Measuring Resistance with a Digital Multimeter

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Here’s how you can measure resistance:
1. Connect the black probe to the common (COM) jack on the multimeter. Plug the red probe into the jack labeled as AC voltage or ohms. It may also be labeled VΩmA, VΩ or V (for voltage).
2. Set your multimeter to the ohm meter function (Ω). Some multimeters will automatically adjust resistance measurement settings while other meters may require you to choose from a range of high or low resistance settings. You want to select the setting that is closest to what you believe you are measuring. If you’re not sure of your range, start measuring around 200 ohms or higher.
3. Isolate the part of the circuit you wish to test. Touch the probes to either side of the item you’re testing. Positive and negative doesn’t matter in this situation.
4. If a number does not display right away, adjust the ohm range on your multimeter gradually. The “0”, “1”, or “OL” on a digital multimeter display will change to a number. If you’re not getting a proper reading, turn down the multimeter range. A high setting won’t pick up low ohms.
1. Connect the black probe to the common (COM) jack on the multimeter. Plug the red probe into the jack labeled as AC voltage or ohms. It may also be labeled VΩmA, VΩ or V (for voltage).
2. Set your multimeter to the ohm meter function (Ω). Some multimeters will automatically adjust resistance measurement settings while other meters may require you to choose from a range of high or low resistance settings. You want to select the setting that is closest to what you believe you are measuring. If you’re not sure of your range, start measuring around 200 ohms or higher.
3. Isolate the part of the circuit you wish to test. Touch the probes to either side of the item you’re testing. Positive and negative doesn’t matter in this situation.
4. If a number does not display right away, adjust the ohm range on your multimeter gradually. The “0”, “1”, or “OL” on a digital multimeter display will change to a number. If you’re not getting a proper reading, turn down the multimeter range. A high setting won’t pick up low ohms.
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