SKILLSHARE CLASS TRAILER -- Finding Inspiration and Motivation For Beginning Artists

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This class is for all my fellow "figure it out along the way" artists and creatives. If you know you want to MAKE, and you have that creative impulse, but don't know where to put it, I FEEL YOU and I made this class for you! It's everything I would have said to myself 10 years ago.
Inspiration is absolutely crucial in art making (especially for beginners), but finding what truly inspires and motivates you isn’t always easy or intuitive. Some creative-types have a natural sense of direction and inspiration from the start, some have to figure it out as they go.
If you’re the second type, you might struggle with:
UNCERTAINTY — feeling a strong creative impulse, but not knowing what to do with it or where to start
FRUSTRATION — experimenting regularly, but always feeling disappointed and frustrated with the outcome
DE-MOTIVATION — struggling with motivation and frequently leaving projects unfinished; Frequently experiencing “art block”
LACK OF SKILL — try to draw, but feel frustrated and unhappy with what you make; skill level doesn’t match idea level
Sound familiar?
If so, these feelings are normal, and do not mean that you should stop trying to make art! You just need to find out what truly inspires and motivates you. So, in this class we’ll talk through a 4 phase process for exploring and discerning artistic direction, and unearthing your deep inspirations. We’ll approach the problem like scientists and break it down step by step:
1. Observe our unique surroundings and constraints
2. Gather data to find out what motivates us
3. Test our hypothesis
4. Make a prototype creative project
Eventually you’ll discover what deeply motivates you, and plan out a creative project based on that inspiration.