Everything about the disappearance and bones of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon in Panama

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In 2014 two girls decided to go visit Panama, but unfortunately, they never returned to their home country. Some strange things happened, weird pictures were found, some personal material and… bones. Today's case will talk about the disappearance of Dutch women Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon.

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If you're in a new country and someone you don't know is overly friendly or overly outgoing with you, be wary. Even if that person is from a tour agency, guide you're supposed to meet, a local contact, someone that supposedly works at the hotel you're staying at, security, police, etc etc etc.

If you instinctively feel uncomfortable or the situation feels off, turn away or exit yourself. Don't worry about offending someone.


I was in college with Lisanne’s brother when this happened. We weren’t friends or anything but I did know him and it was obviously the talk of the town for months when the girls went missing. It’s horrible to not have a clear story of what exactly happened. There’s so many theories but all of them have at least one fundamental flaw that just doesn’t seem te make sense. The case still haunts me to this very day.


Good job humanizing these girls. The first 6 minutes really creates a connection.


Too many people that were connected wound up deceased...def foul play and i pray for the girls and their families. You did a good job on this and kept it respectful. New sub.


This was the best retelling of their case ive heard, and ive watched all the videos. Incredible job!!


No matter what actually happened to them it must have been terrifying. How sad for their families that they can never really know what the girls went through. I hope that some day they get the answers they need.


I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but too scared to fly? As a mom of 8, I'd do anything, literally ANYTHING for my kids. I'd overcome any fear if I thought any of my kids were in danger. I understand that the brother went instead, but seriously?!


My theory on what happened to Kris and Lisanne is this. The girls met with Henry Gonzalez stepson of Felicano and some of his friends earlier in the day, or the day before. When the girls came back down from the El Pianista trail ( which by the way is a well known drug trafficking trail) lots of drugs and dealers in Boqeute, the girls met up with Henry Gonzalez and his gang and went with them to swim in the Caldera hot springs that's where the photo was taken. Henry Gonzalez made a play for one of the girls I believe it was Lisanne, and she refused his advances, and Kris tried to protect Lisanne but the Henry and the others took them to a hideout and kept them there where the girls were se abused, Kris fought back and was hit in the head or in the jaw, she was killed before Lisanne, then when they had no further use for Lisanne she to was killed, they were both dismembered and the bones were buried, they had tried to dissolve some of the bones, and later on they planted a few of the bones so they could be found, and it would look like the girls got lost and died in the jungle. Henry Gonzalez is the only remaining member of the gang, the others including the taxi driver who dropped them off at the start of the trail died in mysterious circumstances, and 1 of the gang so say was a victim of a hit and run, but was repeatedly run over by the vehicle. They were basically silenced on the orders of Henry Gonzalez because he believed they would talk. It is believed that one of the gang refused to take part in the killing of the girls, and I think he was the first to die. Felicano knows what happened to Kris and Lisanne, but he is covering up for Henry, on the trail with Kris's parents he is heard and seen on camera telling one of the other guides to keep quiet and say nothing. I believe this was planned before the girls got to Boqeute, and that's the reason why they were turned away by the school. Miriam was friends with Felicano Gonzalez, so he would have known that the girls were coming to volunteer at school. Put another way, what Felicano doesn't know about Boqeute isn't worth knowing. And let's not forget 29 year old Alex Humphrey who went backpacking in Boqeute in August 2009 and checked into a hostel and has never been seen since, and no trace of belongings or bones have ever been found. Its like he vanished into thin air. 🙏🙏🙏


The taxi driver obviously knew something, claimed he took them up there around 1:45 pm, straight away I thought that was too late to be undertaking such a hike, four hours minimum up and down, then the photos prove they were actually there 11:30 am, which makes more sense, then he ends up dead. Very obvious.

And I had never seen or knew about the image in the water with those two lads, and with the connections you described between the people and the areas and the sons persuasion towards foreign women I think it's pretty clear what happened. Poor girls.


Jesus... Hearing Lisanne's diary entry of wanting to go home only to meet an unfair, and horrific end is beyond devastating😢


what never ceases to amaze me about these herrendous events are the amount of women hikers, backpackers tourists that are murdered worldwide from Panama to down under in Australia and New Zealand


I've watched so many videos on this case... either there was a recent dump of new info or this channel did amazing showing/telling SO MANY photos/details i had never heard before! Wow.


Guide F is Feliciano. Not sure why you are censoring his name but everybody knows that guy.
Also, he was alone in the girls' room, probably trying to make sure his son wasn't conected to the kidnap.
That guy is also known to harass female tourists in the area.


The best and most thorough documentary I've seen so far about this case. Great job! 👏🏻


Many people know what happened but it is Panama and a small community. They will never speak. Those girls were murdered and various people were involved. May God damn those covering evil up.


So so tragic, these poor beautiful girls. This was the best video on their case I’ve ever seen . So much footage I’ve never seen ❤


It is a very strange case, still looking for news updates every now and then. Think you made the best video so far. Great job!!


My theory after spending hours and hours of watching videos about this case is this: They went to the top of the hill, then returned back to the village. People that saw them claimed it was later in the day and it would be possible to climb the hill and come back just in the time to be spotted by locals on their way back. Some even say they were taken by a car by some local guys. Those local guys? The son of guide F and his friends. They took the girls to the waterfalls since they were interested in seeing them and we can also see proof of that on the photo from the Gonzales' phone. Two guys from the gang (later found dead) and two women: one redhead, the other, although in the water with just her head and torso sticking out, clearly taller than the other woman. Froon was 184 cm tall, how many women in Panama and so white-skinned do you see in Panama regularly? not many. I am convinced they are in that photo. Later they tried to harvest their organs or kill them, we will probably never know, but that is when the girls tried to run away, or at least one of them managed to. All alone in the forest, not knowing the road back to the village, they/she was using the camera to light the way in front of her while being followed. Maybe it was both of them, maybe they left both phones in one backpack that only one of them now had with her and was trying to call 911....she later gets caught, killed...her personal belongings were looked through and they found an incriminating photo so they connected the phone to the pc and deleted it. That's why so many fingerprints have been found on the phone and other stuff. Later when the case got a huge press coverage some of the guys from the gang started backing out, being suspicious and guide F and his son were afraid they might tell something so they killed all the witnesses. This is the theory that makes the most sense to me.


Such a sad story. But the naivety of those girls is breathtaking. Alone in a southern american country with no knowledge of the Language they hiked alone into the jungle with one bottle of water. I do a lot of hiking and I cannot believe they did that…but so so sad….😢


Its was the psychopathic son of Feliciano the guide who has also now been killed. Felicianos son and his gang friends picked the girls up after they got back from the Pianista trail. They were brought to a Party house near Bouqete abused and then murdered. Many of the gang members involved were subsequently killled after the event by either the Authorities or On orders of senior gang leaders. There is no mystery here its all just been covered up by the Panama authorities. RIP to those girls
