Is Gluttony a Sin? | What does the Bible say about Overeating? |

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Gluttony. What does the Bible say about overeating? Is gluttony a sin, one of the so called, seven sins? What is gluttony, the first deadly sin on the list of the 7 sins? If you’re asking the question, “ is eating too much a sin ” Pastor Nelson with Bible munch offers the answer in this video from the biblical perspective. So, what doe the Bible say about gluttony sin, watch this video to find out.

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I heard someone say recently that if something whispers “smoke me” “eat me” “drink me” and you continue to obey it, then that has become your Lord


This needs to preached in every You never hear this preached at Church:-(. This is a much needed video


Unfortunately, my family, even though they claim to love Jesus Lord, practice this and even claimed my father's life on July 4, it's a game to them and defend it fiercely, and I'm the bad guy here for telling it like it is yet... This definitely flys under the radar for everyone yet is a contributing factor to everyone that "loves food" too much... God have mercy...


Literrally me watching this while eating


Right. I don't drink or smoke, but here you are having a feast, and when you're done, you go in for leftovers like a pig. They think just because I don't do this sin, it's OK to do that sin. I eat enough to have energy to get by the day, and once in a while, I'll full up but I remain a thin athletic person because I don't over do it all the time, even if I did I wouldn't continue to do so because I don't want to feel like an animal.


So out of 613 commandments in the OT and new commands in the NT, none of them say overeating is a sin.
Its neither complimentary of it but why are we calling it a sin?
Lack of self control? Yes.
Unhealthy? Yes.
Bible looks down on it but stops short of calling it sin..


Does this mean that obese people are ‘living in sin’? Should churches allow for obese pastors?


Being overweight, myself included, often results from excessive calorie intake, which is governed by the laws of physics and is an undeniable fact. Does this mean we are all indulging in gluttony?


A Christian's body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. If we are gluttonous, we are destroying GOD'S temple. We are not our own, we have been bought at a price (Christ's blood)


What about eating one coarse a day is that consider gluttony?


How much is overeating also so I saw somewhere on google that people in the bible ate in the morning (9 am - 12 pm) and evening (6 pm - 9pm) so do I also have to eat twice a day at the morning and evening


What if I'm trying to get my calories up to build muscle for God, I'm asking fellow and I'm sick of it. I'm thinking of joining the army and SWAT when I'm out, and I have this strong desire or calling in me to protect. How can I do that if I'm not getting bigger, ya get what I'm saying. Like as much as I like to eat it sucks being full and let's say I add like two slices of bread to a meal of protein, isn't that a form of self control? I'm trying to grow my body for protection as for the help of others and I desire to glorify God with my body


Well i don't believe in the Christian religion myself, i do agree with many of the teachings of the bible.
I could see why pride, wrath, greed and lust are sins since these are cleary harmfull to others, but gluttony isn't.
But sins aren't just about doing harm to the world around you, they are also about harming yourself.
Like pride will give you a false sence of confidence without understanding your true meaning, thus ruining your true meaing. Lucifer was unable to except the true meaing God gave to him and created a false meaning for himself. Or how greed, wrath and lust will make people despise you and leave you with no one.😢


Oh no I'm on my third cake that feeds 8 also I am really huge right now I'm gonna pop urrghhh


It's just a misinterpretation; labeling it as a sin doesn't really add up. People who struggle with weight issues don't choose to be overweight and certainly don't find pleasure in it. In fact, some go to extreme lengths, spending significant amounts of money, to find ways to control their appetite or lose weight. Tragically, some even resort to dangerous drugs or, in the worst cases, take their own lives out of desperation. So, does it really make sense to classify this as gluttony?


So if I’ve already eaten 3 meals by 5pm, come 7, 8, 9, 10, and I’m feeling once more quite famished (high metabolic rate, underweight, currently underfed) I am not to feed myself because my apetite is raging for food? If i get hungry at ALL im going to make an effort to put food in my stomach because I desperately need that energy, i dont eat just to satiate and satisfy, but for some god given risen i burn through energy like all hell, but i realize cognitive processes also burn a fat portion of calories… and my secondary process thinking is practically alongside my primary (i use my intellect incessantly, comparably close to primary processing, a curse sometimes but I’ll take it over the blind faith that is christianity. I understand some things yall never will.) i will continue to shove every morsel presented on my plate down my gullet because it is there for my body to consume and repurpose, to allow me to continue forth.
