The Midnight - Sunset (Official Audio)

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My mom used to call the 80s sound a "far away" sound. I feel it. I lived it too and she was right. 80s vibe is like double nostalgia. The best drug.


This band makes me feel nostalgic about an era I haven't even lived.


Despite all the miseries of modern life, I am glad that we live in an age where we have music like this to soothe our souls.


Listening to Midnight is like getting rid of a longing I didn't even knew I had. I love you guys!


I've probably heard this 500 times now 😁


Who ever is listening to this song right now. Your music taste is great


This is a perfect song to drive all night and just watch the lights pass by


Faked our deaths
Lit a match
Closed the door
Waited for the flash
Greyhound Station
we paid in cash
Miss Lazarus, we're coming back
They say it's darkest before the dawn
We've been in this town for far too long
They say it's darkest before the dawn
We're moving on
No regrets
First chance last dance
Stuck in the middle
Even bad girls know good love
You taste so sweet it hurts a little
Make our home
Where we stand
One suitcase
And half a plan
Follow the wolves
And sing along
Past the voices
To the Song


The Midnight should totally open a pub/lounge on Miami Beach and just have the sign of the pub be exactly their logo, and the pub playing all their songs on a loop and serving cocktails glistening in the sun setting in the distance.
Both the pub would be a hit and amazing publicity for the band itself (for the few pour souls who have yet to discover them!)

Any investors around ? I'll propose the idea to The Midnight :p


I was born in early 80s and definately grew up listening to 80s songs. The Midnight brings that nostalgic feeling to me whenever I listen to them. Sunset is one of my favorite songs and I play it on a daily basis until it too became on of my daughter's fav tune (she is 9). We get to enjoy The Midnight together now. 😍


80s is really a great time. I love the vibes and memories.


Love the guitar solo! I remember playing this in the car while on the open highway. Couldn't be more perfect


I arrived on this planet what felt like yesterday. My childhood was filled with amazement and questions. It was good but I missed my dad so much, I had great experiences as a kid but always waited for those few days when I’d see my dad. When i did, they were the best times.

Gran made my favourite pasta and I’d sometimes get caught playing with oupa’s pipe. She recorded cartoons on a video tape and I’d watch them when I slept over. They were married for more than 60 years, I thought I’d grow up like them.

In my teen years I lived with passion and excitement. I had dreams and a belief in myself. No one could stop me and I always knew one day I’d have a family. The future was full of possibilities and I imagined the experiences I was going to have. My dad lived far so he wasn’t around much, but when I saw him I knew he was proud.

High school was great, I made friends and we looked out for each other. We promised to stay in touch but it doesn’t always work out. We left and went our separate ways wishing each other the best. Some made it and some didn’t.

I turned 20 and I fell in love. I made my first memories. What it must feel like to become a man, making love and meeting the woman of my dreams. She’d have my children one day and we planned a future together. We dreamed and talked for hours about what it could be like.

For a little while we had something and in the moments I knew this was it. It was actually happening. Life was never the same after she left at 22. I felt my first heart break. She was not the one.

Today I look onwards to purpose, don’t give up on what you are born for. Fight for it because something of high worth never comes easy. Don’t die with dreams, die with memories of living those dreams.


I swear I listen to this band at least 20 times a day, no matter the soundtrack. Thank you guys for creating such a magical songs for all of us.


I just discovered this song and I am instantly obsessed with it. It sounds like something from a lost 80's Teen Movie. This is just fantastic.


A totally nostalgic 80s tune. I can't stop listening to it and I'm so happy.


It's 2:33 am and my toes are still wiggling, vibing to this song. It's been quite a long time since I last listen to The Midnight's songs. Their songs never fail to make me feel something 💯


I'm absolutely addicted to this song! ❤❤❤


i was born in 86 but I watched the 80s content in the 90's when I was growing its glued to my head like Nostalgia...I feel emotional


I was born in 1975, lived through the end of the disco era and grew up during the 80s. That was a beautiful decade through music, television, fashion was hit or miss, but colorful, big hair, lol. It was a decade with not too much to worry about. Everything was carefree, nothing like the mess we're living through now.
