Ex-Husband and Mother's Arrival Ignites Conflict with Divorced Wife During Kitchen Build

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"Welcome to the Doo Channel! Join us as we dive into the captivating tale of Perry, the divorced wife, facing a brewing storm when her ex-husband and mother make a surprise entrance during the kitchen construction. Discover the intriguing dynamics at play as Mr. Rahmat and his wife step in to mediate the conflict, leading to a fascinating journey of resolution and teamwork in building the kitchen. Stay tuned for an unforgettable story filled with twists, drama, and heartwarming moments!"


#plerd#peren#resilience #nomadicfather # #HeartwarmingJourney #InspiringStory
#VulnerableYetStrong #AbuseSurvivor
#BuildingStrength #SupportSystem
#SafeHaven #TriumphOfLove
#CourageAndHope #EmpowermentInAdversity
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Es un bruto ese hombre y así quiere dice que regresa con la mujer para qué para que le dé mala vida a la mujer la mujer no es una moda mira cómo llega a la casa ajena y la trata imagínate que viva con ella por favor y él no le hace caso a la mamá qué le hace caso a la mamá si él es un animal


Perry just like how you set boundaries to protect your babies..make a physical boundary..so that no one from outside can enter your premises.like a gate or wall or something..and a gate wuth a lock.This ex will keep coming.si something has to ve done to prevent him from coming..dont you think??


That poor baby. That grandmother was very rough the way she was handling her. She showed no love 😡


Не которые плитки сломаны.Так дети на них прыгали.Учитель не пришел устал от детей.


Como uma velha caindo aos pedaços vai cuidar de gêmeos com problemas de saúde e com um filho inrresponsavel ladrão e usuário de de drogas?
Ela tem que procurar a justiça por que vai ser este inferno assistir este vídeo. Perry vá buscar ajuda judiciária determinar limites a este infeliz, você é divorciada não tem interesse nele resolva este problemas isto muito ruim para Marzier é seus e os seus também.
Um abraço do Brasil ❤❤


Перри, не опускай руки и не склоняй голову! Больному наркоманией и его больной матери нельзя отдавать детей. Ты Перри за год два дома построила, сколько пристроек, сколько блоков бетонных, раствора натаскала будучи беременной. А думают они где растить детей, если заберут? В горах, в пещере или в землянке? Ты немного потерпи, повоюй за детей, не расслабляйся. Береги себя, Перри, и своих малышей. Это и есть твоя семья. А у бывшего мужа нет семьи, вот и ходит как собака побитая, рычит и кусает тебя побольней. Не сдавайся!


I knew they were going to run the teacher away with all those kids in the work place.Artin broke one of the tiles as i know of.Thats why they can't keep helpers, why should they come to do a job and end up baby sitting hard headed children?


Sr.Ramat fabrique un portón en la entrada de su terreno para que no pase persona sin su permiso...y esa abuela no tiene derecho de sus nietos..porque desde que estoy viendo su canal por youtube, nunca la habia visto y es mala igual que su hijo...tienen ustedes que hacer algo con esa situación..espero lean este mensaje..❤❤❤


Почему должна была Перри идти в больницу до свекрови они ей никто, они же разведены, пришли вдвоём качать права, да ещё и обвиняет Рахмата, что это он разрушил его жизнь, мы все помним, что Рахмат появился когда тебя там и близко не было


My blood boiled I respect older people.... let me tell you if anyone tries to take my baby, even mother in law all respect will be she will be going to the she and her son. She does not know what happend. Now she uses her age to think she can come and do what she wants.😂😂. No no no. I pray the house will be finish quick and everyone can be safe and warm. And off cause a big must for high walls and high gates. RESPECT GOES BOTH WAYS....AGE DOES NOT MATTER.


Why don't you lay a charge against him an his mother.
So when he wants to lay a charge u have already done. His evil if his so disrespectful to u his not any better with his mother. She sees what his doing to u an say nothing. Please lay that charge.
How many people live in your country in worse conditions.


Los abuelos no tienen ningún derecho de decidir por los nietos solo la madre porque ni siquiera el según llamado el mal padre tiene derecho porque lo único que el ha hecho fue divirtiese en el momento del sexo desde ahí sólo lo que el hizo fue ir y tirarla a Perry y a Artin en el desierto 🏜 para irse a casar con otra mujer el es un monstruo 👿


페리전 남편 시어머니 힘들때는 들여다보지도 안더니 왜 이제와서 시엄씨 지랄이야 그 씨엄씨에 그 아들이다


Они разведены, у него вторая жена есть, что они лезут к Пери, пришла под названием бабушка, гнать их в три шеи надо, замучил ее этот теперь уже чужой мужчина, не добрые люди


Mr Rahmart should stop being soft and keep these people off his property I don’t like him not doing anything to help Peri.


Please don't allow children to be in a construction site. If pregnant Marjan doesn't work, she can babysit an keep them away from construction, it can be dangerous, you never discipline the children, that's crazy.


Perry get court order to stop ur ex.keep annoying. U
Rajmat kick that evil man out perry's ex.hes evil n annoying no respect n evil.mother inlaw


Рахмат и Марзия молодцы не в обиду Перри этим мерзавцам, бабушка столько лет прожила ни стыда и совести нет, вот как позволяет сыну наглет.Вторая жена пусть рожает ей внучк


Please operator help mr Rhamat finish the wall and put a gate with locker so that the Satan ex husband can not enter the house !


The father and mother of arid should spend more time teaching him how to behave, and not to snatch thing out of there hands, and if they can't they need to put him where they will teach him, i know he has mental issues but he can be taught and it would be better for him to learn because Mom and Dad may not always be there then he would really be lost Peri i though you did good handling the jerks mother, she wasn't able to xare for two infants.love y'all take care and be safe.
