, I place myself entirely in your Heart. I surrender to you my whole self, my heart, my mind, my memory, my imagination, my will, my emotions, my passions, my body, my sexuality, my desire for human approval, my weaknesses, my desires, my sins.

I surrender every person in my life to you. I surrender every situation in my life to you. I surrender every relationship I am in to you. I surrender every concern I have to you. I surrender every fear I have to you. I surrender every doubt I have to you. I surrender all confusion I have to you. I surrender all sadness I am experiencing in my heart to you. I surrender all my wounds to you. I surrender all anxiety and worry I have to you. I surrender all that deceives me in my heart to you. I trust you to care for me and others in a perfectly loving way.

As I have emptied myself, and surrendered everything to you, I ask you now, Father, to fill me with your Holy Spirit and all the gifts and fruits of your Spirit.

Holy Spirit you are the source of love, hope, joy, peace, patience, goodness, gentleness, tenderness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control. Purify my desires.

Help me to open my heart to you. Help me to become perfectly receptive as a pure child. Help me to believe in your love for me. Help me to hope in your love. Help me to receive from the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus all grace and virtues necessary for me to become the person you created me to be. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your son, God Almighty Father.

O Most Holy Immaculate Virgin Mary. I entrust this prayer to your Heart, and ask you to press it to your wounded heart and intercede for me to your Son Jesus. Please help me to be as you are, a perfect disciple, an obedient servant, a true child of God. Amen🙏🏻




Get out from under your self centered, self righteousness. Jesus spoke of love and forgiveness; try to open your heart to what is different from what you know. You mention mercy but you end up ominously threatening “justice”. Not at all the open arms of love, not at all Christlike.
