Repentance is Part of the Gospel: The Mark Series part 5 (1:14-15)

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The first public message of Jesus is a condensed gospel message. I think that it boils down the gospel to certain essential truths that we need to be sharing when we evangelize. In particular we will look at the concept of repentance and how pervasive it is in gospel preaching in the New Testament. We'll answer some of the following questions.
1. Is calling people to repentance a normal part of gospel preaching?
2. Is repentance a work?
3. What is the biblical definition of the word "repent"?
4. Can Christians repent multiple times?

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Not watered down, not hyper inflated, pure unbiased biblical teaching that actually brings peace to the theological warfare that goes on in my brain. Thanks Mike


*Its crazy because now that I’m am born again my relationship with sin is totally different. Sin was second nature to me and I would find myself comfortable in my attitude towards sin. NOW The Holy Spirit convicts me and I can no longer be comfortable in sinning. My attitude is automatically repentance. It is shocking to me. That what we believe is actually true. The word of God is true. It still blows my mind!!!*


Spirit of God is so real. This message, like so many others in the past weeks and months, has come at the perfect time. Not too soon, not to late. Perfectly in time for when I or someone who comes my way needs it. It's amazing.


Cheers Winger another great talk. One of my best buds started following Christ recently after fifteen years of me and him talking. Watching your vids was part of it. I can't thank you enough. My good friend coming to Christ is one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I am married with two kids ha. It's definitely up there with those moments. Repentance is a beautiful thing, not a dirty word. I hope we never shy away from it. My son only has to say sorry and mean it and all is forgiven so I understand this perfectly well.


I think the confusion comes when repentance is taught as ' stop sinning ' before you can be saved. Then stop sinning to keep saved .


Mike still holding up as one of my favorite bible teachers. His sermons are so filled with a balance of grace & truth that I hardly ever start a video and not finish it.


17:32 Repent conversation starts
20:29 Is it necessary?
28:38 Is it a work?
31:38 What is the definition


THANK YOU for an amazingly good explanation of The Gospel and the role of both belief (i.e. faith) and repentance! When you expounded on the application of Luke 17:4 to us, that brought tears to my eyes of joy and thankfulness to Lord Jesus for His faithfulness to forgive. Having listened to arguments from both the free grace view and what's called the "Lordship salvation" view, along with a number of other variations- not to mention Calvinist and Armenian views- this was extremely helpful to me in clarifying and addressing questions I have wrestled with for a while now. When I think about my salvation experience at a young age, this helped remind me of and affirm the view I have long had about this topic. I do indeed believe Jesus is Lord God Who loves me so much He died on the cross and rose again to pay for the penalty of all my sins. I know that there is no good in me apart from Christ and that my sins make me deserving of Hell. I know that because of God's grace, He has offered me salvation from Hell and instead given me entry into the Heaven I don't deserve. I believe and put faith with all my heart, as best as I know how, in Jesus to save me and to help me live as He would want me to live. Thus, I repent of all my sins and trust that He has forgiven me of them and will continue to help sanctify me from them as The Holy Spirit dwells in me to guide me into all Truth. Though I know I still fall into sin so many times, I continue to repent each time and keep trusting in The Lord's forgiveness. No matter what my feelings may tell me, I trust that I am saved because of Christ's work on my behalf and my faith in Him, which I seek to live out through the good works He made me to do all along. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for the salvation I know I have by Your grace through faith, according to 1 John 5:13. Help me to live according to Your word. Forgive me of the sins I have done and help me to live as You do. I rest all my faith in Your grace that is greater than all my sins. Help me to let my light shine before men that they may see my good works and glorify my Father who is in Heaven. Thank You for Your amazing grace and salvation! All praise and glory to You alone always, Lord Jesus! Please bless Your servant Mike and his family as he does this important ministry.


God has been speaking with me about repentance for about 1 year. This talk is really helpful to me. I have of prayer and learning to do! And this talk has shown me how to get on that road! Thank you Pastor Mike!!!


💯 Praise God! This is a highly debated issue in the Christian community. Thank you!


I cannot say enough how blessed I am with this Mark verse by verse bible study series. Every line delivered in this message is brimming with the power of the Word of God. Indeed, Ptr. Mike teaches with the power of the Holy Spirit guiding him in all wisdom and truth, glory to God alone! The Lord bless Mike and his team in this ministry, their families and churches as well. You are all a great blessing in building up the body of Christ.


"There's no pushover version of Jesus" Thats the truth brotha!


I so appreciate you clarifying the meaning of and action needed to repent as I still struggle with sin. I am in the midst fighting off that sin which at this juncture still pulls at me to return, though I pray to Jesus and hold on to that with belief and faith which Pastor Mike is helping me with.There is a counter argument/opinion though that does confuse me and in that, as I'm a new Christian, am sending Bible Thinker Team said argument in hopes to clarify ...thanks Pastor Mike.


If you tarry till you’re better,
You will never come at all.
From the hymn Come Ye Sinners


I learned something here. I didn't know repentance was so unpopular as a topic for some preachers. It is actually one of the main things which attracted me back to Christianity.


You’ll notice how in Exodus 20, the Lord brings them out of Egypt and then says, “keep my commands”. He doesn’t say, “keep my commands and I’ll liberate you from Egypt. Likewise, Christ frees us from sin and death and then says, “keep my commands”. God does not change. We don’t do works to get saved, we do works because we are saved. Great video Mike!


I always wondered why Jesus preached this and what he meant by kingdom. I like Wayne Grudem’s definition of repentance. I can remember the times in my life where I have repented and I would describe it exactly as that, and God is faithful to help us move forward.


"I avoided terms like free grace because I don't want to associate... let's pray. Lord, thank you for your grace that is free"


I binged 6 videos of this series in a day. Very well made


Repenting in the context of belief and repenting in the context of sin are two completely different things. Repent and believe in Jesus means to repent of the belief you have now and believe in Jesus. To change your mind simply put..
